Status of WTO Legal Instruments

2019 Edition

image of Status of WTO Legal Instruments

This publication covers the treaty instruments drawn up by WTO Members in relation to the Agreement Establishing the WTO and the multilateral and plurilateral trade agreements annexed to this Agreement. It lists the signature dates of WTO agreements and the dates of acceptance or amendments to these agreements. It also provides the date of their entry into force as well as for other communications and declarations received by the WTO Director-General in his capacity as depositary. This publication reflects several WTO accessions and treaty amendments since the previous edition. Following a brief introduction, a dedicated section provides a comprehensive summary of the establishment of the WTO and the evolution of its treaty instruments. It also provides information on depositary notifications by the WTO Director-General, the relevant volumes of the WTO and UN Treaty Series, and treaty registration with the United Nations. Hyperlinks in the PDF allow readers direct access to the relevant WTO and UN documents.

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