About the WTO
Informe anual 2023
El Informe anual 2023 informe abarca las actividades realizadas por la OMC en 2022 y principios de 2023. Al principio del informe la Directora General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala reflexiona sobre los retos actuales a los que se enfrenta el comercio mundial (a junio de 2023) y la función de la OMC para ayudar al mundo a afrontarlos.
Conferencias ministeriales de la OMC
Conferencias Ministeriales de la OMC: resultados fundamentales segunda edición contiene todos los resultados fundamentales de las Conferencias Ministeriales de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) desde el establecimiento de la Organización en 1995. Esos resultados fundamentales que abarcan 12 Conferencias Ministeriales celebradas entre 1996 y 2022 incluyen Decisiones y Declaraciones Ministeriales así como declaraciones de los Presidentes. En esta publicación se reproducen también los resultados ministeriales pertinentes de la Ronda Uruguay adoptados en relación con el establecimiento de la OMC. La presente publicación complementa Los Acuerdos de la OMC título publicado recientemente por Cambridge University Press y la OMC que contiene el Acuerdo de Marrakech por el que se establece la OMC y sus Anexos.
WTO Ministerial Conferences
WTO Ministerial Conferences: Key Outcomes contains all the key outcomes from WTO Ministerial Conferences since the organization was established in 1995. Covering twelve Ministerial Conferences held between 1996 and 2022 the key outcomes include Ministerial Decisions and Declarations as well as Chairpersons’ statements. This publication also reproduces relevant Ministerial outcomes of the Uruguay Round adopted in connection with the establishment of the WTO. This publication complements The WTO Agreements published by Cambridge University Press and the WTO which contains the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO and its Annexes.
Conférences ministérielles de l’OMC
Conférences ministérielles de l’OMC : principaux résultats Deuxième édition contient tous les principaux résultats des Conférences ministérielles de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) depuis la création de celle-ci en 1995. Couvrant douze Conférences ministérielles tenues entre 1996 et 2022 les principaux résultats incluent les décisions et déclarations ministérielles ainsi que les déclarations des Président(e)s. La présente publication reproduit également les résultats ministériels pertinents du Cycle d’Uruguay adoptés en relation avec l’établissement de l’OMC. La présente publication complète Les Accords de l’OMC ouvrage publié par Cambridge University Press et l’OMC qui contient l’Accord de Marrakech instituant l’OMC et ses Annexes.
International export regulations and controls
Measures such as prohibitions export licences and restrictions assist in risk management and the regulation of trade in controlled and sensitive goods. They are established pursuant to international agreements and conventions on protecting people and the environment on controlling drugs and harmful substances and on contributing to international peace and weapons controls. This publication explores how particular international agreements and conventions operate in practice and how they link to the multilateral trading system. Prepared or reviewed by the secretariats and implementing bodies of the relevant international agreements and conventions the chapters delve into the export-related controls covered by these legal instruments and how these restrictions tie in with WTO agreements. The agreements and conventions included in this publication were selected on the basis of three criteria: the presence of provisions in the agreement or convention that seek to regulate exports; the extent to which WTO members are party to those provisions; and how often members refer to them in their notifications submitted to the WTO Secretariat. The aim of the publication is to provide a better understanding of how international agreements and conventions regulate the export of high-risk and controlled goods and how these regulations co-exist with WTO rules.
El edificio de la OMC
La publicación "El edificio de la OMC" presenta un panorama fascinante del arte y la arquitectura del Centro William Rappard (CWR) sede de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Describe los orígenes y la trayectoria del CWR destacando las numerosas obras de arte creadas y donadas para ornamentar el edificio a lo largo de los años.
The WTO Building
"The WTO Building" provides a fascinating insight into the artwork and architecture of the Centre William Rappard (CWR) home of the World Trade Organization. The book describes the origins and evolution of the CWR highlighting the many works of art created and donated to adorn the building over the years.
Le bâtiment de l'OMC
« Le bâtiment de l'OMC » offre un aperçu fascinant des œuvres d'art et de l'architecture du Centre William Rappard (CWR) le siège de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Cet ouvrage décrit les origines et l'évolution du CWR en mettant en lumière les nombreuses œuvres d'art qui ont été créées et données pour décorer le bâtiment au fil des ans.
Annual Report 2024
This report covers WTO activities in 2023 and the early part of 2024. At the start of the report Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala reflects on the current challenges facing world trade and the role of the WTO in helping the world address these challenges. The report also covers the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference which took place from 26 February to 2 March 2024.
