WTO accession negotiations: Trends and results in agriculture plurilaterals
- De: Julie-Ann Guivarra
- Source: WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism , pp 17-17
- Publication Date: enero 2015
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/e1229590-en
- Idioma: Inglés
Thirty-three members have acceded to the WTO since it was established in 1995. In the majority of these accession negotiations, reforms to the agriculture sector have featured as a particularly sensitive issue for acceding governments. Why is this the case? What are the existing members’ expectations of acceding governments in relation to agriculture? And how have acceding governments fared through this process? While agriculture trade accounts for less than 10 per wto_cent of world merchandise trade, the agriculture sector, particularly for many developing countries, can be significant in terms of its contribution to both gross domestic product and employment.
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Economic research and trade policy analysis
WTO accessions
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