Trade facilitation and customs valuation
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La COVID-19 y medidas en la frontera
Los países han establecido una serie de restricciones al movimiento de personas a través de las fronteras especialmente con fines no esenciales así como prohibiciones a la exportación de bienes esenciales y alimentos. Se ha producido una proliferación de prohibiciones de exportación de suministros médicos esenciales y de alimentos unido a medidas para facilitar la importación de los mismos tipos de productos (es decir exenciones del pago del impuesto sobre el valor añadido y de los derechos de importación).
COVID-19 et mesures à la frontière
Les pays ont mis en place une série de restrictions concernant la circulation des personnes à travers les frontières notamment à des fins non essentielles ainsi que des prohibitions à l’exportation de biens essentiels et de produits alimentaires. Les mesures interdisant l’exportation de fournitures médicales essentielles ainsi que de produits alimentaires se sont multipliées tout comme les mesures visant à faciliter l’importation des mêmes types de produits (c’est-à-dire des exonérations de la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée et des droits d’importation).
COVID-19 and border measures
Countries have put in place a range of restrictions on the movement of persons across borders especially for non-essential purposes as well as export prohibitions on essential goods and food. There has been a proliferation of measures banning the export of essential medical supplies as well as food paired with measures to facilitate the import of the same types of product (i.e. value added tax and import duty exemptions).
Perfiles comerciales de los países en desarrollo sin litoral
El comercio desempeña un papel fundamental en el logro de los objetivos de desarrollo de los PDSL y es fundamental para alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en particular la meta 17.11: aumentar significativamente las exportaciones de los países en desarrollo.
Survey questions posed to WCO members in 2021
The WCO and the WTO jointly designed questions on advanced technologies to enhance the 2021 WCO Annual Consolidated Survey (ACS) which was distributed to 183 WCO members to provide a snapshot of the level of implementation by customs authorities of advanced technologies. This annex contains the eighteen questions which formed chapter 4 of the 2021 ACS.
Impact and ease of adoption of advanced technologies
The survey seeks to assess respondents’ expectations of the positive impacts that technology will have on customs operations in the future.
Securing cross-border trade through advanced technologies
Advanced technologies have already begun to automate global supply chains. However the scope and potential for using the latest technology to further facilitate cross-border trade is far greater and has been explored by international organizations the private sector academia and other stakeholders.
How to use this toolkit
This toolkit aims at raising awareness of the technical and legal tools to be called upon to adopt cross-border paperless trade systems and national single windows (NSWs).
Using electronic documents and transactions can speed up and increase trade. Electronic messages can eliminate the need to enter data into a computer manually at each supply chain checkpoint and can provide opportunities for the potential reuse of data.
This section provides a set of recommendations regarding the introduction and scaling up of technologies by Customs. These recommendations were provided by Customs the private sector and academia in discussions held on different occasions in the last four years including at the October 2017 Permanent Technical Committee the annual dialogue held between the Private Sector Consultative Group and the Policy Commission in June 2018 the WCO technology conferences and regional workshops on disruptive technologies held in 2021 and 2022 the WTO 2018 research workshop and the 2019 and 2021 Global Trade and Blockchain Forums.