Economic research and trade policy analysis
Services provisions in regional trade agreements: Stumbling blocks or building blocks for multilateral liberalization?
A remarkable feature of the recent wave of regional trade agreements (RTAs) is the inclusion of a trade in services component in many agreements. At the end of 2006 the WTO counted fifty-four such service accords of which only five predate the conclusion of the Uruguay Round.2 The rising interest in service trade agreements reflects a number of developments. First as tariffs have come down policymakers have turned their attention to other barriers restricting international commerce. Second the growth of world trade in goods and the emergence of international production networks have highlighted the importance of an efficient services infrastructure – whether in telecommunications finance logistics or legal advice. Market openings in services offer the prospect of performance improvements in services and allow goods producers to draw on multinational service networks in organizing their business.
Remerciements et avertissement
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2020 a été établi sous la responsabilité générale de Xiaozhun Yi Directeur général adjoint de lOMC et de Robert Koopman Directeur de la Division de la recherche économique et des statistiques. La rédaction du Rapport a été coordonnée par Marc Auboin et Ankai Xu. Les auteurs du rapport sont Marc Auboin Marc Bacchetta Cosimo Beverelli Eddy Bekkers Kian Cassehgari Posada Emmanuelle Ganne John Hancock Kathryn Lundquist Gabrielle Marceau José-Antonio Monteiro Roberta Piermartini Stela Rubínová Victor Stolzenburg Ankai Xu et Qing Ye (Division de la recherche économique et des statistiques).
Merchandise and services trade, value (nominal) terms, 2009
The US dollar value of world merchandise trade fell 23 per cent in 2009 to US$ 12.1 trillion down from US$ 16.1 trillion in 2008. Some of this decline was due to changes in trade volumes while much of the rest can be explained by falling commodity prices in 2009 particularly for oil. After rising to record levels in 2008 world crude oil prices plunged 37 per cent in 2009 from US$ 95 per barrel to US$ 60 per barrel on average. As a result nominal trade developments for particular countries and regions may differ substantially from developments in volume terms particularly for oil exporters on the export side and oil importers on the import side.
En el presente informe se han abordado cuatro cuestiones fundamentales relacionadas con el comercio de los recursos naturales. La primera es la forma en que las características económicas esenciales de los recursos naturales y el modo en que se comercia con ellos influyen en la estructura del comercio de este tipo de bienes. En segundo lugar se ha examinado en qué medida la ausencia de obstáculos al comercio permite asegurar eficazmente el acceso a los recursos naturales y su viabilidad a largo plazo. La tercera cuestión guarda relación con los incentivos que tienen los gobiernos en la elaboración de su política comercial sobre los sectores de recursos naturales y las consecuencias de esa estructura de incentivos. Por último en el informe se ha analizado cómo afecta la cooperación internacional a la gestión del comercio de recursos naturales con especial atención a la función de la OMC.
Multiproduct Firms, Tariff Liberalization, and Product Churning in Vietnamese Manufacturing
Multiproduct firms are the dominant players in international production and trade (Bernard Jensen and Schott 2010; Goldberg et al. 2010a). Moreover these firms are active in alternating their combination of product varieties. In fact Bernard Jensen and Schott (2010) have documented a frequent change in the product mix in the United States (US) where almost 50% of multiproduct firms change their product mix every 5 years. Indeed firms’ adjustment in product scope constitutes one important layer of firm heterogeneity (Nocke and Yeaple 2006).
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial a été rédigé sous la supervision de Patrick Low Directeur de la Division de la recherche économique et des statistiques. Ses principaux auteurs sont Bijit Bora K. Michael Finger Marion Jansen Alexander Keck Patrick Low Hildegunn Nordas Roberta Piermartini et Robert Teh. Les données sur le commerce et les informations sur les droits de douane ont été fournies par les statisticiens de la Division de la recherche économique et des statistiques dont les travaux ont été coordonnés par Guy Karsenty Julia de Verteuil Andreas Maurer et Jürgen Richtering.
Supply chains and trade in value-added
The increasing importance of global supply chains challenges the way statistics on trade are collected. Statistics on international trade flows are measured in gross terms and hence record the value of intermediate inputs traded along the value chain multiple times. Trade in global supply chains can be measured using firm surveys customs statistics that record trade flows under special schemes of tariff reduction or exemption or the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) classifying goods as being intermediate or final. Because of several limitations associated with these methods however using input-output tables has become the preferred method for measuring trade in global supply chains. They are used to compute the value of imported inputs embodied in goods that are exported. A more complete measure of a country’s participation in global value chains combines foreign value-added in exports (upstream links) with exports that are incorporated in other products and re-exported (downstream links). Estimates of the ratio of valueadded exports to gross exports suggests that the double counting in gross trade flows and hence international production sharing has intensified in recent years especially for fast growing countries undergoing structural transformation. Relying on national inputoutput tables however has its limitations. Combining it with bilateral trade data is difficult because there is no standard international classification the level of sectoral aggregation is often different and their publication is infrequent. On-going efforts from the international statistics community to estimate trade in value-added go beyond the limitations of the input-output approach.
Enforcement of Labour Regulation and the Labour Market Effects of Trade: Evidence from Brazil
This chapter examines how enforcement of labour regulation shapes the labour market effects of trade. To do so we focus on the early 1990s Brazilian trade liberalization episode which was a unilateral and extensive tariff reduction process.
Estimating trade in value-added: Why and how?
Global value chains (GVCs) have become a dominant feature of today’s global economy. This growing process of international fragmentation of production driven by technological progress cost access to resources and markets and trade policy reforms has challenged our conventional wisdom on how we look at and interpret trade and in particular the policies that we develop around it. Indeed traditional measures of trade that record gross flows of goods and services each and every time they cross borders alone may lead to misguided decisions being taken.
The global economy is going through unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world threatening the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in both developed and developing economies with a particularly devastating impact on small businesses. World trade plummeted in the first half the year and despite signs of trade bouncing back WTO estimates in October 2020 still forecast a 9.2 per cent decline in the volume of world merchandise trade for 2020.
Aspects économiques de l’impact des technologies numériques sur le commerce
La présente section examine comment les nouvelles technologies transforment le commerce international créant de nouvelles possibilités d’établir un système commercial plus inclusif et soulevant de nouveaux défis. Elle analyse d’abord l’influence des technologies numériques sur les coûts du commerce international. Puis elle examine comment ces technologies modifient ce qui est échangé par qui et comment. Enfin l’impact potentiel des grandes tendances de l’évolution technologique est quantifié et des projections à long terme concernant le commerce international sont faites au moyen du Modèle du commerce mondial de l’OMC.
International trade in air transport: Recent developments and policy issues
Air transport like other transport services is associated with international trade in two distinct ways. First air transport is traded as a service in its own right. Second it is a key intermediate service for many other kinds of trade in the domain of both goods and services (such as tourism). Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of an efficient effective and reliable air transport infrastructure especially in developing countries to ensure the materialization of the gains from trade (WTO 2004). These studies also highlight the important role of international civil aviation in contributing to the development process and its role in the leisure and commercial decisions of many people. This importance is expected to increase as a result of technological innovation deregulation and enhanced market access for foreign companies which are all making air transport more accessible to a wider set of customers in a broader range of countries.