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The solar photovoltaic industry and the Covid-19 pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the most acute health crisis in generations and has sent shockwaves across economies worldwide. Renewable energies can play a dual role in helping the world to recover. First they can strengthen healthcare and other critical public infrastructures. Second when integrated into response plans and strategies to “build back better” (i.e. rebuild economies in light of the numerous problems which arose as a result of the pandemic) renewable energies can help mitigate the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by supporting economic recovery boosting job creation fostering access to electricity and economic diversification and putting the world on a climate-safe path.
Relevant GATT/WTO provisions
The principle of non-discrimination has two components: the Most-Favoured Nation (MFN) clause contained in GATT Article I and the National Treatment principle contained in Article III. According to Article I WTO Members are bound to grant to the products of other Members treatment no less favourable than that accorded to the products of any other country. Thus no country is to give special trading advantages to another or to discriminate against it. Therefore all Members are on an equal footing and all share the benefits of any moves towards lower trade barriers. The MFN principle ensures that developing countries and others with little economic leverage are able to benefit freely from the best trading conditions whenever and wherever they are negotiated. A second component of non-discrimination is National Treatment. Article III stipulates that once goods have entered a market they must be treated no less favourably than equivalent domestically-produced goods.
Global value chains in the solar PV sector
Value creation along the solar PV supply chain involves a broad range of goods and services (Box 1). Some of these goods and services are supplied domestically but many others are traded across borders. This section provides an overview of global trade flows in selected goods along the solar PV value chain. Included in the analysis are machines to manufacture solar PV wafers cells modules and panels along with selected solar PV components such as PV generators inverters PV cells and where relevant the parts needed to produce some of these goods (see Appendix).
Ministers meeting on the occasion of signing the Final Act embodying the results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994.
What are the links between trade and the environment?
The world economy has changed profoundly over the past decades as there has been a sharp increase in population and a near tripling of average income since 1960. During this period our economies have become ever more integrated due to advances in communication and information technologies along with lower barriers to global trade and investment.
Executive summary
The world is much more interconnected than ever before. The rise of production networks across countries has transformed the trade and business landscape influencing how and where goods and services are produced and consumed. Many developing countries are playing an increasing role in international trade but others remain excluded due to lack of financial resources knowledge and infrastructure.
En los últimos decenios el comercio ha impulsado enormes avances en el desarrollo económico en todo el mundo. A medida que la economía mundial iba creciendo sin embargo se han acentuado también los problemas ambientales que pueden a su vez socavar el bienestar el desarrollo la salud y el propio crecimiento económico.
Environment-Related disputes: An overview
Under the GATT six panel proceedings involving an examination of environmental measures or human health-related measures under Article XX were completed. Of the six reports three have not been adopted by GATT Contracting Parties. Under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding three such proceedings have been completed. The following provides a factual overview of these disputes.
National policies to mitigate, and adapt to, climate change, and their trade implications
Climate change mitigation and adaptation measures and policies intersect with international trade in a number of ways. Th is part reviews the range of policies to mitigate and adapt to the eff ects of climate change. It provides examples of national eff orts on climate change mitigation and adaptation whether voluntary or mandatory public or private. It is based mainly on national experiences and key literature on the topic. In broad terms it provides an overview of the rationale behind these mitigation and adaptation policies and their potential implications for the environment and trade. Th e key aspects in the design of climate change related measures are presented in order to draw a clearer picture of their overall potential and eff ects on environmental protection development and trade.
El comercio internacional ofrece oportunidades extraordinarias para construir un mundo próspero resistente al cambio climático y sostenible desde el punto de vista ambiental.
Maximizing opportunities for cooperation on trade and environment
When a group of countries set about rebuilding the global trading system after World War II they were guided by the principle of multilateral trade cooperation as an effective way to avoid mutually defeating trade policies and to help build lasting peace. A key outcome was the 1947 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) — the WTO’s predecessor.
