Trade monitoring
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2017
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2017 examine comment la technologie et le commerce influent sur l'emploi et les salaires. Il analyse les difficultés que rencontrent les travailleurs et les entreprises pour s'adapter à l'évolution du marché du travail et la façon dont les gouvernements peuvent faciliter cet ajustement pour faire en sorte que le commerce et la technologie soient inclusifs.
Trade Policy Review: Ghana 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Ghana.
Examen Statistique du Commerce Mondial 2016
L'Examen statistique du commerce mondial présente une analyse détaillée de l'évolution la plus récente du commerce mondial. Il paraîtra tous les ans et remplace les “Statistiques du commerce international” la publication statistique annuelle précédente de l'OMC.
Trade Policy Review: Tonga 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Tonga.
Trade Policy Review: Solomon Islands 2016
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of the Solomon Islands.
Trade Policy Review: Albania 2016
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Honduras.
Annual Report 2016
The Annual Report 2016 begins with a message from the WTO Director-General and an overview of 2015. This is followed by more in-depth accounts of the WTO’s areas of activity over the past 12 months with a spotlight on all the major events of 2015.
Trade Policy Review: Bangladesh 2019
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO's Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Bangladesh.
Trade Policy Review: Mexico 2008
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mexico.
Rapport Annuel 2012
Le Rapport annuel 2012 de l'OMC présente brièvement l'Organisation et contient un aperçu de l'année 2011 ainsi qu'un examen détaillé des principaux domaines d'activité de l'OMC.
Trade Policy Review: Jamaica 2011
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Jamaica.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2016
En el Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2016 se examina la participación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en el comercio internacional así como la forma en que la situación comercial internacional está cambiando para las pymes y lo que el sistema multilateral de comercio hace y puede hacer para promover una participación más amplia e inclusiva de las pymes en los mercados mundiales.
Trade Policy Review: Colombia 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Colombia.
Trade Policy Review: Madagascar 2008
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Madagascar.
World Trade Report 2008
The theme of this year’s Report is “Trade in a Globalizing World”. The Report provides a reminder of what we know about the gains from international trade and highlights the challenges arising from higher levels of integration. It addresses a range of interlinking questions starting with a consideration of what constitutes globalization what drives it what benefits does it bring what challenges does it pose and what role does trade play in this world of ever-growing inter-dependency. The Report asks why some countries have managed to take advantage of falling trade costs and greater policy-driven trading opportunities while others have remained largely outside international commercial relations. It also considers who the winners and losers are from trade and what complementary action is needed from policy-makers to secure the benefits of trade for society at large. In examining these complex and multi-faceted questions the Report reviews both the theoretical gains from trade and empirical evidence that can help to answer these questions.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2007
Le 1er janvier 2008 le système commercial multilatéral a eu 60 ans. Le rapport 2007 sur le commerce mondial commémore cet anniversaire par une analyse approfondie du GATT et de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) qui lui a succédé – leurs origines leurs réalisations les défis qu'ils ont dû relever et ce que l'avenir leur réserve.
World Trade Statistical Review 2021
“World Trade Statistical Review” looks into the latest trends in global trade with in-depth analysis of what is being traded and who the key players are. Analytical chapters are complemented by over 60 tables providing a detailed breakdown of the goods and services being traded and the leading exporters/importers.
Trade Policy Review: Mexico 2017
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mexico.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005
La atención prestada a los efectos de las normas en el comercio ha ocultado a menudo la importante contribución de las normas al aumento de la eficiencia económica y a la superación de las deficiencias del mercado. Es al desempeñar estas funciones cuando crean beneficios para la sociedad. El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005 trata de arrojar luz sobre estas diversas funciones y consecuencias de las normas.
Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Turkey.
