Intellectual property
WIPO-WTO colloquium papers
The WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers is a peer-reviewed academic journal published jointly by the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization each year since 2010. Providing a uniquely representative and diverse showcase for emerging IP scholarship from across the globe the journal aims to stimulate analysis and debate on intellectual property (IP) issues particularly of interest to developing countries. And it offers an avenue for the dissemination of a broader and more geographically diverse and representative range of scholarship than is common in much of the academic literature on IP law and policy.
Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation, 2nd Edition
Medical technologies – medicines vaccines and medical devices – are essential for public health. Access to essential medicines and the lack of research to address neglected diseases have been a major concern for many years. To promote innovation and to ensure equitable access to all vital medical technologies policy-makers need a clear understanding of the innovation processes that lead to new technologies and of the ways in which these technologies are disseminated in health systems. This study seeks to reinforce the understanding of the interplay between the distinct policy domains of health trade and intellectual property and of how they affect medical innovation and access to medical technologies. This collaborative effort by the World Health Organization the World Intellectual Property Organization and the World Trade Organization draws together the three Secretariats’ respective areas of expertise. The study is intended to inform ongoing technical cooperation activities undertaken by the three organizations and to support policy discussions. It has been prepared to serve the needs of policy-makers as well as lawmakers government officials delegates to international organizations non-governmental organizations and researchers. The second edition comprehensively reviews the existing material and captures new developments in key areas since the initial launch of the study in 2013. Among the new topics covered by the study are antimicrobial resistance and cuttingedge health technologies. The second edition provides updated data on health innovation trends in the pharmaceutical sector and trade and tariffs. It includes an updated overview of access to medical technologies globally and key provisions in free trade agreements and takes account of developments in IP legislation and jurisprudence.
A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement
This handbook describes the historical and legal background to the TRIPS Agreement its role in the WTO and its institutional framework and reviews the following areas: general provisions and basic principles; copyright and related rights; trademarks; geographical indications; patents; industrial designs layout-designs undisclosed information and anti-competitive practices; enforcement of IPRs; dispute settlement in the context of the TRIPS Agreement; TRIPS and public health; and current TRIPS issues. It contains a guide to TRIPS notifications by WTO members and describes how to access and make use of the official documentation relating to the TRIPS Agreement and related issues. Furthermore it includes the legal texts of the TRIPS Agreement and the relevant provisions of the WIPO conventions referred to in it as well as subsequent relevant WTO instruments.
The Making of the TRIPS Agreement
A comprehensive account of the establishment of the World Trade Organization focusing on those who shaped its creation as well as those who have influenced its evolution. The book examines trade negotiations the WTO’s dispute settlement role the presence of coalitions and groupings within the WTO the process of joining the organization and many other topics including what lies ahead for the organization.
Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation
Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation examines the interplay between public health trade and intellectual property and how these policy domains affect medical innovation and access to medical technologies. Co-published by the World Health Organization the World Intellectual Property Organization and the WTO the study draws together the three Secretariats respective areas of expertise.
¿Pueden las cadenas de bloques revolucionar el comercio internacional?
El progreso tecnológico siempre ha condicionado el comercio. En los últimos años muchos observadores han saludado la aparición de una nueva tecnología las cadenas de bloques como el nuevo factor que transformará de manera radical el panorama comercial. ¿Pueden las cadenas de bloques revolucionar el comercio internacional? El objetivo de la presente publicación es desmitificar el fenómeno de las cadenas de bloques aportando una explicación básica de esta tecnología. En el documento se analiza la importancia que tiene esta tecnología para el comercio internacional indicando cómo se utiliza en la actualidad y cómo podría llegar a utilizarse en diversas esferas abarcadas por las normas de la OMC. Del análisis se desprende en qué medida podría la adopción de esta tecnología afectar al comercio transfronterizo de mercancías y servicios y a los derechos de propiedad intelectual. El documento examina las posibilidades que ofrecen las cadenas de bloques para reducir los costes del comercio y mejorar la transparencia en las cadenas de suministro así como las oportunidades que brinda a los pequeños productores y las pequeñas empresas. Por último el documento repasa los distintos retos que es necesario superar para que la tecnología pueda utilizarse a gran escala e incidir de manera significativa en el comercio internacional.
Can blockchain revolutionize international trade?
Trade has always been shaped by technological innovation. In recent times a new technology Blockchain has been greeted by many as the next big game-changer. Can Blockchain revolutionize international trade? This publication seeks to demystify the Blockchain phenomenon by providing a basic explanation of the technology. It analyses the relevance of this technology for international trade by reviewing how it is currently used or can be used in the various areas covered by WTO rules. In doing so it provides an insight into the extent to which this technology could affect cross-border trade in goods and services and intellectual property rights. It discusses the potential of Blockchain for reducing trade costs and enhancing supply chain transparency as well as the opportunities it provides for small-scale producers and companies. Finally it reviews various challenges that must be addressed before the technology can be used on a wide scale and have a significant impact on international trade.
