Prólogo del Director General de la OMC
El comercio se percibe a veces como una actividad económica que solo favorece a las empresas de gran tamaño. Ciertamente no se puede negar que el comercio internacional es en general mucho más costoso y difícil para las microempresas y las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Cuanto más pequeña es una empresa mayores pueden parecer los obstáculos a los que se enfrenta.
Services trade in numbers
This section presents the importance of trade in services in the global economy by using an experimental dataset developed by the WTO called Trade in Services by Modes of Supply (TISMOS). This dataset captures services supplied through the four modes of supply categorized in the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); traditional services trade statistics cover only three of the GATS modes of supply. This section also discusses the participation of developing economies including least-developed countries (LDCs) the importance of micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and the role of women in services trade. Finally the section explores the content of services value-added in international global value chains.