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment - Annual Report by the Director-General (2010)
Lamy cites need for “increased vigilance” to three potential dangers facing world trade: Director-General Pascal Lamy in his annual report to WTO members on developments in the international trading environment published on 24 November 2010 called for increased vigilance by members to three potential dangers the first regarding “an increase in protectionist pressures generated by global imbalances at a time when the political consensus in favour of open trade and investment is already under strain from stubbornly high levels of unemployment in many countries”. He also cited “the danger of a steady accumulation over time of measures that restrict or distort trade and investment” and “the challenge of managing the trade and investment impacts of stimulus and bail-out measures taken in response to the crisis”.
Trade Policy Review: Israel 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Israel.
International Trade Statistics 2008
International Trade Statistics 2008 offers a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in world trade covering the details of merchandise trade by product and trade in commercial services by category. Each chapter is introduced by a highlights section that identifies the most salient trends in the data and illustrates them with numerous charts and maps. There is also a methodological chapter that explains essential concepts and definitions used in compiling the statistics and an appendix with detailed data on trade by region through 2007. This year’s edition expands the coverage of merchandise trade including new tables on exports and imports of food and fuels by selected economies. With these additions International Trade Statistics 2008 will continue to serve as an invaluable reference for researchers policy makers and anyone interested in international trade.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004 comienza con una breve discusión sobre cómo se emplea el concepto de coherencia en el análisis de políticas interdependientes en una amplia gama de asuntos y actividades económicas.
Profils Commerciaux 2016
Les Profils commerciaux 2016 fournissent une série d'indicateurs clés sur le commerce des marchandises et des services de 195 économies. For each economy the data is presented in a handy two-page format providing a concise overview of global trade.
Examen des politiques commerciales : Union européenne 2020
“Les examens des politiques commerciales” analysent les politiques et pratiques commerciales de chaque Membre de l’OMC. Les examens comprennent trois grandes parties: un rapport indépendant établi par le Secrétariat de l’OMC un rapport établi par le gouvernement et les remarques finales formulées par le Président de l’Organe d’examen des politiques commerciales de l’OMC. La première section- “Principales données sur le commerce” - donne un aperçu visuel des principales exportations/importations du Membre de l’OMC considéré des principales destinations de ses exportations des origines de ses importations et d’autres données clés. La présente édition examine les pratiques commerciales de l’Union européenne.
Estadísticas del Comercio Internacional 2015
La publicación Estadísticas del comercio internacional 2015 ofrece un panorama completo de la evolución más reciente en la esfera del comercio mundial e incluye detalles del comercio de mercancías por productos y del comercio de servicios comerciales por categorías.
International Trade Statistics 2013
International Trade Statistics 2013 provides a detailed overview of developments in world trade up to the end of 2012 covering both merchandise and services trade as well as trade measured in value-added terms.
Trade Policy Review: Hong Kong, China 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Hong Kong China.
Trade Policy Review: Suriname 2019
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Suriname.
Trade Policy Review: Republic of Korea 2008
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Korea.
Rapport Annuel 2005
Le Rapport annuel de l'OMC traite des activités courantes de l'Organisation et donne des renseignement sur sa structure son personnel et de son budget actuel. Il est publié au premier semestre de chaque année.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Costa Rica 2019
En los “Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales” se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Costa Rica.
Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2020
El Examen estadístico del comercio mundial estudia los acontecimientos más recientes que se han producido en el comercio mundial y analiza detalladamente las últimas tendencias del comercio de mercancías y servicios. En él también se analiza la participación de las economías en desarrollo en el comercio mundial y la evolución reciente de las políticas comerciales. Los capítulos analíticos se complementan con un apéndice estadístico que incluye más de 60 cuadros con datos globales sobre diversos aspectos del comercio mundial de mercancías y servicios.
Annual Report 2008
The 2008 Annual Report of the WTO focuses on the activities of the organization in 2007 and details its current structure staff and budget. Includes detailed progress reports on various aspects of the Doha negotiations and an overview of some of the main developments within the WTO.