A Handbook on the WTO TRIPS Agreement
This Handbook describes the historical and legal background to the TRIPS Agreement its role in the WTO and its institutional framework. It reviews the following areas: general provisions and basic principles; copyright and related rights; trademarks; geographical indications; patents; industrial designs layout-designs undisclosed information and anti-competitive practices; enforcement of IPRs; dispute settlement in the context of the TRIPS Agreement; TRIPS and public health; and current TRIPS issues. It contains a guide to TRIPS notifications by WTO members and describes how to access the official documentation relating to the TRIPS Agreement and related issues. Furthermore it includes the legal texts of the TRIPS Agreement and the relevant provisions of the WIPO conventions referred to in it as well as subsequent relevant WTO instruments and related non-WTO treaties. The new edition covers the public health revision of the Agreement that entered into force in 2017 and provides updates on other recent developments.
TRIPS Agreement
The establishment of the WTO’s TRIPS (trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights) Agreement in 1995 changed the face of international intellectual property (IP) law and policy-making. TRIPS negotiators recognized that shortcomings and inconsistencies in IP protection can distort trade and impede its benefits. The TRIPS Agreement helps ease trade tensions about IP issues while leaving WTO members ample space to pursue diverse domestic policies. This brochure produced to mark the WTO’s 20th anniversary looks into the use of IP rights covered by the Agreement.
La chaîne de blocs peut-elle révolutionner le commerce international ?
Le commerce a toujours été façonné par l’innovation technologique. Ces derniers temps une nouvelle technologie la chaîne de blocs a été accueillie par beaucoup comme le prochain grand facteur de changement. La chaîne de blocs peut-elle révolutionner le commerce international ? Cette publication tente de démythifier le phénomène de la chaîne de blocs en fournissant une explication de base de cette technologie. Elle analyse sa pertinence pour le commerce international en examinant comment elle est actuellement utilisée ou peut être utilisée dans les différents domaines couverts par l’OMC. Ce faisant elle donne une idée de la mesure dans laquelle cette technologie pourrait affecter le commerce transfrontières des biens et des services et les droits de propriété intellectuelle. Elle examine le potentiel de la chaîne de blocs de réduire les coûts du commerce et d’améliorer la transparence de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et les possibilités qu’elle offre aux petits producteurs et aux petites entreprises. Enfin elle passe en revue les divers défis qui doivent être relevés pour que cette technologie puisse être utilisée à grande échelle et ait un impact important sur le commerce international.
Competition policy and intellectual property in today's global economy
The fast-evolving relationship between the promotion of welfare-enhancing competition and the balanced protection of intellectual property (IP) rights has attracted the attention of policymakers analysts and scholars. This interest is inevitable in an environment that lays ever greater emphasis on the management of knowledge and innovation and on mechanisms to ensure that the public derives the expected social and economic benefits from this innovation and the spread of knowledge. This book looks at the positive linkage between IP and competition in jurisdictions around the world surveying developments and policy issues from an international and comparative perspective. It includes analysis of key doctrinal and policy issues by leading academics and practitioners from around the globe and a cutting-edge survey of related developments across both developed and developing economies. It also situates current policy developments at the national level in the context of multilateral developments at WIPO WTO and elsewhere.
Trade in Knowledge
Technological change has transformed the ways knowledge is developed and shared internationally. Accordingly in the quarter-century since the WTO was established and since its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights came into force both the knowledge dimension of trade and the functioning of the IP system have been radically transformed. The need to understand and respond to this change has placed knowledge at the centre of policy debates about economic and social development. Recognizing the need for modern analytical tools to support policymakers and analysts this publication draws together contributions from a diverse range of scholars and analysts. Together they offer a fresh understanding of what it means to trade in knowledge in today’s technological and commercial environment. The publication offers insights into the prospects for knowledge-based development and ideas for updated systems of governance that promote the creation and sharing of the benefits of knowledge.
Promouvoir l'accès aux technologies médicales et l'innovation, deuxième édition
Extrait mis à jour : une approche intégrée englobant santé commerce et propriété intellectuelle pour répondre à la pandémie de COVID-19 30 août 2021. La pandémie de COVID-19 constitue une crise de santé publique mondiale extraordinaire. Elle a rendu nécessaire l’intensification de la coopération au niveau planétaire. Dès le début elle a soulevé des questions à l’intersection entre la politique de santé publique la politique commerciale ainsi que le cadre et la gestion de l’innovation y compris pour ce qui est des droits de propriété intellectuelle. La deuxième édition de l’étude conjointe de l’OMS de l’OMPI et de l’OMC intitulée « Promouvoir l’accès aux technologies médicales et l’innovation : Intersections entre la santé publique et la propriété intellectuelle et le commerce » publiée en 2020 contenait un encart spécial présentant les défis posés par la pandémie de COVID-19 par rapport au cadre intégré de politiques en matière de santé de commerce et de PI établi dans l’étude. Cette mise à jour révise les renseignements figurant dans cet encart à la lumière de la situation au 30 août 2021
Promover el acceso a las tecnologías y la innovación en medicina, segunda edición
Texto actualizado: Un enfoque integrado de la salud el comercio y la propiedad intelectual para hacer frente a la COVID-19 30 de agosto de 2021. La enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19) ha generado una crisis mundial de salud pública extraordinaria. La pandemia ha creado una necesidad acuciante de intensificar la cooperación a nivel mundial y ha planteado interrogantes en la encrucijada entre las políticas de salud pública las políticas comerciales y el marco para la innovación y la manera de gestionarla incluidas las cuestiones relacionadas con los derechos de propiedad intelectual. La segunda edición de la publicación conjunta de la OMS la OMPI y la OMC titulada Promover el acceso a las tecnologías y la innovación en medicina: Intersecciones entre la salud pública la propiedad intelectual y el comercio publicada en 2020 incluía un suplemento especial en que se presentaban los desafíos planteados por la pandemia de COVID-19 en relación con los marcos de política integrados de salud comercio y propiedad intelectual descritos en el estudio. En la presente actualización se revisa la información contenida en ese suplemento a la luz de acontecimientos más recientes al 30 de agosto de 2021.
Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation, 2nd edition
Updated extract: integrated health trade and IP approach to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic 30 August 2021. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic constitutes an extraordinary global public health crisis. It has created a pressing need for intensified global cooperation. The pandemic has from its outset raised issues at the crossroads of public health policy trade policy and the framework for and management of innovation including those relating to intellectual property rights. The second edition of the joint WHO WIPO and WTO publication “Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation: Intersections between public health intellectual property and trade” published in 2020 included a special insert mapping the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the integrated health trade and IP policy framework set out in the study. This update revises the information contained in that insert in the light of more recent developments as of 30 August 2021.
An Integrated Health, Trade and IP Approach to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic constitutes an extraordinary global public health crisis. It has created a pressing need for intensified global cooperation. The pandemic has from its outset raised issues at the crossroads of public health policy trade policy and the framework for and management of innovation including those relating to intellectual property rights. The second edition of the joint WHO WIPO and WTO publication “Promoting Access to Medical Technologies and Innovation: Intersections between public health intellectual property and trade” published in 2020 included a special insert mapping the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the integrated health trade and IP policy framework set out in the study. This update revises the information contained in the last version launched in October 2021 in the light of more recent developments as of 17 May 2023.
Une approche intégrée de la santé, du commerce et de la PI pour faire face à la pandémie de COVID-19
La pandémie de maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID 19) constitue une crise de santé publique mondiale extraordinaire. Elle a rendu nécessaire l'intensification de la coopération au niveau planétaire. Dès le début elle a soulevé des questions à l'intersection entre la politique de santé publique la politique commerciale ainsi que le cadre et la gestion de l'innovation y compris pour ce qui est des droits de propriété intellectuelle. La deuxième édition de l'étude conjointe de l'OMS de l'OMPI et de l'OMC intitulée "Promouvoir l'accès aux technologies médicales et l'innovation: Intersections entre la santé publique et la propriété intellectuelle et le commerce" publiée en 2020 contenait un encart spécial présentant les défis posés par la pandémie de COVID 19 par rapport au cadre intégré de politiques en matière de santé de commerce et de PI établi dans l'étude. Cette mise à jour révise les renseignements figurant dans la dernière version lancée en octobre 2021 à la lumière de la situation au 17 mai 2023.
Un enfoque integrado de la salud, el comercio y la propiedad intelectual para hacer frente a la pandemia de COVID-19
La pandemia de enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19) ha generado una crisis mundial de salud pública extraordinaria. Ha creado una necesidad acuciante de intensificar la cooperación a nivel mundial y desde un principio ha planteado cuestiones que conciernen a la vez a las políticas de salud pública a las políticas comerciales y al marco y la gestión de la innovación incluidas las cuestiones relacionadas con los derechos de propiedad intelectual. La segunda edición de la publicación conjunta de la OMS la OMPI y la OMC titulada Promover el acceso a las tecnologías y la innovación en medicina: intersecciones entre la salud pública la propiedad intelectual y el comercio publicada en 2020 incluía un suplemento especial en que se presentaban los desafíos planteados por la pandemia de COVID-19 en relación con los marcos de política integrados de salud comercio y propiedad intelectual descritos en el estudio. En la presente actualización se revisa la información contenida en la última versión publicada en octubre de 2021 a la luz de los acontecimientos más recientes al 17 de mayo de 2023.
Copyright and related rights
Part II of the TRIPS Agreement sets out the substantive standards for the protection of IP that WTO members should follow. This chapter outlines the provisions of Section 1 of Part II (running from Article 9 to Article 14) which sets out the protection that members must make available in the area of copyright and related rights – specifically for literary and artistic works performances phonograms (or sound recordings) and broadcasts.
Some memories of the unique TRIPS negotiations
The invitation to contribute to this book was certainly a pleasant surprise. The question for me was what I should write about: I had not been one of the negotiators and the chapter on the TRIPS negotiations from the perspective of the GATT Secretariat is dealt with by Adrian Otten who was the Secretary of the TRIPS Negotiating Group. Several suggestions were made by my co-authors and upon reflection I decided to contribute with just a short compilation of some memories in respect of a diverse set of aspects whether trade-related or not.