Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments (2018)

Mid-October 2017 to Mid-May 2018

image of Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments (2018)

WTO members introduced more trade-restrictive measures from mid-October 2017 to mid-May 2018 compared to the previous review period (mid-October 2016 to mid-October 2017), according to the Director-General’s mid-year report on trade-related developments presented to members on 25 July at a meeting of the Trade Policy Review Body. While WTO members continued to implement more trade-facilitating than trade-restrictive measures, the value of trade covered by the restrictive measures rose and the value covered by facilitating measures fell. The report draws attention to this shift, and to the fact that it is taking place at a time of heightened trade tensions and associated rhetoric, which should be of concern to the international community.

Related Topics: Suivi du commerce

Table of Contents

Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments (2017)


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