Aide pour le commerce
Le financement au titre de l’Aide pour le commerce a maintenu sa tendance à la hausse les derniers chiffres disponibles – pour 2013 – indiquant une augmentation des engagements de 18 milliard de dollars EU par rapport à l’année précédente. Le cinquième Examen global de l’Aide pour le commerce a eu lieu du 30 juin au 2 juillet sur le thème « Réduire les coûts du commerce pour une croissance durable et inclusive ». En décembre la dixième Conférence ministérielle a reconnu que l’Initiative Aide pour le commerce pilotée par l’OMC restait nécessaire la priorité devant être donnée aux pays les moins avancés (PMA).
General introduction
This Note has been produced at the request of the Council for Trade in Services in the framework of the second review of the Air Transport Annex.
Copyright and related rights
Part II of the TRIPS Agreement sets out the substantive standards for the protection of IP that WTO members should follow. This chapter outlines the provisions of Section 1 of Part II (running from Article 9 to Article 14) which sets out the protection that members must make available in the area of copyright and related rights – specifically for literary and artistic works performances phonograms (or sound recordings) and broadcasts.
Comercio de servicios
En 2010 el Consejo del Comercio de Servicios prosiguió el examen de sectores de servicios y modos de suministro específicos sobre la base de notas de antecedentes elaboradas por la Secretaría de la OMC. Trece de esas notas fueron examinadas en 2010 y las dos últimas se examinarán en 2011. El Consejo procedió asimismo al tercer examen de las exenciones del trato de la nación más favorecida (NMF). Estas exenciones al principio fundamental de la OMC de no discriminación entre interlocutores comerciales están permitidas en virtud del AGCS con sujeción a determinadas condiciones pero está previsto que con el tiempo se eliminen.
WTO Secretariat
The number of nationalities represented in the WTO Secretariat rose to 80 in 2015 up from 78 the year before. The number of staff on the regular budget rose to 647 from 634 in 2014 with women continuing to outnumber men. The Secretariat is headed by Director-General Roberto Azevêdo who took office for a four-year term on 1 September 2013. The four Deputy Directors-General began their terms of office on 1 October 2013. They are Yonov Frederick Agah of Nigeria Karl Brauner of Germany David Shark of the United States and Xiaozhun Yi of China.
Les directeurs généraux
Six directeurs généraux ont été nommés depuis la création de l’OMC. Le premier d’entre eux a été Peter Sutherland qui a occupé ce poste de janvier à avril 1995. Lui ont succédé Renato Ruggiero (1995-1999) Mike Moore (1999-2002) et Supachai Panitchpakdi (2002-2005). Pascal Lamy le Directeur général qui est resté le plus longtemps en exercice a occupé ce poste de 2005 à 2013. Roberto Azevêdo lui a succédé le 1er septembre 2013 et a exercé cette fonction jusqu’en août 2020.
Leadership of the organization and management of the institution
In a happy coincidence of theory and practice Douglass North wrote his seminal essay on “Institutions” at almost precisely the same time that the WTO was first proposed. “Institutions are the humanly devised constraints that structure political economic and social interaction” he wrote (1991: 97) and “consist of both informal constraints (sanctions taboos customs traditions and codes of conduct) and formal rules (constitutions laws property rights)” that human beings have devised throughout history “to create order and reduce uncertainty in exchange.” That is as good a definition as any of the purposes of the WTO which may be further distinguished according to its two halves. The WTO is at once an institution staffed by international civil servants and an organization to which members belong. While it is the organizational half of the WTO that is chiefly responsible for writing new rules the institutional half not only facilitates those negotiations but also administers agreements monitors the members’ compliance with the rules and promotes the capacity of the developing members to participate more effectively in the organization and to take advantage of the opportunities that a more open market affords.
Actividades de estadística
La OMC introdujo nuevas mejoras en su Portal Integrado de Información Comercial (I-TIP) que actualmente tiene una mayor cobertura de los datos sobre las medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias. Conjuntamente con la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos la OMC ha actualizado la base de datos sobre el comercio en términos de valor añadido que abarca ahora 61 países y 34 sectores. En julio de 2015 la OMC organizó la Jornada de los datos sobre el comercio en la que se examinaron los avances recientes en el ámbito de las estadísticas sobre el comercio y el acceso a los mercados y se debatió sobre los retos futuros.
Standards and Trade Development Facility
Contributions to the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) reached US$ 5.9 million in 2011 up from US$ 4.3 million in 2010. The STDF focused on increasing awareness mobilizing resources strengthening collaboration identifying and disseminating good practice as well as support and funding for the development and implementation of projects that promote compliance with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements. It adopted a new medium-term strategy (2012-2016) and began developing a new tool to help developing countries prioritize SPS capacity-building needs and improve decision taking.