Trade and quality infrastructure
Trade in solar PV goods and services can only help to build a competitive solar energy sector if the goods and services in question meet customer requirements and are otherwise fit for the purpose for which they are intended. Underperforming unreliable and failing products create barriers to the development and enhancement of solar PV and hamper the role of trade in promoting the technology's rapid diffusion across borders. A wellfunctioning QI system is a key tool to keep deficient sub-standard quality products from entering the supply chain and to build a competitive solar PV sector that delivers economic social and environmental benefits (IRENA 2017a).
The environmental dimension of trade in the SDGs
Achieving better economic growth and better environmental outcomes is an indispensable condition for achieving the SDGs. If economic growth continues along its current environmentally unsustainable trajectory the world risks compromising the prospects for future growth and human well-being and even undoing much of the progress made on both fronts during the past 50 years according to an OECD study. Forests wetlands and other forms of “natural capital” which make up almost 40% of the total wealth in developing and least-developed countries are under increased pressure due to air water and soil pollution along with rising greenhouse gas emissions says a recent World Bank report.
Résumé analytique
Le commerce international offre des possibilités uniques de bâtir un monde prospère résilient face aux changements climatiques et durable sur le plan environnemental.
Quels sont les liens entre lecommerce et l’environnement?
Ces dernières décennies l’économie mondiale a connu de profonds changements : la population a fortement augmenté et le revenu moyen a presque triplé depuis 1960. Pendant cette période l’intégration de nos économies n’a cessé de croître grâce aux progrès réalisés dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et de la communication parallèlement à la diminution des obstacles au commerce et à l’investissement au niveau mondial.
During the past few decades trade has powered huge advances in economic development around the world. As the world economy has grown however so too have environmental challenges which in turn risk undermining wellbeing development health and economic growth itself.
Aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades de cooperación en materia de comercio e inversión
Cuando un grupo de países se dispuso a reconstruir el sistema mundial de comercio después de la segunda guerra mundial se guiaron por el principio de la eficacia de la cooperación comercial multilateral para evitar políticas comerciales que se invalidaran mutuamente y contribuir a instaurar una paz duradera. Uno de los principales resultados alcanzados fue el Acuerdo General sobre Aranceles Aduaneros y Comercio (GATT) de 1947 el predecesor de la OMC.
Maximiser les possibilités de coopération en matière de commerce et d’environnement
Lorsqu’un groupe de pays a entrepris de rebâtir le système commercial mondial au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale ces derniers sont partis du principe que la coopération commerciale multilatérale constituerait un moyen efficace d’éviter des politiques commerciales s’opposant mutuellement et de contribuer à instaurer une paix durable. Un des principaux résultats a été l’Accord général sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce de 1994 (GATT).
Can governments provide green support?
Since 2009 more than 5000 support measures for a host of environmental objectives have been notified to the WTO.
Établir des partenariats au service du commerce, de l’environnement et de la prospérité
Le monde est aujourd’hui plus interconnecté que jamais. L’échelle et l’étendue des chaînes de valeur mondiales ont à elles seules créé un nouveau paysage entrepreneurial et commercial ce qui a une influence sur les modes et les lieux de production et de consommation des biens et des services. Les pays sont bien davantage reliés les uns aux autres et les pays en développement jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans le commerce international. En parallèle les changements climatiques se sont intensifiés et les catastrophes naturelles liées au climat se sont faites plus importantes et plus fréquentes perturbant parfois les réseaux de production.
Conectar los puntos: sostenibilidad ambiental, prosperidad económica y resiliencia
Samba Lahy recuerda vívidamente la época en que de joven solía ir a pescar con sus padres frente a la costa de Tampolove una de las aldeas de pescadores que salpican la costa sudoccidental de Madagascar. Cada vez que su familia volvía del mar su larga y estrecha canoa rebosaba de pescado. Pero las cosas han cambiado. Samba quien ahora tiene su propia familia ha visto cómo disminuían sus capturas. Ni él ni otros habitantes de Tampolove pueden ya depender de la pesca como principal fuente de ingresos.
