Aid for Trade at a Glance 2024

image of Aid for Trade at a Glance 2024

Aid for Trade seeks to enable developing economies, and in particular least-developed countries (LDCs), to use trade as a means of fostering economic growth, sustainable development and poverty reduction. It promotes the integration of developing economies, especially LDCs, into the multilateral trading system and aims to galvanize support to build supply-side capacity and trade-related infrastructure in these economies to improve trade performance. This publication draws on the responses provided by participants to the questionnaire of the 2024 joint OECD–WTO Aid for Trade monitoring and evaluation (M&E) exercise, which underpins the 2024 Global Review of Aid for Trade. It presents an analysis of the M&E questionnaire responses and provides information on Aid for Trade financing flows up to the year 2022. Drawing on the responses to the survey, it describes priority areas for the Aid for Trade Initiative for 2024 and the coming years.


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