Market access
États-Unis - Détermination finale en matière de droits compensateurs concernant certains bois d’oeuvre résineux en provenance du Canada - Recours 1
Le 05 décembre 2005 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Détermination finale en matière de droits compensateurs concernant certains bois d’oeuvre résineux en provenance du Canada - Recours”.
United States - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia
On 16 July 1999 New Zealand requested consultations with the US in respect of a safeguard measure imposed by the US on imports of lamb meat from New Zealand (WT/DS177). New Zealand alleged that by Presidential Proclamation under Section 203 of the US Trade Act 1974 the US imposed a definitive safeguard measure in the form of a tariff-rate quota on imports fresh chilled or frozen lamb meat effective from 22 July 1999. New Zealand contended that this measure is inconsistent with Articles 2 4 5 11 and 12 of the Agreement on Safeguards and Articles I and XIX of GATT 1994. On 23 July 1999 Australia requested consultations with the US in respect of a definitive safeguard measure imposed by the US on imports of lamb (WT/DS178). Australia alleged that by Presidential Proclamation under Section 203 of the US Trade Act 1974 the US imposed a definitive safeguard measure in the form of a tariff-rate quota on imports of fresh chilled or frozen lamb meat from Australia effective from 22 July 1999. Australia contended that this measure is inconsistent with Articles 2 3 4 5 8 11 and 12 of the Agreement on Safeguards and Articles I II and XIX of GATT 1994.
États-Unis - Règles d’origine concernant les textiles et les vêtements
Le 20 juin 2003 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Règles d’origine concernant les textiles et les vêtements”.
United States - Certain Country of Origin Labelling (Cool) Requirements - Recourse 1
On 1 December 2008 Canada requested consultations with the United States concerning certain mandatory country of origin labelling (COOL) provisions in the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 as amended by the 2008 Farm Bill and as implemented through an Interim Final Rule of 28 July 2008. These include the obligation to inform consumers at the retail level of the country of origin in respect of covered commodities including beef and pork. The eligibility for a designation of a covered commodity as exclusively having a US origin can only be derived from an animal that was exclusively born raised and slaughtered in the United States. This would exclude such a designation in respect of beef or pork derived from livestock that is exported to the United States for feed or immediate slaughter.
China - Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de partes de automóviles
El 15 de diciembre de 2008 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “China - Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de partes de automóviles”.
États-Unis - Réexamen à l’extinction des droits antidumping appliqués aux produits plats en acier au carbone traité contre la corrosion en provenance du Japon
Le 15 décembre 2003 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Réexamen à l’extinction des droits antidumping appliqués aux produits plats en acier au carbone traité contre la corrosion en provenance du Japon”.
Inde - Mesures concernant le secteur automobile
Le 19 mars 2002 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Inde - Mesures concernant le secteur automobile”.
Corea - Prohibiciones de importación, y prescripciones en materia de pruebas y certificación relativas a los radionúclidos
El 22 de febrero de 2018 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Corea - Prohibiciones de importación y prescripciones en materia de pruebas y certificación relativas a los radionúclidos”.
Comunidades Europeas - Denominación comercial de los moluscos del género pectinidae
El 05 de agosto de 1996 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Communidades Europeas - Denominación comercial de los moluscos del género pectinidae”.
United States - Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (Second Complaint)
On 27 June 2005 the European Communities requested consultations with the United States concerning prohibited and actionable subsidies provided to US producers of large civil aircraft. (See also dispute DS317). The European Communities considers that the measures cited in its request for consultations are inconsistent with: - Articles 3.1(a) 3.1(b) 3.2 5(a) 5(c) 6.3(a) 6.3(b) and 6.3(c) of the SCM Agreement; and - Article III:4 of the GATT 1994
Brésil - Certaines mesures concernant la taxation et les impositions
Le 30 août 2017 l’OMC a publié les rapports des groupes spéciaux dans les affaires introduites par l’Union européenne et le Japon “Brésil — Certaines mesures concernant la taxation et les impositions” (DS472 et DS497).
