Mapping the negative impacts of illicit trade in agri-food and beverages against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Agriculture, forestry and fishing contributed 4.3 per cent of global GDP in 2022 and account for large shares of the GDP for developing economies. A healthy agricultural sector is vital to eradicating hunger and poverty. Illicit trade in agri-food and beverages, in its various manifestations, undermines sustainable farming, limits crop yields and jeopardizes the delivery of fair, safe and sustainable food supplies. This chapter examines how this form of illicit activity threatens the achievement of 11 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Examples from illicit trade in food commodities, processed foods and pesticides demonstrate how fraud and failures in the food supply chain hinder progress on the vital goals to eradicate hunger and poverty, improve health and well-being, strengthen consumers’ ability to make educated and eco-friendly decisions, and generate sustainable economic growth.

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