Rapport Annuel 2010
Le Rapport annuel 2010 de l'OMC propose une brève présentation de l'Organisation et un examen détaillé de ses activités en 2009. Il contient aussi un message personnel du Directeur général qui passe en revue les événements survenus en 2009 l'impact de la crise financière et les défis futurs.
Rapport Annuel 1999
Le Rapport annuel de l'OMC se concentre sur les activités régulières de l'organisation et détaille sa structure actuelle incluant le personnel et le budget.
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment - Annual Report by the Director-General (2019)
The Director-General’s annual overview of trade-related developments discussed on 12 December at a meeting of the Trade Policy Review Body shows that trade restrictions by WTO members continue at historically high levels. Between mid-October 2018 and mid-October 2019 the trade coverage of import-restrictive measures implemented by members was estimated at USD 747 billion. This is the highest trade coverage recorded since October 2012 and represents an increase of 27% compared to the figure recorded in the previous annual overview (USD 588 billion). The report notes that new trade restrictions and increasing trade tensions added to the uncertainty surrounding international trade and the world economy.
Informe Anual 1998
El Informe anual de la OMC se centra en las actividades ordinarias de la organización y los detalles de su estructura personal y presupuesto actuales.
Trade Policy Review: Malaysia 2014
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Malaysia.
Informe Anual 2002
El Informe anual de la OMC se centra en las actividades ordinarias de la organización y los detalles de su estructura personal y presupuesto actuales.
Trade Policy Review: Zambia 2009
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Zambia.
Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2019
El Examen estadístico del comercio mundial estudia los acontecimientos más recientes que se han producido en el comercio mundial y analiza detalladamente las últimas tendencias del comercio de mercancías y servicios. En él también se analiza la participación de las economías en desarrollo en el comercio mundial y la evolución reciente de las políticas comerciales. Los capítulos analíticos se complementan con un apéndice estadístico que incluye más de 60 cuadros con datos globales sobre diversos aspectos del comercio mundial de mercancías y servicios.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Perú 2019
En los “Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales” se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial - “principales datos sobre el comercio” - se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Ecuador.
Trade Policy Review: Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu 2010
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan Penghu Kinmen and Matsu.
Annual Report 2012
The WTO Annual Report provides a comprehensive overview of WTO activities in 2011. It is divided into two main sections. The first is a brief summary of the organization and an overview of 2011. The second section provides more in-depth information.
Trade Policy Review: Belize 2017
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Belize.
Informe anual 2018
El informe Anual 2018 contiene una exposición completa de las actividades realizadas por la Organización en 2017 y principios de 2018. El informe comienza con un mensaje del Director General Roberto Azevêdo; posteriormente se resume lo realizado en 2017 y se hace un análisis más profundo de las actividades llevadas a cabo en las diversas esferas de la OMC en los últimos 12 meses. También se destacan los eventos y las actividades más importantes de la OMC como la Undécima Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización celebrada en Buenos Aires.
International Trade Statistics 2010
International Trade Statistics is the Number One source for data on world trade. Detailed tables provide comprehensive statistics on the world’s leading exporters and importers with information broken down by region and by country. Trade statistics are also provided by product and by commercial services. With data dating back to 1948 this publication provides unparalleled insights into the trends for world trade over the past six decades. Hundreds of statistical tables and highlight sections illustrating some of the key trends help to make International Trade Statistics an invaluable reference tool for businesses analysts and anyone wanting to know more about international trade.
Trade Policy Review: Macao China 2013
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Macao China.
