Economic research and trade policy analysis
Forward by the Director-General
In the last few months trade has contracted more than at any time since the 1930s reflecting the dramatic global economic downturn provoked in the first instance by the collapse of major financial institutions. Trade growth will be strongly negative this year and we are unlikely to see sustained economic growth until 2010. This adversity is severely testing the policy ingenuity of governments across the globe and in today’s interdependent world their willingness to make common cause in addressing shared challenges. Effective international cooperation and open markets are as vital today as they have ever been.
Le monde tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui a été façonné par les innovations technologiques. Une nouvelle technologie la chaîne de blocs – technologie de registres distribués – a été accueillie par beaucoup avec enthousiasme et optimisme comme le prochain grand facteur de changement. La chaîne de blocs qui permet de diffuser des données et des informations numériques de manière sûre transparente et immuable sans avoir à recourir à un tiers de confiance unique est une technologie particulièrement prometteuse. Elle pourrait permettre aux individus et aux entreprises du monde entier d’effectuer des transactions de manière plus efficace plus économique et plus rapide tout en conservant un haut niveau de sécurité. Elle pourrait avoir un impact considérable sur la façon de réaliser les opérations commerciales qu’il s’agisse des transactions financières ou des transactions commerciales transfrontières physiques en réduisant les coûts de traitement de vérification de suivi de coordination et de transport grâce à la simplification et à la numérisation des processus qui impliquent de multiples parties prenantes et qui étaient jusqu’à présent fortement tributaires du papier. Elle pourrait réduire la fraude permettre une meilleure administration des droits de propriété intellectuelle renforcer la traçabilité et la confiance dans les chaînes de valeur et offrir de nouvelles possibilités aux petites entreprises.
Los recursos naturales son fundamentales para la vida humana. Productos no renovables como el petróleo y el gas natural se transforman en energía indispensable para la producción de prácticamente cualquier otro producto o servicio. Recursos renovables como los bosques el pescado y los acuíferos figuran entre los activos naturales más valiosos del mundo. Si se gestionan de forma adecuada pueden proporcionar también un conjunto inacabable de productos que mejoran enormemente la calidad de la vida humana. Los recursos naturales representan una parte cada vez más importante del comercio mundial y en 2008 supusieron alrededor del 24 por ciento del comercio total de mercancías. El volumen de este comercio se ha mantenido estable durante el último decenio pero su valor ha crecido el 20 por ciento anual.
Executive summary
Over the past decade world trade has expanded signifi cantly. By 2007 global trade had reached more than 60 per cent of world GDP compared with less than 30 per cent in the mid-1980s. Few would contest that increased trade has contributed to global growth and job creation. However strong growth in the global economy has not so far led to a corresponding improvement in working conditions and living standards for many. Absolute poverty has declined thanks to the economic dynamism of recent years the efforts of private companies migrant workers and their remittances and the international development community. Nevertheless in many instances labour market conditions and the quality of employment growth have not improved to the same degree. In many developing economies job creation has mainly taken place in the informal economy where around 60 per cent of workers fi nd income opportunities. However the informal economy is characterized by less job security lower incomes an absence of access to a range of social benefi ts and fewer possibilities to participate in formal education and training programmes – in short the absence of key ingredients of decent work opportunities.
La croissance du commerce et de la production a repris au second semestre de 2009 après une contraction sans précédent au début de l’année. La reprise au premier trimestre de 2010 a été insuffisante pour permettre un retour aux niveaux d’avant la crise. L’OMC prévoit que la reprise se poursuivra en 2010 par rapport aux faibles niveaux de 2009 ce qui devrait inverser mais en partie seulement l’effet de la contraction des échanges. Un fait positif en 2009 a été l’absence de renforcement notable des obstacles au commerce imposés par les Membres de l’OMC en réponse à la crise et ce malgré un fort taux de chômage dans de nombreux pays. C’est en partie grâce à l’OMC que l’on a évité un retour au protectionnisme qui avait tant aggravé la situation économique dans les années 1930.
