About the WTO
Trade and development
In 2012 the Committee on Trade and Development (CTD) pressed ahead with implementing the work programme on electronic commerce. Other issues discussed by the CTD and its Sub-Committee on Least-Developed Countries (LDCs) included accelerating and easing LDC accessions capacity-building initiatives market access for LDCs and technical assistance.
Accession à l’OMC
Les Seychelles et le Kazakhstan sont devenus respectivement le 161e et le 162e Membre de l’OMC en 2015. En décembre la dixième Conférence ministérielle a approuvé l’ensemble des textes relatifs à l’accession à l’OMC du Libéria et de l’Afghanistan qui deviendront Membres après avoir ratifié leurs protocoles d’accession. Avec ces nouvelles accessions l’OMC se rapproche de son objectif d’universalité les Membres actuels représentant 98 % du commerce mondial.
Foro Público de 2016
El Foro Público de 2016 – el principal evento de proyección pública de la OMC – se centró en cómo conseguir que el comercio sea más inclusivo para que se repartan más ampliamente los beneficios del comercio. Los participantes analizaron cómo podía ayudar la OMC a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) a obtener un mejor acceso al mercado mundial e intercambiaron ideas sobre el papel de las nuevas tecnologías la innovación digital y el comercio electrónico. En el Foro se debatió también cómo pueden las mujeres participar más plenamente en el comercio internacional y beneficiarse más del comercio mundial. Durante la reunión de tres días de duración se presentaron el Informe sobre el comercio mundial de la OMC y otras tres publicaciones.
Closing session
The Closing Session looked back on what was discussed during the 2012 Public Forum and the guidance provided to respond to the challenges the WTO and multilateralism in general are facing. The panel looked ahead and tried to identify common ground among the many issues and concerns raised over the three days. Each panellist – from his or her own unique perspective and experience – tackled the main theme of this year’s Public Forum. Ultimately they were challenged to provide answers. They were also asked about what they thought was needed to address some of the current global problems and whether or not the 2012 Public Forum helped formulate responses and possible solutions.
Dispute settlement – clarifying rules and resolving disputes
One of the most important features of the WTO – and a major result of the Uruguay Round – is its strengthened dispute settlement system. Settling disputes has always been a core function of the multilateral trading system but the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) represents a significant improvement over the GATT's approach in several important respects. Above all the system is more efficient – this is an acknowledgement of the importance of prompt dispute settlement to an effective and smooth functioning WTO. Whereas GATT disputes had no fixed timetables the WTO instituted a more structured process with clearly defined stages and deadlines. As a result the WTO has one of if not the fastest international dispute settlement mechanisms. At the panel stage most cases are completed in about 14 months; and Appellate Body reports are with very few exceptions issued in no more than three months.
Doha Development Agenda
At the Fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha Qatar in November 2001 WTO member governments agreed to launch new trade negotiations. They also agreed to work on other issues in particular the implementation of the current WTO agreements. The entire package is called the Doha Development Agenda (DDA ). The negotiations take place in the Trade Negotiations Committee (TNC) and its subsidiaries which are usually regular councils and committees meeting in ‘special session’ or specially created negotiating groups. The Chairs of the nine negotiating bodies report to the TNC chaired by the WTO Director-General which coordinates their work.
Comercio de mercancías
En las reuniones del Consejo del Comercio de Mercancías los Miembros de la OMC abordaron numerosas preocupaciones comerciales con inclusión de las medidas políticas y prácticas consideradas potencialmente discriminatorias o restrictivas del comercio. Algunas de estas preocupaciones ya se habían planteado con anterioridad. El Consejo examinó asimismo una serie de solicitudes de exención y tomó nota de una lista actualizada y completa de las notificaciones presentadas por los Miembros de conformidad con el Anexo 1A del Acuerdo sobre la OMC. El Gabón anunció la conclusión de la renegociación de sus concesiones arancelarias.
Accession à l’OMC
Le Libéria et l’Afghanistan sont devenus les 163ème et 164ème Membres de l’OMC en 2016. Les Membres sont convenus d’entamer les négociations en vue de l’accession de la République fédérale de Somalie et de la République démocratique du Timor-Leste et de les accueillir en tant qu’observateurs auprès de l’OMC. Les Comores ont engagé les négociations en vue de leur accession alors que les Groupes de travail chargés de l’accession du Bélarus et du Soudan ont repris leurs travaux après 12 et 13 ans d’interruption respectivement.
Looking forward
At a time when the global economy is more interconnected than ever it is difficult to imagine a world without the WTO. By establishing global trade rules monitoring adherence to those rules and helping to resolve disputes between nations the WTO plays a crucial role in global governance. Moreover the WTO has an important role to play in helping developing countries integrate into the global trading system. In the coming years this will remain a priority for the WTO.
