Making trade work for women

Key findings from the 2022 World Trade Congress on Gender

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In December 2022, the Gender Research Hub organized, alongside the WTO, the World Trade Congress on Gender – the first international research conference to focus on trade and gender. This high-level event brought together eminent trade and gender experts to present the latest research in the field. It also provided a platform for researchers and policymakers to exchange views and build partnerships to promote further innovative research. This publication builds on many of the research papers presented by trade and gender researchers at the Congress. The research presented at the Congress and in this publication reaffirms key gender principles and provides evidence that women face higher barriers than men when seeking to access opportunities created by trade. It also shows that trade policy can help women overcome obstacles. In addition, the research reaffirms the importance of making trade inclusive and demonstrates that making trade policies more responsive to gender issues improves gender equality in trade, supports poverty reduction and fosters sustainable growth.


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