Canada - Measures Relating to Exports of Wheat and Treatment of Imported Grain
On 17 December 2002 the United States requested consultations with Canada as regards matters concerning the export of wheat by the Canadian Wheat Board and the treatment accorded by Canada to grain imported into Canada. According to the United States the actions of the Government of Canada and the Canadian Wheat Board (entity enjoying exclusive rights to purchase and sell Western Canadian wheat for human consumption) related to export of wheat appear to be inconsistent with paragraphs 1(a) and 1(b) of Article XVII of GATT 1994.
États-Unis - Lois, réglementations et méthode de calcul des marges de dumping (Réduction à zéro)
Le 31 octobre 2005 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Lois réglementations et méthode de calcul des marges de dumping (Réduction à zéro)”.
États-Unis - Mesures compensatoires visant le papier supercalandré en provenance du Canada
Le 5 juillet l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner l’affaire “États-Unis — Mesures compensatoires visant le papier supercalendré en provenance du Canada” (DS505) introduite par le Canada.
Estados Unidos - Ley Antidumping de 1916
El 28 de agosto de 2000 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Ley Antidumping de 1916”.
Guatemala - Enquête antidumping concernant le ciment Portland en provenance du Mexique
Le 02 novembre 1998 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Guatemala - Enquête antidumping concernant le ciment Portland en provenance du Mexique”.
Estados Unidos - Ley de compensaciónpor continuación del dumping o mantenimiento de las subvencionesde 2000
El 16 de septiembre de 2002 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Ley de compensaciónpor continuación del dumping o mantenimiento de las subvencionesde 2000”.
Indonesia - Importación de productos hortícolas, animales y productos del reino animal
El 22 de diciembre 2016 de la OMC hizo públicos los informes del Grupo Especial establecido a petición de los Estados Unidos y Nueva Zelandia con respecto al asunto “Indonesia — Importación de productos hortícolas animales y productos del reino animal” (DS477 y DS478).
European Communities - Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas
Complaints by Ecuador Guatemala Honduras Mexico and the United States. The complainants in this case other than Ecuador had requested consultations with the European Communities on the same issue on 28 September 1995 (DS16). After Ecuador’s accession to the WTO the current complainants again requested consultations with the European Communities on 5 February 1996. The complainants alleged that the European Communities’ regime for importation sale and distribution of bananas is inconsistent with Articles I II III X XI and XIII of the GATT 1994 as well as provisions of the Import Licensing Agreement the Agreement on Agriculture the TRIMs Agreement and the GATS.
Communautés européennes - Mesures antidumping définitives visant certains éléments de fixation en fer ou en acier en provenance de Chine - Recours 1
Le 7 août 2015 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial de la mise en conformité dans l’affaire Communautés européennes — Mesures antidumping définitives visant certains éléments de fixation en fer ou en acier en provenance de Chine (DS397).
México - Medidas antidumping definitivas sobre la carne de bovino y el arroz
El 29 de noviembre de 2005 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “México - Medidas antidumping definitivas sobre la carne de bovino y el arroz”.
Chine - Mesures affectant les importations de pièces automobiles
L’Organe d’appel a publié le 15 décembre 2008 son rapport concernant les plaintes déposées par les Communautés européennes les Etats-Unis et le Canada respectivement dans le différend “Chine — Mesures affectant les importations de pièces automobiles” (DS339 340 et 342).
États-Unis - Subventions concernant le coton upland
Le 08 septembre 2004 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Subventions concernant le coton upland”.
United States - Countervailing Measures on Supercalendered Paper from Canada
On 6 February 2020 the Appellate Body issued its report in the case brought by Canada in “United States - Countervailing Measures on Supercalendered Paper from Canada” (DS505).
Brazil - Export Financing Programme for Aircraft - Recourse 1
On 19 June 1996 Canada requested consultations with Brazil under Article 4 of the SCM Agreement which provides for special procedures for export subsidies. Canada claimed that export subsidies granted under the Brazilian Programa de Financiamento às Exportações (PROEX) to foreign purchasers of Brazil’s Embraer aircraft are inconsistent with Articles 3 27.4 and 27.5 of the SCM Agreement.
