Trade monitoring
Actividades de estadística
La OMC introdujo nuevas mejoras en su Portal Integrado de Información Comercial (I-TIP), que actualmente tiene una mayor cobertura de los datos sobre las medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias. Conjuntamente con la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos, la OMC ha actualizado la base de datos sobre el comercio en términos de valor añadido, que abarca ahora 61 países y 34 sectores. En julio de 2015, la OMC organizó la Jornada de los datos sobre el comercio, en la que se examinaron los avances recientes en el ámbito de las estadísticas sobre el comercio y el acceso a los mercados y se debatió sobre los retos futuros.
The World Trade Report 2016 was prepared under the general responsibility of Xiaozhun Yi, WTO Deputy Director-General, and Robert Koopman, Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division. This year the report was coordinated by Marc Bacchetta and Cosimo Beverelli. The authors of the report are Marc Auboin, Marc Bacchetta, Cosimo Beverelli, Barbara D’Andrea, Christophe Degain, Alexander Keck, Andreas Maurer, José-Antonio Monteiro, Coleman Nee, Roberta Piermartini and Robert Teh (Economic Research and Statistics Division); and Antonia Carzaniga, Joscelyn Magdeleine, Juan Marchetti, Lee Tuthill and Ruosi Zhang (Trade in Services and Investment Division).
Standards and Trade Development Facility
Contributions to the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) reached US$ 5.9 million in 2011, up from US$ 4.3 million in 2010. The STDF focused on increasing awareness, mobilizing resources, strengthening collaboration, identifying and disseminating good practice, as well as support and funding for the development and implementation of projects that promote compliance with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements. It adopted a new medium-term strategy (2012-2016) and began developing a new tool to help developing countries prioritize SPS capacity-building needs and improve decision taking.