Concluding Remarks by the Chairperson of the Trade Policy Review Body, H.E. Mr Eduardo Muñoz Gómez, at the Trade Policy Review of Uruguay 27 and 29 April 2012

This fourth Trade Policy Review of Uruguay has provided an opportunity for us to improve our understanding of recent developments in Uruguay’s trade and investment policies, including areas where significant progress has been made, and those where there is room for improvement. We are grateful for the active participation of the Uruguayan delegation, led by Ambassador Álvaro Ons, Executive Secretary of the Interministerial Commission on Foreign Trade. We also thank Ambassador Francisco Pírez, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the WTO, and the other members of the Uruguayan delegation. Our discussions have also been enriched by the judicious observations of the discussant, Ambassador Francisco Lima, and by the numerous statements of Members. The answers provided by the Uruguayan authorities to the questions submitted in advance were very much appreciated.

Related Topics: Suivi du commerce
Countries: Uruguay
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