Intellectual property
Negotiating for Switzerland
Learning is a continuing process in one’s life. Some lessons are well archived on our “personal hard disk” with learning by doing being the most efficient method of saving those lessons. Negotiating the TRIPS Agreement was “unforgettable” to cite a famous American TV series. Indeed it is one of the most well-archived and prominent learning experiences of my career. Having been born and grown up in a developing country namely Viet Nam (south) with its realities printed in my DNA I came a long way eventually working at representing a small developed country. Switzerland which is characterized by an economy based on free enterprise innovation and exports of manufactured goods and services as well as by a compromise-oriented “culture” in terms of policy law-making and negotiating set the stage for this learning experience in the field of IP prior during and after the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT.
This publication is the product of extensive collaboration between the WHO WIPO and WTO Secretariats led by the Department of Public Health Innovation and Intellectual Property in the WHO the Global Challenges Division in WIPO and the Intellectual Property Government Procurement and Competition Division in the WTO.
Un mundo de oportunidades ... y de retos
En 2017 el Parlamento Europeo publicó una investigación en la que se afirmaba que las cadenas de bloques podían "cambiarnos la vida" (Boucher 2017). Lo que demuestran las varias aplicaciones de la cadena de bloques que se están desarrollando en esferas tan diversas como la financiación del comercio la facilitación del comercio el comercio de servicios la propiedad intelectual y la contratación pública es que esta tecnología puede tener repercusiones considerables tanto en los comerciantes como en los organismos públicos que participan en el comercio internacional. Las oportunidades tienen muchas facetas pero solo se harán realidad si se resuelven varios retos fundamentales.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the key features of the provisions of Part III Sections 1 to 5 of the TRIPS Agreement entitled ‘Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights’. This Part of the Agreement elaborates in 21 articles the enforcement procedures that members have to make available to permit prompt and effective action against infringements of IPRs covered by the TRIPS Agreement.
Intellectual property, trade and other policy dimensions
This section provides an overview of elements and legal and policy instruments relating to the IP and international trade system which are relevant to medical innovation and access to medical technologies at the international level.
Can Blockchain revolutionize international trade?
The number of headlines claiming that Blockchain can revolutionize various areas of international trade from trade finance to customs procedures and intellectual property are legion. The transparent decentralized and immutable nature of Blockchain has sparked the interest of private actors – and governments – to explore the potential of this technology to enhance the efficiency of trade processes and a myriad of proofs of concepts and pilot projects using Blockchain have been developed in virtually all areas of international trade.
Economics of innovation and access to medical technologies
The past decade has seen more systematic efforts to use the tools of economic analysis to support discussions on health policy particularly in developing economies. The WHO Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (WHO 2001a) was a major milestone along this road. The present study does not attempt to advance economic analysis and the theoretical understanding of the economics of technology innovation and access issues. Rather it recognizes the growing importance of economic concepts in policy debate and it briefly reviews the main economic concepts and the current body of literature dealing with the IP aspects of these issues.
Quiero expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento a mi colega la Sra. Kenza Le Mentec por sus valiosas orientaciones. Kenza me dio a conocer el tema e hizo importantes aportaciones en particular para las secciones técnicas en que se describe la tecnología y para la dedicada a la facilitación del comercio. Esta publicación no hubiera sido posible sin su apoyo.
El mundo está en continuo proceso de cambio impulsado por innovaciones tecnológicas que afectan la forma en que vivimos y hacemos negocios. La historia de la economía mundial está íntimamente ligada al progreso tecnológico. La máquina de vapor facilitó la mecanización de la producción el descubrimiento de electricidad permitió la producción en masa y la aparición de Internet permitió coordinar a distancia las diversas fases de producción lo que llevó a una fragmentación de la producción que dio origen a cadenas de valor mundiales.
A dramatic impact on health systems and responses at the global level
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic constitutes an extraordinary global public health crisis. It has created a pressing need for intensified global cooperation. The pandemic has from its outset raised issues at the crossroads of public health trade intellectual property (IP) policy and the framework for and management of innovation and access including issues related to technology transfer.
Réponses sous la forme de réglementations
L’évaluation réglementaire et l’approbation des technologies de la santé sont essentielles dans tout système de santé pour garantir la qualité la sécurité et l’efficacité des produits. Aucun traitement efficace contre la COVID-19 n’a encore été trouvé. Des essais cliniques sont en cours concernant de nouveaux traitements ainsi que des médicaments affectés à un nouvel usage. Un « usage compassionnel » des médicaments (c’est-à-dire une utilisation clinique avant approbation) a lieu dans des cas spécifiques.