Emerging issues requiring the attention of the international community
Over the past 20 years international trade has undergone major changes. One main factor leading to these changes has been the unprecedented pace of technological innovation which is transforming the traditional way of conducting trade. Supported by increasingly fast and efficient technology e-commerce has been growing at significant rates. While global trade growth continues to be slow e-commerce was valued at US$ 22.1 trillion in 2015 a 38% increase from 2013.
Ampliar la contribución del comercio a la prosperidad mundial y a un medio ambiente saludable
La economía mundial ha cambiado profundamente en los 60 últimos años. La población mundial se ha duplicado con creces y asciende hoy a 7.600 millones de habitantes frente a unos 3.000 millones en 1960 y los ingresos medios prácticamente se han triplicado. Durante este período el grado de integración de la economía mundial ha aumentado gracias a los avances en las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones y a la reducción de los obstáculos al comercio y la inversión mundiales. Estos cambios han permitido a las empresas coordinar actividades complejas a distancia a bajo costo y con seguridad.
Expanding the contribution of trade to global prosperity and a healthy environment
The world economy has changed profoundly over the past 60 years. The world’s population has more than doubled to 7.6 billion today from around 3 billion in 1960 while average income has almost tripled. During this period the world economy has become ever more integrated due to advances in communication and information technologies along with lower barriers to global trade and investment. These developments have made it possible for companies to co-ordinate complex activities at a distance cheaply and safely.
Do WTO commitments prevent governments from protecting the environment?
The first paragraph of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) states that sustainable development and the protection of the environment are central objectives of the multilateral trading system.
Au cours des dernières décennies le commerce a permis de réaliser d’énormes progrès en matière de développement économique à l’échelle mondiale. La croissance économique mondiale s’est toutefois accompagnée d’un accroissement des défis environnementaux qui à leur tour risquent de mettre à mal le bien être le développement la santé et la croissance économique elle même.
Climate change: The current state of knowledge
Th e scientifi c evidence on climate change and its impacts is compelling and continues to evolve. Th e Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2007a) states that our planet’s climate is indisputably warming and the Stern Review (2006) on the economics of climate change concludes that climate change presents very serious global risks and demands an urgent global response.
The relationship between MEAs and the WTO
The relationship between the provisions of the multilateral trading system and trade measures for environmental purposes including those pursuant to multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs).
Renforcer la contribution du commerce à la prospérité mondiale et à un environnement sain
L’économie mondiale a profondément changé au cours des 60 dernières années. La population mondiale a plus que doublé : elle s’élève aujourd’hui à 76 milliards d’habitants contre environ 3 milliards en 1960 tandis que le revenu moyen a presque triplé. Pendant cette période l’économie mondiale est devenue encore plus intégrée grâce aux avancées réalisées dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et de la communication conjuguées à une réduction des obstacles au commerce et à l’investissement au niveau mondial. Ces évolutions ont permis aux entreprises de coordonner des activités complexes à distance à moindre coût et en toute sécurité.
The social dimension of trade in the SDGs
Trade plays a critical role in addressing hunger food security nutrition and sustainable agriculture contributing to healthy lives and wellbeing employment and growth.
Résumé analytique
Les technologies du solaire photovoltaïque utilisent des panneaux solaires pour convertir la lumière du soleil en électricité. Après avoir connu un déploiement rapide le solaire photovoltaïque constitue désormais la source la moins chère de nouvelle production électrique dans nombre de régions du monde. Le coût de l’électricité produite par les centrales photovoltaïques a diminué de 77% entre 2010 et 2018 tandis que la capacité installée cumulée en énergie solaire photovoltaïque a été centuplée entre 2005 et 2018. Le solaire photovoltaïque est ainsi devenu un des axes essentiels du système énergétique durable sobre en carbone qui est nécessaire pour promouvoir l’accès à une énergie abordable et fiable et aider à accomplir les objectifs de l’Accord de Paris et du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030.