Agriculture food and safety
Leveraging Global Partnerships to Implement the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies
The WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies aims to enhance the sustainability of fisheries resources by prohibiting some of the most harmful types of fisheries subsidies. Implementation of the Agreement will enhance fisheries sustainability which in turn will make an important contribution to strengthening global food security. This report highlights the importance of international collaboration in assisting developing and least developed country (LDC) members in overcoming the challenges associated with implementing the Agreement.
Illicit trade in food and food fraud
International trade in food has helped to reduce global poverty and hunger. However illicit trade in food and food fraud undermine the global food system and endanger public health. This publication looks into the challenges of combating illicit practices such as smuggling and counterfeiting. Contributors examine the topic from a variety of perspectives discussing how best to address illegal food trade and the role the WTO could play.
This publication is the first WTO publication on illicit trade in food and food fraud. It includes contributions from participants in the WTO’s Annual Agriculture Symposium held on 11 and 12 December 2023 which explored this topic. The Symposium was organized by the Agriculture and Commodities Division with the cooperation of the Office of the Deputy Director-General Jean-Marie Paugam.
Protecting the international food supply chain from fraud
Global trade has both brought significant benefits to reducing hunger around the world but it has also increased the complexity of the food supply chain. This complexity is a strong enabler for food fraud. The more links across the supply chain and the longer the distance between where food is originally grown or produced and finally consumed provides opportunities for fraudsters to act for their benefit. The role of the WTO is fundamental in helping to reduce fraud. The WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement and the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) sit at the heart of global trade in food and help along with other international agreements standards and enforcement bodies strengthen our global food supply while reducing cross-border food fraud activity. This chapter argues that it is very important for all stakeholders of the food system to work together to keep the system resilient and safe from fraudulent activity with the final responsibility for keeping consumers safe ultimately resting with the food producer.
A snapshot of illegal practices in the trade in seeds and associated challenges
Seed is the most important input in crop production. Reliable high-quality seeds are vital to agriculture and the food supply chain. High-quality seeds enable farmers to boost crop productivity improve livelihoods and feed a growing world population. In recent years there has been an increase in illegal seed practices. Many of these practices constitute a violation of intellectual property rights such as trademark infringements including the production of counterfeit seeds the illegal reproduction of seeds in violation of a plant breeder’s right (PBR) and the theft of proprietary material. This chapter demonstrates through three case studies the impact of illegal practices on breeders farmers consumers the seed value chain and the entire agricultural production process. It highlights the need for cooperation among all actors involved in the global seed supply chain emphasizing the crucial role that must be played by regulatory authorities at the national regional and international levels and the actions required to better combat illegal seed practices in future.
Addressing illicit trade in food and food fraud
The WTO rulebook can be used by members in the fight against illicit trade in food and food fraud in particular the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) and the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT Agreement). This chapter explores the various definitions of food fraud providing an overview of the main food products that have been the target of fraud and the most notable incidents that have arisen over the past two decades. Building on the outcomes of the WTO’s Annual Agriculture Symposium in December 2023 dedicated to this topic the chapter asks whether it is time for a more explicit conversation at the WTO.
Mapping the negative impacts of illicit trade in agri-food and beverages against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Agriculture forestry and fishing contributed 4.3 per cent of global GDP in 2022 and account for large shares of the GDP for developing economies. A healthy agricultural sector is vital to eradicating hunger and poverty. Illicit trade in agri-food and beverages in its various manifestations undermines sustainable farming limits crop yields and jeopardizes the delivery of fair safe and sustainable food supplies. This chapter examines how this form of illicit activity threatens the achievement of 11 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Examples from illicit trade in food commodities processed foods and pesticides demonstrate how fraud and failures in the food supply chain hinder progress on the vital goals to eradicate hunger and poverty improve health and well-being strengthen consumers’ ability to make educated and eco-friendly decisions and generate sustainable economic growth.
The WTO has long been committed to the fight against illicit trade which undermines legitimate business activity fosters corruption and denies governments potential tax revenue needed to improve socioeconomic conditions. Under the leadership of Director-General Okonjo-Iweala the WTO Secretariat has been examining how WTO rules help members to resolve some of the challenges posed by such illicit trade.
