Supply chains and services

Supply chain production has likely made production more services-intensive. Only recently has the extent of reliance on services in supply chains become evident, particularly since global trade statistics measured in value-added terms were developed. However, a full understanding of the role of services in supply chains remains elusive. Recent work reported here attempts to capture the multiplicity of distinct services implicated in supply chain production; the interdependent nature of markets; the tendency towards reliance on networks and the resultant bundling or modularising of product offerings that combine different goods and services; the role of services as a driver of innovation; services as a potentially untapped source of value-added capture, and a range of data challenges that will take time to resolve.Supply chain production has likely made production more services-intensive. Only recently has the extent of reliance on services in supply chains become evident, particularly since global trade statistics measured in value-added terms were developed. However, a full understanding of the role of services in supply chains remains elusive. Recent work reported here attempts to capture the multiplicity of distinct services implicated in supply chain production; the interdependent nature of markets; the tendency towards reliance on networks and the resultant bundling or modularising of product offerings that combine different goods and services; the role of services as a driver of innovation; services as a potentially untapped source of value-added capture, and a range of data challenges that will take time to resolve.

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