Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement
10 Key Results from 2020

A new booklet launched on 27 July highlights strong engagement from WTO members at all levels of development in transparency and prevention of trade disputes. The information contained in the booklet is based on the 2020 review of members’ implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (the “SPS Agreement”).
Table of Contents
Over 2,000 SPS notifications were submitted in 2020, an all-time high
Developing countries have submitted more SPS notifications than developed countries
Tanzania was among the top ten notifiers of SPS notifications in 2020
More than two-thirds of regular notifications submitted in 2020 related to food safety
Number of trade-facilitating SPS measures in 2020 was more than twice as high as in 2017
Almost half of trade concerns discussed in SPS Committee in 2020 referred to food safety
In 2020, 63 members submitted at least one SPS notification; 14 raised at least one specific trade concern
More than half of trade concerns raised up to 2020 have been resolved or partially resolved
Committee adopted Fifth Review of Operation and Implementation of SPS Agreement in 2020
Over four-fifths of members used online system to submit notifications in 2020.
Developing countries have submitted more SPS notifications than developed countries
Tanzania was among the top ten notifiers of SPS notifications in 2020
More than two-thirds of regular notifications submitted in 2020 related to food safety
Number of trade-facilitating SPS measures in 2020 was more than twice as high as in 2017
Almost half of trade concerns discussed in SPS Committee in 2020 referred to food safety
In 2020, 63 members submitted at least one SPS notification; 14 raised at least one specific trade concern
More than half of trade concerns raised up to 2020 have been resolved or partially resolved
Committee adopted Fifth Review of Operation and Implementation of SPS Agreement in 2020
Over four-fifths of members used online system to submit notifications in 2020.