La conception des accords commerciaux internationaux
Dans la section B nous avons examiné diverses raisons pour lesquelles les nations peuvent avoir intérêt à coopérer dans le domaine commercial. Dans la présente section nous allons élargir l’analyse pour examiner des aspects fondamentaux de la conception des traités en mettant l’accent sur deux questions principales. Premièrement quelles sont les règles fondamentales que doit contenir un accord commercial pour que la coopération procure les avantages escomptés ? Deuxièmement en quoi la création d’une organisation ou institution formelle peut-elle assurer l’efficacité des règles et promouvoir les objectifs de l’accord ?
Commerce des services
En 2009 les travaux du Conseil du commerce des services ont été réactivés avec l'examen de plusieurs secteurs de services et modes de fourniture sur la base de nouvelles notes d'information établies par le Secrétariat de l'OMC . Ces notes rendent compte des faits nouveaux les plus pertinents du point de vue du commerce qui sont intervenus dans des domaines clés au cours de la dernière décennie. Sept d'entre elles ont été examinées en 2009 et 13 autres serviront de base pour la poursuite des discussions en 2010.
Trade policy reviews
During 2009 the Trade Policy Review Body (TPR B) reviewed 21 WTO members: Guatemala Japan Brazil Fiji the 27-member European Union Mozambique Solomon Islands New Zealand Morocco Guyana Zambia Chile the Maldives the members of the S outhern African Customs Union (Botswana Lesotho Namibia South Africa and Swaziland) Niger and Senegal (joint review) and G eorgia. The Chair’s concluding remarks for these reviews are reproduced below.
Book launches
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement which is now being negotiated between 11 states – including Australia Brunei Darussalam Canada Chile Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Peru Singapore the United States and Viet Nam – is supposed to solve many of the problems that have come from overlapping trade deals in the past decade. It is also supposed to be different – “a highquality 21st-century” agreement that will set standards for future trade agreements.
Aid for Trade
In 2012 Aid for Trade continued to mobilize resources. Commitments rose in 2010 to USD 45 billion according to the latest figures up from some USD 40 billion in 2009. This is 82 per cent more than the 2002-05 baseline period. The Committee on Trade and Development worked on implementing the 2012-13 work programme with its main theme of “deepening coherence” and prepared for the Fourth Global Review of Aid for Trade due in 2013 which will centre on global value chains. Four thematic workshops were held.
Foreword by WTO Director-General Roberto Azevêdo
When the World Trade Organization was launched 20 years ago it represented more than a reform of the old GATT system. The WTO was seen as the key pillar of a new kind of global economic order – open inclusive cooperative – that was taking shape in the wake of the end of the Cold War. Countries that were largely closed to the world economy for almost half a century were turning to open markets and economic integration. Many developing countries for decades left behind by the more industrialized were beginning a rapid economic catch up. New transport communications and information technologies were weaving economies more tightly together reshaping international relations in the process. If the GATT was the product of a divided world the WTO offered the promise of a more unified one.
L’année en bref
Les travaux de l’OMC ont porté principalement sur la mise en oeuvre des décisions adoptées à la Conférence ministérielle de Bali en 2013 et sur l’avancement des questions restantes du Cycle de Doha. Après un revers en milieu d’année les Membres de l’OMC ont réussi à remettre les négociations commerciales sur les rails en approuvant à la fin de l’année plusieurs décisions importantes concernant la détention de stocks publics à des fins de sécurité alimentaire la facilitation des échanges et le programme de travail de l’après-Bali.
Ayuda para el Comercio
El segundo Examen Global de la Ayuda para el Comercio celebrado los días 6 y 7 de julio de 2009 puso de manifiesto los progresos sustanciales y cuantificables realizados en la aplicación de la iniciativa Ayuda para el Comercio. Desde su establecimiento la iniciativa ha logrado crear conciencia acerca de las necesidades e los países en desarrollo en particular los países menos adelantados (PM A) y el apoyo que necesitan para beneficiarse de la expansión del comercio y reducir la pobreza. Utilizando los crecientes recursos proporcionados por los donantes el programa de Ayuda para el Comercio se ha centrado más recientemente en la ejecución efectiva de proyectos especialmente a nivel regional. El empeoramiento de las perspectivas económicas mundiales durante 2009 hizo que aumentara aún más la importancia de la iniciativa Ayuda para el Comercio para los países en desarrollo.
DSU reform: Resolving underlying balance-of-power issues
Valerie Hughes’ paper provides an excellent account of the first decade of dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the new Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU). On its adoption in 1995 the DSU became the first legally binding codification of dispute settlement procedures developed under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). It combined past experience under the customary rules and the 1979 Understanding Regarding Notification Consultation Dispute Settlement and Surveillance (BISD 36/210) of the GATT with truly revolutionary elements in particular the establishment of a two-tier system comprising both panels and the new Appellate Body. As Ms Hughes addresses the different stages of the system from bilateral consultations to implementation of rulings adopted by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) she provides an overview both of past experience and proposals submitted for reform under the current negotiations.