E-commerce in Africa: issues and challenges
- De : World Trade Organization
- Source: Adapting to the Digital Trade Era , pp 116-139
- Publication Date: novembre 2020
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/655c1539-en
- Langue : Anglais Espagnol, Français
This chapter analyses the potential for e-commerce activities in Africa. The rapid growth of internet penetration and the use of mobile telephony, along with the adoption of mobile innovations that have greatly boosted financial inclusion and encouraged reliance on electronic payment, have established a strong basis for e-commerce development on the continent. On the other hand, still-low banking rates, fragile laws and regulations governing the sector, and a lack of cross-country harmonization of these rules constrain African e-commerce. Reducing cybercrime, increasing participation in the financial sector and strengthening of the legal framework are key steps to promote e-commerce activities.
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Related Topics:
Développement et renforcement des capacités commerciales
Technologies de l'information et commerce électronique
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