Règlement des différends
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Chine - Droits antidumping définitifs visant les appareils à rayons X utilisés pour les inspections de sécurité en provenance de l’Union europeenne
Le 26 février 2013 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial “Chine — Droits antidumping définitifs visant les appareils à rayons x utilisés pour les inspections de sécurité en provenance de l’Union européenne” (WT/DS425/R).
États-Unis - Incitations fiscales conditionnelles pour les aéronefs civils gros porteurs
Le 4 septembre 2017 l’Organe d’appel de l’OMC a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis — Incitations fiscales conditionnelles pour les aéronefs civils gros porteurs” (DS487).
European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products
On 28 March 2017 the WTO issued the panel report in the case brought by China in “European Union - Measures Affecting Tariff Concessions on Certain Poultry Meat Products”.
Estados Unidos - Directiva sobre fianzas aduaneras para determinadas mercancías sujetas a derechos antidumping y compensatorios
El 29 de febrero de 2008 la OMC publicó los informes de los Grupos Especiales sobre las reclamaciones de Tailandia y la India respectivamente referentes a los asuntos “Estados Unidos — Medidas relativas a los camarones procedentes de Tailandia” (DS343) y “Estados Unidos — Directiva sobre fianzas aduaneras para determinadas mercancías sujetas a derechos antidumping y compensatorios” (DS345).
India - Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector
On 6 October 1998 the EC requested consultations with India concerning certain measures affecting the automotive sector being applied by India. The EC stated that the measures include the documents entitled “Export and Import Policy 1997-2002” “ITC (HS Classification) Export and Import Policy 1997-2002” (“Classification”) and “Public Notice No. 60 (PN/97-02) of 12 December 1997 Export and Import Policy April 1997-March 2002” and any other legislative or administrative provision implemented or consolidated by these policies as well as MoUs signed by the Indian Government with certain manufacturers of automobiles. The EC contended that: under these measures imports of complete automobiles and of certain parts and components were subject to a system of non-automatic import licenses. in accordance with Public Notice No. 60 import licenses might be granted only to local joint venture manufacturers that had signed an MoU with the Indian Government whereby they undertook inter alia to comply with certain local content and export balancing requirements. The EC alleged violations of Articles III and XI of GATT 1994 and Article 2 of the TRIMs Agreement.
Japon - Droits compensateurs visant les mémoires RAM dynamiques en provenance de Corée
Le 28 novembre 2007 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Japon - Droits compensateurs visant les mémoires RAM dynamiques en provenance de Corée”.
United States - Countervailing Duties on Certain Corrosion Resistant Carbon Steel Flat Products from Germany
On 10 November 2000 the EC requested consultations with the US in respect of countervailing duties imposed by the US on imports of certain corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products (“corrosion resistant steel”) dealt with under US case number C-428-817. This dispute related in particular to the final results of a full sunset review of the above measure carried out by the US Department of Commerce (“DOC”) and published in the US Federal Register No. 65 FR 47407 of 2 August 2000. In this decision the DOC found that revocation of the countervailing duty order would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of a countervailable subsidy. The EC considered that this finding is inconsistent with the obligations of the US under the SCM Agreement and in particular in breach of Articles 10 11.9 and 21 (notably 21.3) thereof.
Canada - Certaines mesures concernant les périodiques
Le 30 juin 1997 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Canada - Certaines mesures concernant les périodiques”.
Brasil - Determinadas medidas relativas a la tributación y las cargas
El 30 de agosto de 2017 la OMC hizo públicos los informes del Grupo Especial que se ocupó de los asuntos “Brasil — Determinadas medidas relativas a la tributación y las cargas” planteados por la Unión Europea y el Japón (DS472 y DS497 respectivamente).
Russie - Mesures concernant le trafic en transit
Le 5 avril 2019 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner l’affaire introduite par l’Ukraine “Russie - Mesures concernant le trafic en transit” (DS512).
United States - Continued Existence and Application of Zeroing Methodology
On 2 October 2006 the European Communities requested consultations with the United States concerning its continued application of the “zeroing” methodology. In particular the request for consultations concerns (i) the implementing regulation (19 CFR Section 351) of the US Department of Commerce especially section 351.414(c)(2); and (ii) the Import Administration Antidumping Manual (1997 edition) including the computer program(s) to which it refers. The European Communities claims that based on these regulations the US Department of Commerce continued to apply the “zeroing” methodology in the determinations of the margin of dumping in the final results of the anti-dumping administrative reviews concerning various EC goods and any assessment instructions issued pursuant to those final results.
China - Measures Affecting the Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
On 10 April 2007 the United States requested consultations with China concerning certain measures pertaining to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in China.
Argentina - Measures Affecting Imports of Footwear, Textiles, Apparel and Other Items
On 4 October 1996 the US requested consultations with Argentina concerning the imposition of specific duties on these items in excess of the bound rate and other measures by Argentina. The US contended that these measures violate Articles II VII VIII and X of GATT 1994 Article 2 of the TBT Agreement Article 1 to 8 of the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994 and Article 7 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.
Federación de Rusia - Medidas relativas a la importación de porcinos vivos, carne de porcino y otros productos de porcino procedentes de la Unión Europea
El 23 de febrero de 2017 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Federación de Rusia - Medidas relativas a la importación de porcinos vivos carne de porcino y otros productos de porcino procedentes de la Unión Europea”.
Estados Unidos - Medidas relativas a la importación, comercialización y venta de atún y productos de atún - Recurso 1
El 20 de noviembre de 2015 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas relativas a la importación comercialización y venta de atún y productos de atún - Recurso”.
Estados Unidos - Medidas relativas a la importación, comercialización y venta de atún y productos de atún - Recurso 1
El 14 de abril de 2015 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas relativas a la importación comercialización y venta de atún y productos de atún - Recurso”.
Thailand - Anti-Dumping Duties on Angles, Shapes and Sections of Iron or Non-Alloy Steel and H-Beams from Poland
On 6 April 1998 Poland requested consultations with Thailand concerning the imposition of final anti-dumping duties on imports of angles shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel and H-beams. Poland asserted that provisional anti-dumping duties were imposed by Thailand on 27 December 1996 and a final anti-dumping duty of 27.78% of CIF value for these products produced or exported by any Polish producer or exporter was imposed on 26 May 1997. Poland further asserted that Thailand refused two requests by Poland for disclosure of findings. Poland contended that these actions by Thailand violate Articles 2 3 5 and 6 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
Communautés européennes - Classification douanière des morceaux de poulet désossés et congelés
Le 30 mai 2005 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Classification douanière des morceaux de poulet désossés et congelés”.
Estados Unidos - Medidas en materia de derechos compensatorios sobre determinados productos procedentes de China
El 14 de julio de 2014 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas en materia derechos compensatorios sobre determinados productos procedentes de China”.
Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des navires de commerce
Le 22 avril 2005 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des navires de commerce”.