Market access
États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours 1
Le 15 juin 2001 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Prohibition à l’importation de certaines crevettes et de certains produits à base de crevettes - Recours”.
Comunidades Europeas - Derechos antidumping sobre las importaciones de ropa de cama de algodón originarias de la India
El 01 de marzo de 2001 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Communidades Europeas - Derechos antidumping sobre las importaciones de ropa de cama de algodón originarias de la India”.
Comunidades Europeas y sus Estados miembros - Trato arancelario otorgado a determinados productos de tecnología de la información
La OMC emitió el 16 de agosto de 2010 los informes del Grupo Especial que examinó las reclamaciones de los Estados Unidos el Japón y el Taipei Chino con respecto al asunto “Comunidades Europeas y sus Estados miembros — Trato arancelario otorgado a determinados productos de tecnología de la información” (DS375 DS376 y DS377).
Federación de Rusia - Medidas relativas a la importación de porcinos vivos, carne de porcino y otros productos de porcino procedentes de la Unión Europea
El 19 de agosto de 2016 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Federación de Rusia - Medidas relativas a la importación de porcinos vivos carne de porcino y otros productos de porcino procedentes de la Unión Europea”.
Indonésie - Certaines mesures affectant l’industrie automobile
Le 02 juillet 1998 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Indonésie - Certaines mesures affectant l’industrie automobile”.
European Communities - Conditions for the Granting of Tariff Preferences to Developing Countries
On 5 March 2002 India requested consultations with the EC concerning the conditions under which the EC accords tariff preferences to developing countries under its current scheme of generalized tariff preferences (“GSP scheme”). India presented this request pursuant to Article 4 of the DSU Article XXIII:1 of the GATT 1994 and paragraph 4(b) of the so-called Enabling Clause. India considered that the tariff preferences accorded by the EC under the special arrangements (i) for combating drug production and trafficking and (ii) for the protection of labour rights and the environment create undue difficulties for India’s exports to the EC including for those under the general arrangements of the EC’s GSP scheme and nullify or impair the benefits accruing to India under the most favoured nation provisions of Article I:1 of the GATT 1994 and paragraphs 2(a) 3(a) and 3(c) of the Enabling Clause. In India’s view the conditions under which the EC accorded tariff preferences under the special arrangements could not be reconciled with the requirements provided in paragraphs 2(a) 3(a) and 3(c) of the Enabling Clause.
Mexico - Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Beef and Rice (Complaint with Respect to Rice)
On 16 June 2003 the United States requested consultations with Mexico concerning its definitive anti-dumping measures on beef and long grain white rice as well as certain provisions of Mexico’s Foreign Trade Act and its Federal Code of Civil Procedure.
China - Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duty Measures on Broiler Products from the United States - Recourse 1
On 20 September 2011 the United States requested consultations with China concerning China's measures imposing anti-dumping and countervailing duties on broiler products from the United States.
Canadá - Determinadas medidas que afectan a las publicaciones
El 14 de marzo de 1997 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Canadá - Determinadas medidas que afectan a las publicaciones”.
European Communities - Export Subsidies on Sugar - Complaint by Australia
On 27 September 2002 Australia and Brazil requested consultations with the European Communities concerning the export subsidies provided by the EC in the framework of its Common Organisation of the Market for the sugar sector. The requests concerned Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the EC’s common organization of the markets in the sugar sector and all other legislation regulations administrative policies and other instruments relating to the EC regime for sugar and sugar containing products including the rules adopted pursuant to the procedure referred to in Article 42(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 and any other provision related thereto. On 14 March 2003 Thailand requested consultations with the European Communities on the same matter.
Brazil - Export Financing Programme for Aircraft
On 28 August 2000 the WTO issued the dispute panel reports in the case "Brazil - Export financing programme for aircraft".
Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre el biodiésel procedente de la Argentina
El 29 de marzo de 2016 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre el biodiésel procedente de la Argentina”.
