Pakistan - Mesures antidumping visant les pellicules en polypropylène orienté biaxialement en provenance des Émirats arabes unis
Le 18 janvier 2021 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner l’affaire introduite par les Émirats arabes unis “Pakistan — Mesures antidumping visant les pellicules en polypropylène orienté biaxialement en provenance des Émirats arabes unis” (DS538).
United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products - Recourse 1
On 8 October 1996 India Malaysia Pakistan and Thailand requested consultations with the United States concerning a ban on importation of shrimp and shrimp products from these complainants imposed by the US under Section 609 of US Public Law 101-162. Violations of Articles I XI and XIII of the GATT 1994 as well nullification and impairment of benefits were alleged.
United States - Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products - Recourse 1
On 8 October 1996 India Malaysia Pakistan and Thailand requested consultations with the United States concerning a ban on importation of shrimp and shrimp products from these complainants imposed by the US under Section 609 of US Public Law 101-162. Violations of Articles I XI and XIII of the GATT 1994 as well nullification and impairment of benefits were alleged.
United States - Transitional Safeguard Measure on Combed Cotton Yarn from Pakistan
On 3 April 2000 Pakistan requested consultations with the US in respect of a transitional safeguard measure applied by the United States as of 17 March 1999 on combed cotton yarn (United States category 301) from Pakistan (see US Federal Register of 12 March 1999 document 99-6098). In accordance with Article 6.10 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) the United States had notified the TMB on 5 March 1999 that it had decided to unilaterally impose a restraint after consultations as to whether the situation called for a restraint had failed to produce a mutually satisfactory solution. In April 1999 the TMB examined the US restraint pursuant to Article 6.10 of the ATC and recommended that the US restraint should be rescinded. On 28 May 1999 in accordance with Article 8.10 of the ATC the United States notified the TMB that it considered itself unable to conform to the recommendations issued by the TMB. Despite a further recommendation of the TMB pursuant to Article 8.10 of the ATC that the United States reconsider its position the United States continued to maintain its unilateral restraint and thus the matter remained unresolved. Pakistan claimed as follows: the transitional safeguards applied by the United States are inconsistent with the United States’ obligations under Articles 2.4 of the ATC and not justified by Article 6 of the ATC; the US restraint does not meet the requirements for transitional safeguards set out in paragraphs 2 3 4 and 7 of Article 6 of the ATC.
European Union - Countervailing Measures on Certain Polyethylene Terephthalate from Pakistan
On 16 May 2018 the WTO Appellate Body issued its report in the case “European Union — Countervailing Duties on Certain Polyethylene Terephthalate from Pakistan.
United States - Transitional Safeguard Measure on Combed Cotton Yarn from Pakistan
On 3 April 2000 Pakistan requested consultations with the US in respect of a transitional safeguard measure applied by the United States as of 17 March 1999 on combed cotton yarn (United States category 301) from Pakistan (see US Federal Register of 12 March 1999 document 99-6098). In accordance with Article 6.10 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) the United States had notified the TMB on 5 March 1999 that it had decided to unilaterally impose a restraint after consultations as to whether the situation called for a restraint had failed to produce a mutually satisfactory solution. In April 1999 the TMB examined the US restraint pursuant to Article 6.10 of the ATC and recommended that the US restraint should be rescinded. On 28 May 1999 in accordance with Article 8.10 of the ATC the United States notified the TMB that it considered itself unable to conform to the recommendations issued by the TMB. Despite a further recommendation of the TMB pursuant to Article 8.10 of the ATC that the United States reconsider its position the United States continued to maintain its unilateral restraint and thus the matter remained unresolved. Pakistan claimed as follows: - the transitional safeguards applied by the United States are inconsistent with the United States’ obligations under Articles 2.4 of the ATC and not justified by Article 6 of the ATC; - the US restraint does not meet the requirements for transitional safeguards set out in paragraphs 2 3 4 and 7 of Article 6 of the ATC.
Unión europea - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán
El 16 de mayo de 2018 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Unión europea - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán”.
Union européenne - Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téréphtalate en provenance du Pakistan
Le 6 juillet 2017 un groupe spécial de l’OMC a publié un rapport dans l’affaire “Union européenne — Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téraphtalate en provenance du Pakistan” (DS486).
European Union - Countervailing Measures on Certain Polyethylene Terephthalate from Pakistan
On 6 July 2017 a WTO dispute panel issued a report in the case “European Union - Countervailing Measures on Certain Polyethylene Terephthalate from Pakistan".
Union européenne - Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téréphtalate en provenance du Pakistan
Le 16 mai l’Organe d’appel de l’OMC a publié son rapport dans l’affaire “Union européenne — Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthyène téréphthalate en provenance du Pakistan” (DS486)
Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos - Recurso 1
El 22 de octubre de 2001 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos - Recurso”.
Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos - Recurso 1
El 15 de junio de 2001 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos - Recurso”.
États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde transitoire appliquée aux fils de coton peignés en provenance du Pakistan
Le 31 mai 2001 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde transitoire appliquée aux fils de coton peignés en provenance du Pakistan”.
États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours 1
Le 22 octobre 2001 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours”.
Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia de transición aplicada a los hilados peinados de algodón procedentes del Pakistán
El 31 de mayo de 2001 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia de transición aplicada a los hilados peinados de algodón procedentes del Pakistán”.
Pakistán - Medidas antidumping sobre las películas de polipropileno orientado biaxialmente procedentes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos
El 18 de enero de 2021 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial encargado de examinar el asunto “Pakistán — Medidas antidumping sobre las películas de polipropileno orientado biaxialmente procedentes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos” (DS538) planteado por los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde transitoire appliquée aux fils de coton peignés en provenance du Pakistan
Le 08 octobre 2001 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde transitoire appliquée aux fils de coton peignés en provenance du Pakistan”.
Pakistan - Anti-Dumping Measures on Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film from the United Arab Emirates
On 18 January 2021 the WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by the United Arab Emirates in “Pakistan — Anti-Dumping Measures on Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film from the United Arab Emirates” (DS538) .
Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia de transición aplicada a los hilados peinados de algodón procedentes del Pakistán
El 08 de octubre de 2001 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia de transición aplicada a los hilados peinados de algodón procedentes del Pakistán”.
États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours 1
Le 15 juin 2001 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours”.
Unión europea - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán
El grupo especial de solución de diferencias de la OMC publicó el 6 de julio de 2017 un informe sobre el asunto “Unión Europea — Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán” (DS486)