Trade monitoring
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment - Annual Report by the Director-General (2010)
Lamy cites need for “increased vigilance” to three potential dangers facing world trade: Director-General Pascal Lamy in his annual report to WTO members on developments in the international trading environment published on 24 November 2010 called for increased vigilance by members to three potential dangers the first regarding “an increase in protectionist pressures generated by global imbalances at a time when the political consensus in favour of open trade and investment is already under strain from stubbornly high levels of unemployment in many countries”. He also cited “the danger of a steady accumulation over time of measures that restrict or distort trade and investment” and “the challenge of managing the trade and investment impacts of stimulus and bail-out measures taken in response to the crisis”.
Trade Policy Review: Israel 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Israel.
International Trade Statistics 2008
International Trade Statistics 2008 offers a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in world trade covering the details of merchandise trade by product and trade in commercial services by category. Each chapter is introduced by a highlights section that identifies the most salient trends in the data and illustrates them with numerous charts and maps. There is also a methodological chapter that explains essential concepts and definitions used in compiling the statistics and an appendix with detailed data on trade by region through 2007. This year’s edition expands the coverage of merchandise trade including new tables on exports and imports of food and fuels by selected economies. With these additions International Trade Statistics 2008 will continue to serve as an invaluable reference for researchers policy makers and anyone interested in international trade.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004 comienza con una breve discusión sobre cómo se emplea el concepto de coherencia en el análisis de políticas interdependientes en una amplia gama de asuntos y actividades económicas.
Profils Commerciaux 2016
Les Profils commerciaux 2016 fournissent une série d'indicateurs clés sur le commerce des marchandises et des services de 195 économies. For each economy the data is presented in a handy two-page format providing a concise overview of global trade.
Examen des politiques commerciales : Union européenne 2020
“Les examens des politiques commerciales” analysent les politiques et pratiques commerciales de chaque Membre de l’OMC. Les examens comprennent trois grandes parties: un rapport indépendant établi par le Secrétariat de l’OMC un rapport établi par le gouvernement et les remarques finales formulées par le Président de l’Organe d’examen des politiques commerciales de l’OMC. La première section- “Principales données sur le commerce” - donne un aperçu visuel des principales exportations/importations du Membre de l’OMC considéré des principales destinations de ses exportations des origines de ses importations et d’autres données clés. La présente édition examine les pratiques commerciales de l’Union européenne.
Estadísticas del Comercio Internacional 2015
La publicación Estadísticas del comercio internacional 2015 ofrece un panorama completo de la evolución más reciente en la esfera del comercio mundial e incluye detalles del comercio de mercancías por productos y del comercio de servicios comerciales por categorías.
International Trade Statistics 2013
International Trade Statistics 2013 provides a detailed overview of developments in world trade up to the end of 2012 covering both merchandise and services trade as well as trade measured in value-added terms.
Trade Policy Review: Hong Kong, China 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Hong Kong China.
Trade Policy Review: Suriname 2019
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Suriname.
Trade Policy Review: Republic of Korea 2008
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Korea.
Rapport Annuel 2005
Le Rapport annuel de l'OMC traite des activités courantes de l'Organisation et donne des renseignement sur sa structure son personnel et de son budget actuel. Il est publié au premier semestre de chaque année.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Costa Rica 2019
En los “Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales” se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Costa Rica.
Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2020
El Examen estadístico del comercio mundial estudia los acontecimientos más recientes que se han producido en el comercio mundial y analiza detalladamente las últimas tendencias del comercio de mercancías y servicios. En él también se analiza la participación de las economías en desarrollo en el comercio mundial y la evolución reciente de las políticas comerciales. Los capítulos analíticos se complementan con un apéndice estadístico que incluye más de 60 cuadros con datos globales sobre diversos aspectos del comercio mundial de mercancías y servicios.
Annual Report 2008
The 2008 Annual Report of the WTO focuses on the activities of the organization in 2007 and details its current structure staff and budget. Includes detailed progress reports on various aspects of the Doha negotiations and an overview of some of the main developments within the WTO.
Rapport Annuel 2010
Le Rapport annuel 2010 de l'OMC propose une brève présentation de l'Organisation et un examen détaillé de ses activités en 2009. Il contient aussi un message personnel du Directeur général qui passe en revue les événements survenus en 2009 l'impact de la crise financière et les défis futurs.
Rapport Annuel 1999
Le Rapport annuel de l'OMC se concentre sur les activités régulières de l'organisation et détaille sa structure actuelle incluant le personnel et le budget.
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment - Annual Report by the Director-General (2019)
The Director-General’s annual overview of trade-related developments discussed on 12 December at a meeting of the Trade Policy Review Body shows that trade restrictions by WTO members continue at historically high levels. Between mid-October 2018 and mid-October 2019 the trade coverage of import-restrictive measures implemented by members was estimated at USD 747 billion. This is the highest trade coverage recorded since October 2012 and represents an increase of 27% compared to the figure recorded in the previous annual overview (USD 588 billion). The report notes that new trade restrictions and increasing trade tensions added to the uncertainty surrounding international trade and the world economy.
Informe Anual 1998
El Informe anual de la OMC se centra en las actividades ordinarias de la organización y los detalles de su estructura personal y presupuesto actuales.
Trade Policy Review: Malaysia 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Malaysia.