Remarques finales formulées par le Président de l’Organe d’Examen des politiques commerciales, S.E. M. Manuel A.J. Teehankee (Philippines) lors de l’Examen de la Politique Commerciale du Canada les 12 et 14 juin 2019
Ce onzième examen de la politique commerciale du Canada nous a permis de comprendre les principales évolutions du régime économique de commerce et d’investissement du Canada intervenues au cours des quatre dernières années. Je souhaite remercier la délégation canadienne dirigée par Mme Kendal Hembroff Directrice générale des négociations commerciales auprès d’Affaires mondiales Canada pour sa participation et son engagement très actifs dans le cadre de cet exercice. Je voudrais aussi remercier notre présentateur M. l’Ambassadeur Juan Carlos Gonzalez Représentant permanent de la Colombie auprès de l’OMC pour ses observations et ses interventions pertinentes qui ont nourri les discussions ainsi que les 53 délégations qui ont pris la parole au cours de la réunion.
Concluding remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr. Manuel A.J. Teehankee of the Philippines at the Trade Policy Review of Costa Rica, 18 and 20 September 2019.
This fifth Trade Policy Review of Costa Rica has allowed us to deepen our understanding of Costa Rica’s trade and investment regime since its last review in 2013. I would like to thank H.E. Mr. Duayner Salas Vice Minister of Foreign Trade of Costa Rica as well as Ambassador Gloria Abraham and the rest of the Costa Rican delegation for their active and constructive participation. I would also like to thank Ambassador Mikael Anzén Permanent Representative of Sweden to the WTO for his remarks as discussant which were instrumental in framing our discussions as well as to the 33 delegations that took the floor during this meeting. Costa Rica has provided comprehensive written responses to almost all of the 350 advance written questions posed by Members.
Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr. Juan Carlos González of Colombia at the Trade Policy Review of The Philippines, 26 and 28 March 2018
This fifth Trade Policy Review of the Philippines has offered us an excellent opportunity to deepen our understanding of the trade economic and investment policies of the Philippines. More than 300 questions from 22 Members were submitted to the Philippines before the meeting which underlines the importance Members attached to this Review. I would like to thank the delegation of the Philippines led by H.E. Dr. Ceferino Rodolfo Undersecretary of Trade and Industry the discussant H.E. Ambassador Stephen de Boer of Canada and the 34 delegations that took the floor for their valuable contributions to this Review.
Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr Manuel A.J. Teehankee of the Philippines at the Trade Policy Review of Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 18 and 20 November 2019.
The first Trade Policy Review of Lao PDR has offered us a good opportunity to deepen our understanding of recent developments in and challenges to its trade economic and investment policies. Since its accession in 2013 Lao PDR’s initiatives to further integrate into the Multilateral Trading System and take advantage of the opportunities it offers have been greatly appreciated. Indeed the about 200 advance written questions submitted by 12 Members and the 23 delegations that took the floor during the first day underline the importance attached by Members to Lao PDR’s trade and investment policies and practices.
Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr. Manuel A.J. Teehankee of the Philippines at the Trade Policy Review of Papua New Guinea, 8 and 10 May 2019
This third Trade Policy Review of Papua New Guinea has offered us a good opportunity to deepen our understanding of recent developments in and challenges to its trade economic and investment policies. Our discussion has benefited from the active participation of the PNG delegation led by Ambassador Joshua Kalinoe as well as from the contribution of our discussant Ambassador Martins Kreitus Permanent Representative of Latvia to the WTO. I would also like to thank the 21 delegations that took the floor for their interventions.