Trade Policy Tools for Climate Action

image of Trade Policy Tools for Climate Action

Trade Policy Tools for Climate Action, a publication by the WTO Secretariat, looks into the trade policies that governments could consider as part of their strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The publication covers ten policy areas where governments have introduced measures to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, improve the flow of climate-friendly goods and services, decarbonize supply chains, and build resilience to extreme weather events and climate change. Launched at COP28, the publication is intended to shed light on how trade policy actions for climate could accelerate the transition to a climate-friendly global economy as part of the WTO Secretariat’s efforts to encourage the full use of the power of trade to deliver on collective sustainable development objectives, including those in relation to the climate crisis.


-contentType:WorkingPaperSeries -contentType:Periodical -contentType:BookSeries -contentType:ReportSeries
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