General note and abbreviations

image of General note and abbreviations

The statistics related to applied tariffs and imports are calculated using data which are based on the HS nomenclature adopted by the country for the reference year. For statistics on bound tariffs, the calculations are based on the approved schedule of concessions of the WTO member. In previous issues of World Tariff Profiles, each schedule is based on the HS version which the member used when it acceded to the WTO. Starting with the 2010 issue of this publication, bound tariff statistics are based on the approved schedule of concessions for each member in the most recent HS version. This might have some implications on the historical series of various bound tariff indicators affected by the use of a different nomenclature. While the member’s commitments have not changed as a result of the transposition, some aggregate statistics might have been affected as a consequence of the change to another HS version.

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