World Trade Report 2012
Regulatory measures for trade in goods and services raise new and pressing challenges for international cooperation in the 21st century. The World Trade Report 2012 examines why governments use these non-tariff measures and to what extent such measures may distort international trade. Non-tariff measures (NTMs) can serve legitimate public policy goals such as protecting the health of consumers but they may also be used for protectionist purposes. The Report reveals how the expansion of global production chains climate change and the growing importance of consumer concerns in richer countries affect the use of NTMs. It also reports that such measures represent the main source of concerns for exporters. The focus of the Report is on technical barriers to trade (TBT) regarding standards for manufactured goods sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures concerning food safety and animal/plant health and domestic regulation in services. The Report looks at the availability of information on NTMs and the latest trends concerning usage. It discusses the impact that NTMs have on trade and examines how regulatory harmonization and/or mutual recognition of standards may help to reduce any trade-hindering effects. Finally the Report looks at international cooperation on NTMs.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2008
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial est une publication annuelle qui vise à permettre de mieux comprendre les tendances du commerce international les questions de politique commerciale et le système commercial multilatéral.
Trade Policy Review: Australia 2011
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Australia.
Trade Policy Review: Canada 2019
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Canada.
Annual Report 2006
The Annual Report of the World Trade Organization focuses on the main activities of the organization and details of its current structure staff and budget. This is a companion report to the World Trade Report and the International Trade Statistics.
Informe Sobre el Comercio Mundial 2017
En el Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2017 se examina cómo afectan la tecnología y el comercio al empleo y los salarios. Se analizan las dificultades a que se enfrentan los trabajadores y las empresas para ajustarse a los cambios en los mercados de trabajo y la manera en que los Gobiernos pueden facilitar ese ajuste para que el comercio y la tecnología sean inclusivos.
Trade Policy Review: East African Community 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of East African Community.
Rapport annuel 2020
Le Rapport annuel 2020 offre un compte rendu complet des activités menées par l'OMC en 2019 et au début de 2020. Il commence par un message du Directeur général de l'OMC Roberto Azevêdo. Il donne ensuite un bref aperçu de l'année écoulée puis une description plus détaillée des principaux domaines d'activité de l'Organisation au cours des 12 derniers mois. Des gros plans sont faits sur les principaux événements et activités organisés à l'OMC.
Informe anual 2020
El Informe Anual 2020 contiene una exposición completa de las actividades realizadas por la Organización en 2019 y principios de 2020. El informe comienza con un mensaje del Director General Roberto Azevêdo y un resumen del año anterior. Posteriormente se hace un análisis más profundo de las actividades llevadas a cabo en las principales esferas de la OMC en los últimos 12 meses. También se destacan los eventos y las actividades más importantes de la Organización.
Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2021
El Examen estadístico del comercio mundial pasa revista a las tendencias más recientes del comercio mundial y analiza en profundidad qué se comercia y quiénes son los actores clave. Los capítulos analíticos se complementan con más de 60 cuadros en que se desglosan de forma detallada las mercancías y los servicios objeto de comercio y los principales exportadores e importadores.
Examen statistique du commerce mondial 2021
« L’Examen statistique du commerce mondial » étudie les évolutions récentes du commerce mondial et examine en profondeur les échanges et qui sont les acteurs importants. Les chapitres analytiques sont complétés par plus de 60 tableaux qui détaillent les marchandises et services échangés et les principaux exportateurs et importateurs.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Nicaragua 2021
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Nicaragua.
Trade Policy Review: Indonesia 2020
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Indonesia.
Perfies comerciales 2021
La publicación Perfiles comerciales 2021 presenta una serie de indicadores clave sobre el comercio de mercancías y de servicios de 197 economías. En el caso del comercio de mercancías se indican las principales exportaciones e importaciones de productos agropecuarios y productos no agrícolas así como los principales orígenes y destinos de esos productos. En el caso del comercio de servicios se hace un desglose detallado por servicios de transporte viajes y otros servicios comerciales. La publicación contiene asimismo estadísticas sobre propiedad intelectual. Se ofrece información respecto de todos los Miembros y observadores de la OMC y de otras economías. Los datos de cada economía se presentan en un práctico formato de dos páginas lo que proporciona un panorama sucinto del comercio mundial. La publicación es un instrumento de referencia imprescindible para todo aquel que necesite consultar estadísticas comerciales básicas.
