Trade in services and sustainable development in the context of the WTO: The case of higher education

- De : Chotiras Chavanich
- Source: The WTO in the Twenty-First Century , pp 21-21
- Publication Date: janvier 2007
- DOI:
- Langue : Anglais
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the pre-eminent body governing international trade, including international trade in services. The WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) aims to liberalize trade in services. GATS is a multilateral, legally enforceable agreement. Education services, including higher education, are one of the 12 broad sectors included in the GATS. WTO Members of the WTO are currently pursuing the goal of further liberalization of trade in services as part of the Doha Development Agenda. Without the appropriate guidance, these negotiations may bring about practical and regulatory effects that negatively impact sustainable development.
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