Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr Ángel Villalobos Rodríguez of Mexico, at the Trade Policy Review of Barbados, 25 and 27 October 2022.

This fourth Trade Policy Review of Barbados has provided us with an excellent opportunity to better understand the trade and related policies of Barbados since its last Review in 2015 and acknowledge the challenges it faces. The Review has benefited from the constructive and informative participation of Barbados’ delegation, headed by the Honourable Ms Cheryl Sandra V. Husbands, Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business Development, within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, from the insightful comments of the discussant, H.E. Ambassador Dr Asim Ahmed, Permanent Representative of Maldives to the WTO, and from the 23 delegations that took the floor during this meeting.

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