Trade monitoring
Examen statistique du commerce mondial 2021
« L’Examen statistique du commerce mondial » étudie les évolutions récentes du commerce mondial et examine en profondeur les échanges et qui sont les acteurs importants. Les chapitres analytiques sont complétés par plus de 60 tableaux qui détaillent les marchandises et services échangés et les principaux exportateurs et importateurs.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Nicaragua 2021
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Nicaragua.
Trade Policy Review: Indonesia 2020
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Indonesia.
Perfies comerciales 2021
La publicación Perfiles comerciales 2021 presenta una serie de indicadores clave sobre el comercio de mercancías y de servicios de 197 economías. En el caso del comercio de mercancías se indican las principales exportaciones e importaciones de productos agropecuarios y productos no agrícolas así como los principales orígenes y destinos de esos productos. En el caso del comercio de servicios se hace un desglose detallado por servicios de transporte viajes y otros servicios comerciales. La publicación contiene asimismo estadísticas sobre propiedad intelectual. Se ofrece información respecto de todos los Miembros y observadores de la OMC y de otras economías. Los datos de cada economía se presentan en un práctico formato de dos páginas lo que proporciona un panorama sucinto del comercio mundial. La publicación es un instrumento de referencia imprescindible para todo aquel que necesite consultar estadísticas comerciales básicas.
Profils Commerciaux 2021
Les Profils commerciaux 2021 fournissent une série d’indicateurs clés sur le commerce des marchandises et des services de 197 économies. Concernant le commerce des marchandises les principales exportations et importations de produits agricoles et non agricoles sont répertoriées avec les principales origines et destinations de ces produits. Concernant le commerce des services une ventilation détaillée est donnée pour les services de transport les services relatifs aux voyages et d’autres services commerciaux. La publication contient également des statistiques sur la propriété intellectuelle. Les informations sont disponibles pour tous les Membres de l’OMC et les observateurs et pour certaines autres économies. Par souci de commodité les données pour chaque économie sont présentées sur deux pages ce qui permet d’avoir un aperçu rapide du commerce mondial. La publication est un précieux outil de référence pour tous ceux qui ont besoin de statistiques commerciales de base.
Rapport annuel 2021
Le Rapport annuel 2021 offre un compte rendu complet des activités menées par l'OMC en 2020 et au début de 2021. Il commence par un message de la Directrice générale de l'Organisation Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala et par un bref aperçu de l'année écoulée. Il donne ensuite une description détaillée des principaux domaines d'activité de l'OMC. Des gros plans sont faits sur le processus de sélection du Directeur général la COVID-19 et le commerce mondial et le 25ème anniversaire de l'OMC.
Informe anual 2021
El Informe Anual 2021 contiene una exposición completa de las actividades realizadas por la OMC en 2020 y principios de 2021. El Informe comienza con un mensaje de la Directora General de la Organización Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala y un resumen del año anterior. Posteriormente se hace un análisis más profundo de las actividades llevadas a cabo en las principales esferas de la OMC. También se destacan el proceso de selección de la Directora General la COVID-19 y el comercio mundial y el 25º aniversario de la Organización.
Trade Policy Review: Mongolia 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mongolia.
Trade Policy Review: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Trade Policy Review: Kyrgyz Republic 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Kyrgyz Republic.
Trade Policy Review: India 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of India.
Trade Policy Review: Viet Nam 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Viet Nam.
Trade Policy Review: Tonga 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Tonga.
Trade Policy Review: Nicaragua 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Nicaragua.
Trade Policy Review: Myanmar 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Myanmar.
Trade Policy Review: Qatar 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Qatar.
Trade Policy Review: Singapore 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Singapore.
Trade Policy Review: Argentina 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Argentina.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Argentina 2021
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Argentina.
Trade Policy Review: Guyana 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Guyana.