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- Annual Report 2014
- Capítulo
Appellate Body
- De: World Trade Organization
- Source: Annual Report 2014 , pp 93-95
- Publication Date: mayo 2014
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/eee06fd6-en
- Idioma: Inglés Español, Francés
The Appellate Body circulated reports in two disputes during 2013, both involving Canadian measures in the renewable energy sector. Canada had appealed the findings of the panel reports in both cases earlier in the year. One arbitration proceeding concerning the reasonable period of time for implementation of Dispute Settlement Body recommendations and rulings was carried out in 2013. Two members of the Appellate Body, Ricardo Ramírez-Hernández and Peter Van den Bossche, completed their first terms and were reappointed. David Unterhalter completed his second and final term. A new member of the Appellate Body will be appointed in 2014.
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Trade monitoring
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