Profils Commerciaux 2021
Les Profils commerciaux 2021 fournissent une série d’indicateurs clés sur le commerce des marchandises et des services de 197 économies. Concernant le commerce des marchandises les principales exportations et importations de produits agricoles et non agricoles sont répertoriées avec les principales origines et destinations de ces produits. Concernant le commerce des services une ventilation détaillée est donnée pour les services de transport les services relatifs aux voyages et d’autres services commerciaux. La publication contient également des statistiques sur la propriété intellectuelle. Les informations sont disponibles pour tous les Membres de l’OMC et les observateurs et pour certaines autres économies. Par souci de commodité les données pour chaque économie sont présentées sur deux pages ce qui permet d’avoir un aperçu rapide du commerce mondial. La publication est un précieux outil de référence pour tous ceux qui ont besoin de statistiques commerciales de base.
Rapport annuel 2021
Le Rapport annuel 2021 offre un compte rendu complet des activités menées par l'OMC en 2020 et au début de 2021. Il commence par un message de la Directrice générale de l'Organisation Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala et par un bref aperçu de l'année écoulée. Il donne ensuite une description détaillée des principaux domaines d'activité de l'OMC. Des gros plans sont faits sur le processus de sélection du Directeur général la COVID-19 et le commerce mondial et le 25ème anniversaire de l'OMC.
Informe anual 2021
El Informe Anual 2021 contiene una exposición completa de las actividades realizadas por la OMC en 2020 y principios de 2021. El Informe comienza con un mensaje de la Directora General de la Organización Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala y un resumen del año anterior. Posteriormente se hace un análisis más profundo de las actividades llevadas a cabo en las principales esferas de la OMC. También se destacan el proceso de selección de la Directora General la COVID-19 y el comercio mundial y el 25º aniversario de la Organización.
Trade Policy Review: Mongolia 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mongolia.
Trade Policy Review: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Trade Policy Review: Kyrgyz Republic 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Kyrgyz Republic.
Trade Policy Review: India 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of India.
Trade Policy Review: Viet Nam 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Viet Nam.
Trade Policy Review: Tonga 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Tonga.
Trade Policy Review: Nicaragua 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Nicaragua.
Trade Policy Review: Myanmar 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Myanmar.
Trade Policy Review: Qatar 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Qatar.
Trade Policy Review: Singapore 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Singapore.
Trade Policy Review: Argentina 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Argentina.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Argentina 2021
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Argentina.
Trade Policy Review: Guyana 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Guyana.
Trade Policy Review: Russian Federation 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Russian Federation.
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2022
This report analyses the evolution of Aid for Trade flows in a context marked by crises of unprecedented magnitude with significant impacts on trade and investment. Under the theme “Empowering Connected Sustainable Trade” it shows that Aid for Trade was an important tool in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and can help address emerging challenges such as the environmental and digital transitions while ensuring that no one is left behind. Recent data indicate that a shift is under way to put sustainability including green transition and women’s empowerment at the heart of Aid for Trade and point to its potential to support an inclusive and sustainable recovery.
Trade Policy Review: Korea, Rep. of, 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Korea Rep. of.
Trade Policy Review: Oman 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Oman.
Trade Policy Review: Tajikistan 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Tajikistan.
Trade Policy Review: Bahrain, Kingdom of, 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Bahrain Kingdom of.
Trade Policy Review: Mauritius 2021
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mauritus.
Trade Policy Review: United Arab Emirates 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of the United Arab Emirates.
Trade Policy Review: Panama 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Panama.
Trade Policy Review: Pakistan 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Pakistan.
Trade Policy Review: Georgia 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Georgia.