Argentina - Medida de salvaguardia definitiva sobre las importaciones de duraznos en conserva
El 14 de febrero de 2003 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Argentina - Medida de salvaguardia definitiva sobre las importaciones de duraznos en conserva”.
Australia - Medidas antidumping sobre el papel de formato A4 para copiadora
El 4 de diciembre de 2019 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial que entendió en la diferencia planteada por Indonesia a saber “Australia - Medidas antidumping sobre el papel de formato A4 para copiadora” (DS529).
États-Unis - Mesures compensatoires visant certains produits plats en acier au carbone laminés à chaud en provenance d’Inde
Le 14 juillet 2014 l’OMC a publié le rapport du groupe spécial chargé du différend “États-Unis — Mesures compensatoires visant certains produits plats en acier au carbone laminés à chaud en provenance d’Inde” (DS436).
États-Unis - Droits antidumping et droits compensateurs définitifs visant certains produits en provenance de la Chine
Le 11 mars 2011 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport dans l’affaire “États-Unis — Droits antidumping et droits compensateurs définitifs visant certains produits en provenance de la Chine” (DS379)
Corea - Impuestos a las bebidas alcohólicas
El 17 de septiembre de 1998 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Corea - Impuestos a las bebidas alcohólicas”.
India - Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules
On 6 February 2013 the United States requested consultations with India concerning certain measures of India relating to domestic content requirements under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (“NSM”) for solar cells and solar modules.
Chine - Mesures affectant les droits de commercialisation et les services de distribution pour certaines publications et certains produits de divertissement audiovisuels
Le 21 décembre 2009 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport concernant une plainte déposée par les Etats-Unis dans l’affaire “Chine — Mesures affectant les droits de commercialisation et les services de distribution pour certaines publications et certains produits de divertissement audiovisuels” (DS363).
Estados Unidos - Medidas en materia de derechos compensatorios sobre determinados productos procedentes de China
El 18 de diciembre de 2014 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas en materia derechos compensatorios sobre determinados productos procedentes de China”.
China - Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-Rolled Electrical Steel from the United States
On 15 September 2010 the United States requested consultations with China with respect to measures imposing countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties on grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel (“GOES”) from the United States as set forth in Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (“MOFCOM”) Notice No. 21 [2010] including its annexes. The subsidy that China determined to confer a benefit are the “Buy America” provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and also State government procurement laws. The United States alleged that China appears to be acting inconsistently with its obligations under: - Articles 10 11.2 11.3 12.3 12.4.1 12.7 12.8 15.1 15.2 15.5 19 22.2(iii) 22.3 and 22.5 of the SCM Agreement - Articles 1 3.1 3.2 3.5 6.9 and 12.2 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement; and - Article VI of the GATT 1994.
United States - Investigation of the International Trade Commission in Softwood Lumber from Canada - Recourse 1
On 20 December 2002 Canada requested consultations with the United States regarding the investigation of the USITC in Softwood Lumber from Canada (Invs. Nos. 701-TA-414 and 731-TA-928 (Final)) and the final definitive anti-dumping and countervailing duties applied as a result of the USITC’s final determination made on 2 May 2002 notice of which was published in the United States Federal Register on 22 May 2002 (Volume 67 Number 99 at pp. 36022-36023) that an industry in the United States is threatened with material injury by reason of imports of softwood lumber from Canada that the Department of Commerce has determined are subsidized and sold in the United States at less than fair value. Canada claimed that through these measures the United States has violated its obligations under Article VI:6(a) of the GATT 1994 Articles 1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 12 and 18.1 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement and Articles 10 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.7 15.8 22 and 32.1 of the SCM Agreement.
Turquie - Mesures affectant l’importation de riz
Le 21 septembre 2007 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner l’affaire Turquie — Mesures affectant l’importation de riz (DS334).
México - Derechos antidumping sobre las tuberías de acero procedentes de Guatemala
El 08 de junio de 2007 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “México - Derechos antidumping sobre las tuberías de acero procedentes de Guatemala”.
Estados Unidos - Medidas de salvaguardia definitivas impuestas a las importaciones de gluten de trigo procedentes de las Comunidades Europeas
El 31 de julio de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas de salvaguardia definitivas impuestas a las importaciones de gluten de trigo procedentes de las Comunidades Europeas”.
India - Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products
On 15 July 1997 the US requested consultations with India in respect of quantitative restrictions maintained by India on importation of a large number of agricultural textile and industrial products. The US contended that these quantitative restrictions including the more than 2700 agricultural and industrial product tariff lines notified to the WTO are inconsistent with India’s obligations under Articles XI:1 and XVIII:11 of GATT 1994 Article 4.2 of the Agreement on Agriculture and Article 3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
Turkey - Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Products
On 21 March 1996 India requested consultations with Turkey concerning Turkey’s imposition of quantitative restrictions on imports of a broad range of textile and clothing products. India claimed that those measures are inconsistent with Articles XI and XIII of GATT 1994 as well as ATC Article 2. Earlier India had requested to be joined in the consultations between Hong Kong and Turkey on the same subject matter (WT/DS29).
European Communities and Certain Member States - Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft (Boeing - Airbus) - Recourse 1
On 6 October 2004 the United States requested consultations with the Governments of Germany France the United Kingdom and Spain (the “member States”) and with the European Communities (“EC”) concerning measures affecting trade in large civil aircraft.
Chile - Impuestos a las bebidas alcohólicas
El 15 de junio de 1999 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Chile - Impuestos a las bebidas alcohólicas”.
Argentina - Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de calzado, textiles, prendas de vestir y otros artículos
El 25 de noviembre de 1997 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Argentina - Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de calzado textiles prendas de vestir y otros artículos”.
Brazil - Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut
On 27 November 1995 the Philippines requested consultations with Brazil in respect of a countervailing duty imposed by Brazil on the Philippine’s exports of desiccated coconut. The Philippines claimed that this duty was inconsistent with WTO and GATT rules.
Tailandia - Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas
El 17 de junio de 2011 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Tailandia - Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas”.
China - Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties on Grain Oriented Flat-Rolled Electrical Steel from the United States - Recourse 1
On 15 September 2010 the United States requested consultations with China with respect to measures imposing countervailing duties and anti-dumping duties on grain oriented flat-rolled electrical steel (“GOES”) from the United States as set forth in Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China (“MOFCOM”) Notice No. 21 [2010] including its annexes. The subsidy that China determined to confer a benefit are the “Buy America” provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and also State government procurement laws. The United States alleged that China appears to be acting inconsistently with its obligations under: - Articles 10 11.2 11.3 12.3 12.4.1 12.7 12.8 15.1 15.2 15.5 19 22.2(iii) 22.3 and 22.5 of the SCM Agreement - Articles 1 3.1 3.2 3.5 6.9 and 12.2 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement; and - Article VI of the GATT 1994.
Communautés européennes - Mesures prohibant l’importation et la commercialisation de produits dérivés du phoque
Le 25 novembre 2013 l’OMC a publié les rapports des groupes spéciaux dans le différend “Communautés européennes — Mesures prohibant l’importation et la commercialisation de produits dérivés du phoque” (DS400 et DS401).
Comunidades Europeas y determinados Estados miembros - Medidas que afectan al comercio de grandes aeronaves civiles (Boeing - Airbus) - Recurso 2
El 2 de diciembre de 2019 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial sobre el cumplimiento en la diferencia “Comunidades Europeas y determinados Estados miembros - Medidas que afectan al comercio de grandes aeronaves civiles - Recurso de la UE al párrafo 5 del artículo 21 del ESD” (DS316) planteada por la Unión Europea.
Brésil - Mesures visant l’importation de pneumatiques rechapés
Le 12 juin 2007 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Brésil - Mesures visant l’importation de pneumatiques rechapés”.
États-Unis - Certaines prescriptions en matière d’étiquetage indiquant le pays d’origine (EPO)
Le 7 décembre 2015 un arbitre de l’OMC a rendu ses décisions sur le niveau de rétorsion que le Mexique et le Canada peuvent demander dans le différend qui les oppose aux États-Unis au sujet de certaines prescriptions en matière d’“étiquetage indiquant le pays d’origine” (EPO) (DS384 et DS386).