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Examen de las políticas comerciales: Argentina 2021
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Argentina.
Textiles and clothing in Asian graduating LDCs
The textiles and clothing sector has been a key driver of export growth in least-developed countries (LDCs) that are on the path of graduation especially from Asia. Graduation from LDC status would imply loss of LDC trade preferences. This report a product of inter-agency collaboration examines impacts of graduation for Asian graduating LDCs; it looks at market access scenario after graduation the nature of their participation in global value chains and business insights including at the firm level. The report also offers a forward-looking perspective to ensure a smooth transition from LDC status. It sheds light on possible strategies to maintain market access after graduation and to support industrial upgrade and economic diversification. In addition the report points to other factors affecting export potential of textiles and clothing including increased attention to environmental and social standards. LDC-focused development assistance could play an important role in supporting these countries with bolstering the overall competitiveness of their textiles and clothing sector.
Boosting trade opportunities for least-developed countries
This report looks at progress over the past decade in supporting the integration of least-developed countries (LDCs) into the multilateral trading system. Prepared as the WTO's contribution to the 5th United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5) the report highlights that international efforts to help LDCs increase their participation in global trade are needed more than ever before in view of the enormous challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Important progress has been achieved in boosting LDC exports over the last decade by improving market access opportunities for LDCs and by granting them flexibilities in the implementation of WTO rules. Further efforts will be needed to support trade growth in LDCs in the next decade. LDC5 can set a path for allowing LDCs to fully realize their trade potential and to take advantage of emerging opportunities. The integration of LDCs into global trade is still a priority as trade can play an important role in driving economic growth and supporting sustainable development.
Guide to the Uruguay Round Agreements
The Uruguay Round one of the longest and most complex economic negotiations ever undertaken was completed successfully in December 1993. Its results are embodied in nearly 30 legal agreements and a large number of supplementary decisions as well as a large number of highly detailed separate undertakings in which each country specifies the levels of trade restrictions which it promises not to exceed for thousands of different products or services.
Trade in Knowledge
Technological change has transformed the ways knowledge is developed and shared internationally. Accordingly in the quarter-century since the WTO was established and since its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights came into force both the knowledge dimension of trade and the functioning of the IP system have been radically transformed. The need to understand and respond to this change has placed knowledge at the centre of policy debates about economic and social development. Recognizing the need for modern analytical tools to support policymakers and analysts this publication draws together contributions from a diverse range of scholars and analysts. Together they offer a fresh understanding of what it means to trade in knowledge in today’s technological and commercial environment. The publication offers insights into the prospects for knowledge-based development and ideas for updated systems of governance that promote the creation and sharing of the benefits of knowledge.
Trade Policy Review: Guyana 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Guyana.
Le financement du commerce en Afrique de l'Ouest
Le 12 octobre 2022 la Directrice générale de l’OMC Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala et le Directeur général de la Société financière internationale (SFI) Makhtar Diop ont lancé une publication conjointe sur le financement du commerce en Afrique de l’Ouest (Trade Finance in West Africa) à Washington DC. S’appuyant sur les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès des banques des quatre plus grandes économies de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) — Côte d’Ivoire Ghana Nigéria et Sénégal — la publication évalue l’insuffisance du financement du commerce dans ces pays. Elle souligne également les moyens de supprimer les obstacles aux facilités de crédit et de libérer le potentiel commercial de la région.
Trade Policy Review: Russian Federation 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Russian Federation.
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2022
This report analyses the evolution of Aid for Trade flows in a context marked by crises of unprecedented magnitude with significant impacts on trade and investment. Under the theme “Empowering Connected Sustainable Trade” it shows that Aid for Trade was an important tool in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and can help address emerging challenges such as the environmental and digital transitions while ensuring that no one is left behind. Recent data indicate that a shift is under way to put sustainability including green transition and women’s empowerment at the heart of Aid for Trade and point to its potential to support an inclusive and sustainable recovery.
Trade Policy Review: Korea, Rep. of, 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Korea Rep. of.
Trade Policy Review: Oman 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Oman.
