United States
États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916
Le 28 août 2000 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916”.
États-Unis - Mesures de sauvegarde définitives à l’importation de tubes et tuyaux de qualité carbone soudés, de section circulaire, en provenance de Corée
Le 15 février 2002 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Mesures de sauvegarde définitives à l’importation de tubes et tuyaux de qualité carbone soudés de section circulaire en provenance de Corée”.
Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos
El 15 de mayo de 1998 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos”.
Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des aéronefs civils gros porteurs
Le 18 mai 2011 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des aéronefs civils gros porteurs”.
United States - Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations" - Recourse 1
On 18 November 1997 the European Communities requested consultations with the United States in respect of Sections 921-927 of the US Internal Revenue Code and related measures establishing special tax treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” (FSC). The European Communities contended that these provisions were inconsistent with the United States' obligations under Articles III:4 and XVI of the GATT 1994 Articles 3.1(a) and (b) of the SCM Agreement and Articles 3 and 8 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping relativas a las tuberías para perforación petrolera procedentes de México
El 20 de junio de 2005 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping relativas a las tuberías para perforación petrolera procedentes de México”.
Mexico - Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services
On 17 August 2000 the US requested consultations with Mexico in respect of Mexico’s commitments and obligations under the GATS with respect to basic and value-added telecommunications services. According to the United States since the entry into force of the GATS Mexico has adopted or maintained anti-competitive and discriminatory regulatory measures tolerated certain privately-established market access barriers and failed to take needed regulatory action in Mexico’s basic and value-added telecommunications sectors.
Japan - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples
On 1 March 2002 the United States requested consultations with Japan regarding restrictions allegedly imposed by Japan on imports of apples from the United States. The United States’ complaint arose from the maintenance by Japan of quarantine restrictions on apples imported into Japan which restrictions were said to be necessary to protect against introduction of fire blight. Among the measures the United States complained of were the prohibition of imported apples from orchards in which any fire blight was detected the requirement that export orchards be inspected three times yearly for the presence of fire blight and the disqualification of any orchard from exporting to Japan should fire blight be detected within a 500 meter buffer zone surrounding such orchard. The United States claimed that these measures might be inconsistent with the obligations of Japan under:
Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos de las CE
El 31 de julio de 2002 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos de las CE”.
United States - Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand. Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties
On 24 April 2006 Thailand requested consultations with the United States concerning anti-dumping measures on imports of frozen warmwater shrimp. Thailand requests consultations on the United States’ application in the Preliminary Final and Amended Final Determinations of the practice known as “zeroing” negative dumping margins the effect of which was to artificially create margins of dumping and the consequent imposition of definitive anti-dumping measures on imports of certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Thailand.
Japan - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples - Recourse 1
On 1 March 2002 the United States requested consultations with Japan regarding restrictions allegedly imposed by Japan on imports of apples from the United States. The United States’ complaint arose from the maintenance by Japan of quarantine restrictions on apples imported into Japan which restrictions were said to be necessary to protect against introduction of fire blight. Among the measures the United States complained of were the prohibition of imported apples from orchards in which any fire blight was detected the requirement that export orchards be inspected three times yearly for the presence of fire blight and the disqualification of any orchard from exporting to Japan should fire blight be detected within a 500 meter buffer zone surrounding such orchard. The United States claimed that these measures might be inconsistent with the obligations of Japan under:
United States - Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Shrimp from Viet Nam - 2014
On 16 February 2012 Viet Nam requested consultations with the United States concerning a number of anti-dumping measures on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Viet Nam. In addition to two administrative reviews and the five year “sunset review” the request for consultations concerns several US laws regulations administrative proceedings and practices including zeroing.
Estados Unidos - Aplicación de medidas antidumping a las chapas de acero inoxidable en rollos y las hojas y tiras de acero inoxidable procedentes de Corea
El 22 de diciembre de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Aplicación de medidas antidumping a las chapas de acero inoxidable en rollos y las hojas y tiras de acero inoxidable procedentes de Corea”.
Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco, refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia
El 21 de diciembre de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia”.
Canadá - Medidas que afectan a la importación de leche y a las exportaciones de productos lácteos - Recurso 1
El 11 de julio de 2001 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Canadá - Medidas que afectan a la importación de leche y a las exportaciones de productos lácteos - Recurso”.
Union européenne - Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téréphtalate en provenance du Pakistan
Le 6 juillet 2017 un groupe spécial de l’OMC a publié un rapport dans l’affaire “Union européenne — Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téraphtalate en provenance du Pakistan” (DS486).
États-Unis - Mesures concernant l’importation, la commercialisation et la vente de thon et de produits du thon
Le 25 avril 2017 un arbitre de l’OMC a rendu une décision sur le niveau de rétorsion que le Mexique peut demander dans son différend avec les États-Unis au sujet des prescriptions en matière d’étiquetage “Dolphin Safe” imposées par ces derniers pour les produits du thon (DS381).
États-Unis - Mesures antidumping visant certaines crevettes en provenance du Viet Nam
Le 11 juillet 2011 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial qui avait examiné la plainte du Viet Nam dans le différend “États-Unis — Mesures antidumping visant certaines crevettes en provenance du Viet Nam” (DS404).
United States - Measures Concerning the Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products
On 25 April 2017 the WTO issued the dispute panel reports in the case "United States - Measures concerning the importation marketing and sale of tuna and tuna products".
Chine - Mesures affectant les droits de commercialisation et les services de distribution pour certaines publications et certains produits de divertissement audiovisuels
Le 12 août 2009 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial qui avait examiné la plainte des États-Unis dans l’affaire “Chine — Mesures affectant les droits de commercialisation et les services de distribution pour certaines publications et certains produits de divertissement audiovisuels” (DS363).