Examen de las políticas comerciales: Panamá 2022
En los "Exámenes de las Políticas Comerciales" se analizan las políticas y prácticas comerciales de cada Miembro de la OMC. Los exámenes constan de tres partes: un informe independiente elaborado por la Secretaría de la OMC un informe elaborado por el Gobierno y las observaciones a modo de conclusión formuladas por el Presidente del Órgano de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales de la OMC. En la sección inicial -"principales datos sobre el comercio"- se ofrece un resumen gráfico de las principales exportaciones/importaciones los principales destinos de exportación los orígenes de las importaciones y otros datos importantes del Miembro de la OMC. En esta edición se examinan las prácticas comerciales de Panamá.
Trade Policy Review: Switzerland and Liechtenstein 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
One year of war in Ukraine
This note examines how the war in Ukraine has affected global trade. It looks at how exports from Russia and Ukraine have evolved over the past year. It then analyses how countries highly dependent on Russian or Ukrainian exports of agricultural and primary goods have responded to the crisis and how prices and trade in goods greatly affected by the war have developed. These impacts reveal the repercussions of the war for developing economies and demonstrate the resilience of the multilateral trading system. This note highlights that a widespread push to reconsolidate global supply chains based on geopolitical considerations would come at a high cost. Reduced growth prospects could be particularly large for many developing countries especially least-developed countries. Their opportunity costs of foregoing further multilateral liberalization and moving to geopolitical rivalry instead could amount to 11.3 per cent of real GDP – placing further strain on the fragile situation triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Annual Report 2022
The WTO Annual Report 2022 provides a comprehensive account of the WTO's activities in 2021 and early 2022. It also covers the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) originally scheduled for end-2021 but postponed until June 2022. The Report opens with a message from Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and an overview of the past year followed by in-depth accounts of the WTO’s main areas of activity in 2021 and early 2022 including spotlights highlighting the impact of COVID-19 on world trade and the 2021 Public Forum
Trade Profiles 2021
Trade Profiles 2021 provides a series of key indicators on trade in goods and services for 197 economies. For merchandise trade major exports and imports are listed for both agricultural and non-agricultural products as well as major origins and destinations for total merchandise trade. For trade in services a detailed breakdown is provided for transport travel and other commercial services. Statistics on intellectual property are also provided. The information is available for all WTO members and observers and for other selected economies. For each economy the data is presented in a handy two-page format providing a concise overview of global trade. The publication is an invaluable reference tool for anyone looking for essential trade statistics.
Trade Profiles 2022
Trade Profiles 2022 provides a series of key indicators on trade in goods and services for 197 economies. For merchandise trade major exports and imports are listed for both agricultural and non-agricultural products as well as major origins and destinations for total merchandise trade. For trade in services a detailed breakdown is provided for transport travel and other commercial services. Statistics on intellectual property are also provided. The information is available for all WTO members and observers and for other selected economies. For each economy the data is presented in a handy twopage format providing a concise overview of global trade. The publication is an invaluable reference tool for anyone looking for essential trade statistics.
Perfiles comerciales 2022
La publicación Perfiles comerciales 2022 presenta una serie de indicadores clave sobre el comercio de mercancías y de servicios de 197 economías. En el caso del comercio de mercancías se indican las principales exportaciones e importaciones de productos agropecuarios y productos no agrícolas así como los principales orígenes y destinos de esos productos. En el caso del comercio de servicios se hace un desglose detallado por servicios de transporte viajes y otros servicios comerciales. La publicación contiene asimismo estadísticas sobre propiedad intelectual. Se ofrece información respecto de todos los Miembros y observadores de la OMC y de otras economías. Los datos de cada economía se presentan en un práctico formato de dos páginas lo que proporciona un panorama sucinto del comercio mundial. La publicación es un instrumento de referencia imprescindible para todo aquel que necesite consultar estadísticas comerciales básicas.
Trade Policy Review: Barbados 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Barbados.
Trade Policy Review: Ghana 2022
“Trade Policy Reviews" analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - "key trade facts" - provides a visual overview of the WTO member's major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Ghana.