Concluding remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr. Eduardo Muñoz Gómez at the Trade Policy Review of the Philippines 20 and 22 March 2012
This fourth Trade Policy Review of the Philippines has provided us with an excellent opportunity to improve our understanding of the Philippines’ trade and trade-related policies and practices and how they have evolved since the previous review in 2005. We are grateful for the active participation of the Filipino delegation headed by H.E. Mr. Adrian Cristobal Jr. Undersecretary of Trade and Industry. I would also like to thank the discussant Mr. Martin Glass of Hong Kong-China and Members of the TPRB for contributing to our fruitful exchange of views. At the outset I note the very comprehensive comments that have been made by Undersecretary Cristobal on a number of themes.
The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) was first established on a trial basis by the GATT contracting parties in April 1989. The Mechanism became a permanent feature of the World Trade Organization under the Marrakesh Agreement which established the WTO in January 1995.
Report by the WTO Secretariat
Since its last Trade Policy Review in 2012 the Philippine economy has grown at an average annual rate of about 6%. Growth was driven mainly by consumption and infrastructure investment. GDP per capita in 2016 was some US$2950 up from US$2580 in 2012. The poverty rate declined from 25.2% in 2012 to 21.6% in 2015. Services constitute the most important sector in terms of contribution to GDP and are also the fastest growing export sector. The Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 focuses on making the economy more competitive underpinned by sound regulatory practices and competition policy and open services markets.
Philippines - Taxes on Distilled Spirits
On 29 July 2009 the European Communities requested consultations with the Philippines concerning the Philippines' current Excise Tax regime on distilled spirits which has been in place since 1997. The European Communities contends that the regime discriminates against imported distilled spirits by taxing them at a substantially higher rate than domestic spirits. The European Communities cites a number of specific measures under the regime in its request. The European Communities considers that these measures are inconsistent with the Philippines' obligations under GATT 1994 in particular Article III:2. On 10 August 2009 the United States requested to join the consultations. Subsequently the Philippines informed the DSB that it had accepted the request of the United States to join the consultations.
Tailandia - Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas - Recurso 2
El 12 de julio de 2019 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial sobre el cumplimiento relativo al asunto planteado por Filipinas: “Tailandia — Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas — Segundo recurso de Filipinas al párrafo 5 del artículo 21 del ESD” (DS371).
Thaïlande - Mesures douanières et fiscales visant les cigarettes en provenance des Philippines
Le 15 novembre 2010 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner la plainte des Philippines contre la Thaïlande qui concernait des mesures douanières et fiscales visant les cigarettes en provenance des Philippines (DS371).
Thailand - Customs and fiscal measures on cigarettes from the Philippines - Recourse 2
On 12 July 2019 the WTO circulated the panel report in the compliance case initiated by the Philippines in “Thailand — Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the Philippines” (DS371).
Philippines - Taxes sur les spiritueux distillés
L’Organe d’appel a remis le 21 décembre 2011 son rapport dans l’affaire “Philippines — Taxes sur les spiritueux distillés” (WT/DS396/AB/R et WT/DS403/AB/R).
Australie - Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage
Le 9 juin 2020 l’Organe d’appel a remis ses rapports dans les procédures engagées par le Honduras et la République dominicaine dans l’affaire “Australie — Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage” (DS435 et DS441).
Philippines - Taxes on Distilled Spirits
On 29 July 2009 the European Communities requested consultations with the Philippines concerning the Philippines' current Excise Tax regime on distilled spirits which has been in place since 1997. The European Communities contends that the regime discriminates against imported distilled spirits by taxing them at a substantially higher rate than domestic spirits. The European Communities cites a number of specific measures under the regime in its request. The European Communities considers that these measures are inconsistent with the Philippines' obligations under GATT 1994 in particular Article III:2. On 10 August 2009 the United States requested to join the consultations. Subsequently the Philippines informed the DSB that it had accepted the request of the United States to join the consultations.