Minutes of the TPRB meeting

The second Trade Policy Review of Brunei Darussalam was held on 25 and 27 February 2008. The Chairperson (H.E. Mr. Yonov Frederick Agah) welcomed the Brunei delegation, led by Mr. Dato Lim Jock Hoi (Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade), and which included Her Royal Highness Princess Muta-Wakillah Bolkiah and H.E. Mr. Alaihuddin Taha, as well as the discussant H.E. Mrs. Marie-Claire Swärd Capra (Sweden). As usual, the discussant would speak in her personal capacity and not as a country representative. In accordance with established procedures, the discussant had provided in advance outlines of the main issues she intended to raise (document WT/TPR/D/171).

Related Topics: Suivi du commerce
Countries: Brunéi Darussalam
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