Trade Policy Review: Tajikistan 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Tajikistan.
Trade Policy Review: Bahrain, Kingdom of, 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Bahrain Kingdom of.
Trade Policy Review: Mauritius 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mauritus.
Perfiles Arancelarios en el Mundo 2022
La publicación “Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo 2022” ofrece información exhaustiva sobre los aranceles impuestos por más de 170 países y territorios aduaneros. La publicación comienza con un desglose de los aranceles impuestos por esas economías. Los datos se presentan en cuadros sinópticos y en perfiles individuales de una página para cada economía. Se proporciona también una tabla recapitulativa sobre determinados indicadores relativos a los perfiles de importación y de exportación para estas economías. A continuación figura una sección sobre la utilización de las medidas no arancelarias que están adquiriendo una importancia cada vez mayor en el comercio internacional. En el apartado/la sección de los temas especiales figuran dos documentos técnicos. En el primero se analizan las normas de origen preferenciales en el comercio internacional y el segundo se centra en las medidas no arancelarias aplicables a los productos de energía “verde” y a los productos de energía “marrón”. La publicación ha sido elaborada conjuntamente por la Organización Mundial del Comercio la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) y el Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC).
Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2022
La publication intitulée « Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2022 » donne des renseignements complets sur les droits imposés par plus de 170 pays et territoires douaniers. La publication commence par une ventilation des droits de douane appliqués par ces économies. Les données sont présentées dans des tableaux récapitulatifs et sous forme de profils individuels d’une page pour chaque économie. Un tableau récapitulatif concernant certains indicateurs relatifs au profil des importations et des exportations pour ces économies est aussi disponible. Vient ensuite une section qui porte sur l’utilisation des mesures non tarifaires qui sont de plus en plus importantes dans le commerce international. La partie consacrée aux sujets spéciaux comprend deux documents techniques. Le premier analyse les règles d’origine préférentielles dans le commerce international et le second met l’accent sur les mesures non tarifaires appliquées aux produits énergétiques « verts » et « bruns ». Cette publication est établie conjointement par l’Organisation mondiale du commerce la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) et le Centre du commerce international (ITC).
El papel de las tecnologías avanzadas en el comercio transfronterizo
Esta publicación es el resultado de una colaboración entre la OMA y la OMC con el objetivo de comprender mejor la forma en que las tecnologías avanzadas punteras pueden ayudar a las autoridades aduaneras a facilitar el comercio además de arrojar luz sobre las oportunidades y desafíos a que se enfrentan al hacer uso de las cadenas de bloques el Internet de las cosas los macrodatos los análisis de datos la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automático.
Lutte contre le commerce illicite de produits médicaux
Les règles de l’OMC appuient les mesures visant à résoudre le problème du commerce illicite en favorisant la transparence et la prévisibilité et en jetant les bases de contrôles aux frontières et de contrôles réglementaires renforcés ainsi que d’une coopération accrue. Cette publication fait le tour des outils et activités de l’OMC susceptibles d’aider les Membres de l’Organisation à lutter contre le commerce illicite de produits médicaux.
Boîte à outils pour le commerce transfrontières sans papier
Le recours à des documents et à des transactions électroniques peut accélérer et accroître le commerce. Les messages électroniques peuvent éliminer la nécessité d'introduire manuellement des données dans un ordinateur à chaque point de contrôle de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et peuvent offrir la possibilité de réutiliser les données. La présente boîte à outils vise à faire mieux connaître les outils techniques et juridiques à utiliser pour adopter des systèmes de commerce transfrontières sans papier et des guichets uniques nationaux.
Le rôle des technologies avancées dans le commerce transfrontières
La présente publication est le fruit d'une collaboration entre l'OMD et l'OMC visant à mieux faire comprendre la façon dont les dernières technologies avancées peuvent aider les administrations douanières à contribuer à la facilitation des échanges et à faire la lumière sur les possibilités et les défis que celles-ci rencontrent dans le déploiement de la chaîne de blocs de l'Internet des objets des mégadonnées de l'analyse des données de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'apprentissage automatique.