Dispute settlement
United States - Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Wheat Gluten from the European Communities
On 17 March 1999 the EC requested consultations with the US in respect of definitive safeguard measures imposed by the US on imports of wheat gluten from the European Communities. The EC contended that by a Proclamation of 30 May 1998 and a Memorandum of the same date by the US President under which the US imposed definitive safeguard measures in the form of a quantitative limitation on imports of wheat gluten from the EC effective as of 1 June 1998. The EC considered these measures to be in violation of Articles 2 4 5 and 12 of the Agreement on Safeguards; Article 4.2 of the Agreement on Agriculture; and Articles I and XIX of GATT 1994.
Comunidades Europeas - Clasificación aduanera de los trozos de pollo deshuesados congelados
El 12 de septiembre de 2005 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Comunidades Europeas - Clasificación aduanera de los trozos de pollo deshuesados congelados”.
Inde - Restrictions quantitatives à l’importation de produits agricoles, textiles et industriels
Le 06 avril 1999 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Inde - Restrictions quantitatives à l’importation de produits agricoles textiles et industriels”.
Indonesia - Importation of Horticultural Products, Animals and Animal Products
On 8 May 2014 New Zealand requested consultations with Indonesia concerning certain measures it imposes on the importation of horticultural products animals and animal products. New Zealand claims that the measures are inconsistent with: - Articles III:4 X:1 and XI:1 of the GATT 1994; - Article 4.2 of the Agreement on Agriculture; - Articles 1.2 1.5 1.6 2.2 3.2 3.3 5.1 and 5.2 of the Import Licensing Agreement; and - Articles 2.1 and 2.15 of the Agreement on Preshipment Inspection.
European Communities - Customs Classification of Frozen Boneless Chicken Cuts - Complaint by Brazil
On 11 October 2002 Brazil requested consultations with the European Communities concerning EC Commission Regulation No. 1223/2002 (“Regulation No. 1223/2002”) of 8 July 2002 which provides a new description of frozen boneless chicken cuts under the EC Combined Nomenclature (“CN”) code 0207.14.10. According to Brazil this new description includes a salt content to the product that did not exist before and subjects the imports of these products to a higher tariff than that applicable to salted meat (CN code 0210) in the EC’s Schedules under the GATT 1994.
Australia - Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon
On 5 October 1995 Canada requested consultations with Australia in respect of Australia’s prohibition of imports of salmon from Canada based on a quarantine regulation. Canada alleged that the prohibition is inconsistent with Articles XI and XIII of the GATT 1994 and also inconsistent with the SPS Agreement.
Japon - Mesures affectant les pellicules et papiers photographiques destinés aux consommateurs
Le 31 mars 1998 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Japon - Mesures affectant les pellicules et papiers photographiques destinés aux consommateurs”.
Argentine - Mesures affectant l’importation de marchandises
Dans le cadre du différend concernant l’Argentine l’Union européenne les États-Unis et le Japon sur les mesures à l’importation imposées par l’Argentine (DS438 DS444 DS445) les rapports du Groupe spécial ont été publiés le 22 août 2014.
United States - Rules of Origin for Textiles and Apparel Products
On 11 January 2002 India requested consultations with the United States in respect of its rules of origin applicable to imports of textiles and apparel products as set out in Section 334 of the Uruguay Round Agreements Act Section 405 of the Trade and Development Act of 2000 and the customs regulations implementing these provisions. India argued that prior to the abovementioned Section 334 the rule of origin applicable to textiles and apparel products was the “substantial transformation” rule. India considered that Section 334 changed the system by identifying specific processing operations which would confer origin to the various types of textiles and apparel products. In India’s view these changes appear to have been made to protect the United States textiles and clothing industry from import competition. India indicated that the changes introduced by Section 334 had already been challenged by the European Communities on the grounds that they were incompatible with the United States’ obligations under the Agreement on Rules of Origin and other WTO Agreements (WT/DS151). India explained that that dispute was settled through a procès-verbal whereby the United States agreed to introduce legislation amending Section 334. According to India the changes introduced by the amending legislation i.e. Section 405 were aimed at taking account of the particular export interests of the European Communities. India is of the view that the changes introduced by Sections 334 and 405 have resulted in extraordinary complex rules under which the criteria that confer origin vary between similar products and processing operations. India argued that the structure of the changes the circumstances under which they were adopted and their effect on the conditions of competition for textiles and apparel products suggest that they serve trade policy purposes. On those grounds India questioned the compatibility of those changes with paragraphs (b) (c) (d) and (e) of Article 2 of the Agreement on Rules of Origin.
Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant l’amiante et les produits en contenant
Le 12 mars 2001 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant l’amiante et les produits en contenant”.
Canada - Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United States
On 11 July 2019 the WTO circulated two panel report in the cases brought by the United States in “Canada — Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United States” (DS557) and “Mexico — Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United States” (DS560).
Pakistan - Anti-Dumping Measures on Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film from the United Arab Emirates
On 18 January 2021 the WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by the United Arab Emirates in “Pakistan — Anti-Dumping Measures on Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film from the United Arab Emirates” (DS538) .
Japon - Mesures visant les produits agricoles
Le 27 octobre 1998 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Japon - Mesures visant les produits agricoles”.
États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916
Le 29 mai 2000 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916”.
Chine - Mesures antidumping visant les importations de pâte de cellulose en provenance du Canada
Le 25 avril 2017 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé de l’affaire “Chine — Mesures antidumping visant les importations de pâte de cellulose en provenance du Canada” suite à la plainte déposée par le Canada (DS483).
Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre las importaciones de determinados alcoholes grasos procedentes de Indonesia
El 05 de septiembre de 2017 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre las importaciones determinados alcoholes grasos procedentes de Indonesia”.
Canada - Protection conférée par un brevet pour les produits pharmaceutiques
Le 17 mars 2000 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Canada - Protection conférée par un brevet pour les produits pharmaceutiques”.
Corée - Taxes sur les boissons alcooliques
Le 17 septembre 1998 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Corée - Taxes sur les boissons alcooliques”.
Canada - Certaines mesures concernant les périodiques
Le 14 mars 1997 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Canada - Certaines mesures concernant les periodiques”.
Russia - Anti-Dumping Duties on Light Commercial Vehicles from Germany and Italy
On 27 January 2017 the WTO issued the panel report in the case brought by the European Union in “Russia - Anti-Dumping Duties on Light Commercial Vehicles from Germany and Italy”.