Bringing criminal justice to illicit trade in food and food fraud
This chapter presents an overview of food fraud cases through a criminal justice lens primarily focusing on the varied tactics employed by criminals to infiltrate the legitimate food supply chain and market fraudulent food products to unsuspecting consumers. These deceptive practices typically involve the manipulation of legal entities and operations. Our findings emphasize the need for a multifaceted criminal justice response one that considers the complex operations of these criminals to devise effective countermeasures. The role of emerging technologies in facilitating law enforcement investigations is also highlighted underscoring their potential to support successful criminal investigations and prosecutions.
WTO rulebook and combating illicit trade in food and food fraud
As the only global organization dealing with the rules of international trade the WTO has a key role to play in members’ efforts to tackle illicit agri-food trade through its rules and institutional framework. Specifically the WTO offers members a variety of tools and best practices as well as the opportunity to exchange information and implement policies both within and at the border that can assist them in combating this phenomenon. This chapter examines the most relevant parts of the WTO rulebook to fight the trade in illicit agri-food and the provisions which allow WTO members to derogate from commitments when fulfilling legitimate public policy goals. This chapter highlights that the lack of disciplines expressly addressing illicit agri-food trade does not prevent the WTO agreements from providing members with several important tools that they can use to tackle the problem.
This is the first WTO publication on illicit trade in food and food fraud. It includes contributions from participants in the WTO’s Annual Agriculture Symposium held in Geneva 11-12 December 2023 which explored this topic. At the Symposium prominent experts discussed the various forms and definitions of illicit trade in food and food fraud the links to international trade and ways to combat the phenomenon effectively.
Regulatory solutions and food systems thinking to counter food fraud in supply chains
All of the people and activities that play a part in growing transporting supplying and consuming food – known as the (agri-)food system – need to be involved in addressing the complexities of food fraud. Trade globalization the lengthening of food supply chains the fast growth of e-commerce of food and vast informal food economies all provide new possibilities for food fraud. This chapter presents different strategies for policymakers and regulators to counter food fraud – from regulatory strategies to intersectoral collaboration private-sector engagement and consumer information. It addresses the status of food fraud discussions in various intergovernmental bodies and advocates for broad food systems thinking and strengthened cooperation at the global regional and national levels.
Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement aims to ensure that regulations standards testing and certification procedures followed by WTO members do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. Annual Review of TBT Agreement The WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade collects data on an annual basis on the implementation of the TBT Agreement. The information in this brochure is based on the 2022 review.
Accord sur les obstacles techniques au commerce
Accord sur les obstacles techniques au commerce L’Accord sur les obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC) vise à faire en sorte que les règlements les normes et les procédures d’essai et de certification appliqués par les Membres de l’OMC ne créent pas d’obstacles non nécessaires au commerce. Examen annuel de l’Accord OTC Le Comité des obstacles techniques au commerce de l’OMC recueille chaque année des données sur la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord OTC. Les renseignements contenus dans la présente brochure sont basés sur l’examen de 2022.
Acuerdo sobre Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio
Acuerdo sobre Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio El Acuerdo sobre Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio tiene por objeto velar por que los reglamentos las normas y los procedimientos de prueba y certificación aplicados por los Miembros de la OMC no creen obstáculos innecesarios al comercio. Examen anual del Acuerdo OTC El Comité de Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio de la OMC recopila anualmente datos sobre la aplicación del Acuerdo OTC. La información que figura en este folleto se basa en el examen de 2022.
Implementing the WTO agreement on fisheries subsidies
The WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies adopted at the 12th Ministerial Conference marks a major step forward for ocean sustainability by prohibiting harmful fisheries subsidies which are a key factor in the widespread depredation of the world’s fish stocks. Implementing the new disciplines will present challenges for many developing country members especially least-developed countries. The objective of this report is to examine existing bilateral and multilateral assistance in support of sustainable fisheries including how this may help countries meet obligations under the new Agreement.
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement
A new booklet launched on 27 July highlights strong engagement from WTO members at all levels of development in transparency and prevention of trade disputes. The information contained in the booklet is based on the 2020 review of members’ implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the “SPS Agreement”).