États-Unis - Mesures visant la fourniture transfrontières de services de jeux et paris
L’OMC a publié le 21 décembre 2007 le rapport d’arbitrage concernant la plainte d’Antigua-et-Barbuda dans l’affaire “Etats-Unis — Mesures visant la fourniture transfrontière de services de jeux et paris” (DS285).
India - Restricciones cuantitativas a las importaciones de productos agrícolas, textiles e industriales
El 06 de abril de 1999 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “India - Restricciones cuantitativas a las importaciones de productos agrícolas textiles e industriales”.
Australie - Mesures visant les importations de saumons - Recours 1
Le 18 février 2000 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Australie - Mesures visant les importations de saumons - Recours du Canada à l’article 21:5”.
Unión europea - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán
El grupo especial de solución de diferencias de la OMC publicó el 6 de julio de 2017 un informe sobre el asunto “Unión Europea — Medidas compensatorias sobre determinado tereftalato de polietileno procedente del Pakistán” (DS486)
European Communities - Measures Affecting Asbestos and Asbestos – Containing Products
On 28 May 1998 Canada requested consultations with the EC in respect of measures imposed by France in particular Decree of 24 December 1996 with respect to the prohibition of asbestos and products containing asbestos including a ban on imports of such goods. Canada alleged that these measures violate Articles 2 3 and 5 of the SPS Agreement Article 2 of the TBT Agreement and Articles III XI and XIII of GATT 1994. Canada also alleged nullification and impairment of benefits accruing to it under the various agreements cited.
Market Access Provisions on Trade in Goods in Regional Trade Agreements
This paper assembles detailed information on the market access provisions in trade in goods contained in 192 active regional trade agreements (RTAs) notified to the WTO as of November 2010. Although market access provisions in trade in goods in RTAs have been addressed in a number of studies much of this work has been limited to subsets of RTAs particularly plurilateral RTAs involving three or more parties. The goal of the current study is to expand beyond the more commonly studied RTAs and to include all RTAs notified to the WTO for which data are available. This task has been facilitated by the recent Transparency Mechanism for RTAs (TM) adopted in 2006 that provides the basis for the systematic provision of detailed tariff and trade data by WTO Members engaged in RTAs. This information has been supplemented by other public sources of data where available. A number of trends are evident. While a majority of RTAs result in a reasonably high degree of liberalization overall (with developing countries often liberalizing as much or more than developed countries) liberalization is not uniform across products or RTA parties. In some RTAs the degree of iberalization appears to be a negotiated outcome depending on the RTA partner. Agricultural goods continue to be subject to lower levels of liberalization frequent product exclusions and systematic protection in some RTAs regardless of the RTA partner's comparative advantage. Nonetheless a lower level of ambition in some RTAs is tempered by a commitment to negotiate further concessions or expand upon the RTA's scope at some future point: more than half the RTAs analysed contain such a commitment. Much has been written about the potential for the multilateralization of commitments undertaken in RTAs. While there may be scope for positive externalities in terms of regulatory convergence particularly with regard to services liberalization undertaken in RTAs there is less evidence in this study to suggest that increased market access in merchandise goods leads to a more favourable trading environment for third parties. Continuing constructive engagement by WTO Members in the Transparency Mechanism through the provision of data timely notifications and submission of implementation reports will increase the availability of tariff and trade liberalization data thus facilitating further examination of the topics highlighted in the study as worthy of future research.
Multilateral Approaches to Market Access Negotiations
Market access negotiations in merchandise trade at the multilateral level cover tariffs and non-tariff measures (NTMs). While tariffs have been substantially reduced in earlier rounds they remain high in certain areas and further reductions involve a number of complex technical issues. Some formulae approaches not used in the Uruguay Round seem more favourable to developing countries. Elimination or phased reductions of NTMs in agriculture is one of the main areas for further market access negotiations in trade in goods. However most NTMs are now the subject to negotiations on the rules under which they may be applied e.g. in the areas of contingency protection and technical barriers to trade.