Development and building trade capacity
The results of the 2022 OECD–WTO monitoring and evaluation (M&E) exercise underline the need for more Aid for Trade and for better-targeted financing. They confirm that the COVID-19 pandemic was a significant setback for the integration into world trade of many developing countries and for their development prospects especially for least-developed countries (LDCs).
Executive summary
Trade objectives feature prominently in the development strategies of developing countries. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic trade remains a development priority. This is the strong message that emerges from the 2022 Aid for Trade monitoring and evaluation (M&E) exercise conducted jointly with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Los resultados del ejercicio conjunto de vigilancia y evaluación de la OCDE y la OMC de 2022 ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de más Ayuda para el Comercio y de una financiación mejor orientada. Confirman que la pandemia de COVID-19 fue un importante retroceso para la integración de muchos países en desarrollo en el comercio mundial y para sus perspectivas de desarrollo especialmente en el caso de los países menos adelantados (PMA).
Gender equality and women’s empowerment in the African Continental Free Trade Area: What lessons can be learnt from the SADC?
The Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA Agreement) which has been signed by 54 out of the 55 African countries seeks to create a single continental market for goods and services and facilitate the free movement of people on the continent thereby enhancing the competitiveness of intra-African trade and boosting intra-African trade. This will generate employment and improve the welfare of mostly young men and women on the continent. However whilst the AfCFTA Agreement under Article 3(e) emphasizes that one of the general objectives of the AfCFTA is to promote gender equality experiences in other African regional economic communities have proven that gender and gender equality have not been adequately mainstreamed in implementing free trade areas which has resulted in gender inequalities in international trade and commerce. As a result of this the majority of women have been left marginalized in trade and faced with serious challenges in accessing opportunities created by regional trade agreements.
This publication is one of the outcomes of the 2022 World Trade Congress on Gender – the first research conference on trade and gender to be held internationally. The Congress was organized by the WTO Trade and Gender Office and the WTO Gender Research Hub with the cooperation of the Development Division the Administration and General Services Division the Information and External Relations Division and the Office of the Director-General.
Negotiating towards a tailor-made gender protocol under the AfCFTA: Could integrating Africa’s fragmented gender chapters be the key?
Recently the understanding that enhanced intra-regional trade among African countries could be a powerful tool in accelerating economic growth development and poverty reduction on the continent has led African leaders to place considerable importance on regional integration (Brenton et al. 2013). However tapping into the benefits of intra-African trade requires careful attention to inclusivity issues in ensuring both men and women benefit and participate equally in regional economic integration (Bussolo and and De Hoyos 2009). The decision by African heads of state to negotiate a separate Protocol on Women and Youth in Trade under the newly implemented African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement reaffirms the belief that improving women’s access to opportunities and removing barriers to their participation in international economies contributes to economic development.
Women’s exporting success: evidence from Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises
Based on the Statistics Canada 2017 Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises this chapter examines the role of gender on the export participation of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and identifies specific characteristics and business activities of women-owned SMEs that are associated with their export propensity and export intensity. It also provides empirical evidence of the benefits of online payments and innovations to the internationalization of women-owned SMEs. The study finds no statistically significant gender differences in the export propensity and the export intensity when business characteristics are controlled for. However the impact of some characteristics on export propensity are significantly different between men and women-owned SMEs. Firstly larger SMEs owned by women are less likely to export than men-owned and equally owned SMEs of the same size. Secondly online payment and innovations play a more crucial role in facilitating exports for women-owned SMEs. Finally for higher export intensity the owner’s education level and managerial experience are much more important for women-owned SME exporters than for men-owned and equally owned exporters.
Services have emerged as the driving force that is shaping the economic landscape of countries at all levels of development. They account for the largest share of global economic activity by generating more than two-thirds of GDP employ the most workers and are the source of most new job creation especially for female and young workers. At the same time services trade has turned into a key element in growth strategies becoming the most dynamic component of global trade in recent times and creating higher value-added jobs.
Gender and trade: How are gender provisions in trade agreements perceived by Chilean women exporters?
There is widespread literature that illustrates the link between gender and trade as it can reveal the different roles of women and men in economic activity. Therefore trade policy can be a critical instrument for reducing or reinforcing gender inequalities.
Facilitating women’s economic empowerment through trade with voluntary sustainability standards
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) expressed an overarching objective of leaving no one behind. SDG 5 holds integral to all dimensions of inclusive sustainable development. Gender equality is a right and ensuring the rights of women and girls across all the SDGs will lay the foundations for a just and equitable society that works for all. By creating enabling conditions for women to fully participate in the economy and offer their diverse skills and abilities it would not only address the constraints rooted in the existence of gendered social structures but also drive the economy to benefit all.