Annual Report 2010

image of Annual Report 2010

The 2010 WTO Annual Report provides a brief summary of the organization and a detailed review of its activities in 2009. It also includes a personal message from the Director-General, who reflects on the events of 2009, the impact of the financial crisis and the challenges that lie ahead. The main part of the Report is divided into the five principal areas of activity of the WTO: trade negotiations ─ outlining the latest developments in the Doha Round implementation and monitoring ─ describing how WTO agreements are being implemented and the organisation's trade monitoring role dispute settlement ─ summarizing the commercial disputes brought by WTO members to the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body in 2009 building trade capacity ─ outlining the WTO's efforts to help developing countries improve their trade capacity outreach ─ detailing how the WTO maintains dialogue with a variety of audiences. The Report also features an in-depth look at the WTO's Ministerial Conference, which took place in November/December 2009, the Second Global Review of Aid for Trade, which was held at WTO headquarters in July 2009, and the WTO's first-ever Open Day in September 2009.

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