Why regulate? An overview of the rationale and purpose behind regulation
The starting point for any economist is the superiority of the market mechanism of free exchange in efficiently allocating resources and thereby maximizing social welfare. However in order for that ‘invisible hand’ to perform its winning act the market needs to display certain characteristics
Agradecimientos y Descargo de responsabilidad
El Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2020 ha sido elaborado bajo la responsabilidad general de Xiaozhun Yi Director General Adjunto de la OMC y Robert Koopman Director de la División de Estudios Económicos y Estadística. El Informe ha sido coordinado por Marc Auboin y Ankai Xu. Los autores del Informe son Marc Auboin Marc Bacchetta Cosimo Beverelli Eddy Bekkers Kian Cassehgari Posada Emmanuelle Ganne John Hancock Kathryn Lundquist Gabrielle Marceau José-Antonio Monteiro Roberta Piermartini Stela Rubínová Victor Stolzenburg Ankai Xu y Qing Ye (División de Estudios Económicos y Estadística).
The trade situation in 2007
Growth in world output and trade decelerated in 2007. Weaker demand in the developed economies reduced global economic growth to 3.4 per cent from 3.7 per cent roughly the average rate recorded over the last decade. At some 7 per cent growth in the developing regions was nearly three times the rate recorded in the developed regions and the contribution of the developing countries to global output growth in 2007 exceeded 40 per cent. Economic expansion in the least-developed countries fully matched the growth rate recorded by developing countries as a group in 2007 sustaining a pattern that has been maintained since 2000.
The structural reform implications of WTO accession
This chapter looks at the relationship between the WTO accession process and structural reforms in developing countries. It finds that developing economies that are in the process of acceding to the WTO commit to more policy reforms (proxied by prior actions in the context of the World Bank’s development policy lending) than developing countries that are already members of the WTO or that have not applied to become members. It also finds that for almost all developing economies acceding to the WTO the country risk measured by a composite indicator of political financial and economic risk called the International Country Risk Guide and the policy and institutional indicator measured by the World Bank Country Policy and Institutional Assessment significantly improve when a country achieves WTO membership compared with at the beginning of the WTO accession process.
Harmonizing preferential rules of origin regimes around the world
The proliferation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) around the world has focused policy attention to preferential rules of origin (ROOs). The concerns voiced over ROOs are two-fold: restrictiveness and divergence. Restrictive ROOs can introduce undue barriers to trade between RTA members and non-members thus dampening RTAs’ trade-creating potential. Divergences in ROOs across regimes can increase the transaction costs for countries and companies dealing on two or more RTA fronts simultaneously especially when they are unable to cumulate production and inputs across agreements. These two issues are intricately linked: divergence matters more when ROOs are binding – i.e. when restrictiveness is consequential for economic decisions and affects firms’ production. Non-binding ROOs around the world would obliterate the importance of divergence.
The Global Value Chains Development Report is a joint publication of the World Trade Organization (WTO) the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE–JETRO) the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) the Research Center of Global Value Chains (RCGVC-UIBE) the World Bank Group and the China Development Research Foundation based on joint research efforts to better understand the ongoing development and evolution of global value chains and their implications for economic development.
El progreso económico genera perturbaciones económicas y siempre ha habido una compensación inherente e inevitable entre los beneficios del crecimiento por un lado y los costos del ajuste por otro. La época actual no es una excepción. La expansión de la economía mundial impulsada por los avances tecnológicos y la apertura de los mercados está aumentando el bienestar y mejorando las condiciones de vida de miles de millones de personas en todo el mundo; pero también se traduce en cambios económicos desplazamientos y perturbaciones lo que crea una enorme presión para que los individuos y las sociedades se ajusten y adapten si quieren seguir el ritmo del progreso económico y participar en los beneficios que genera.
The role of technology
Many of the challenges that face MSMEs in their search for financing are broad in scope and cannot easily be addressed by any single solution. As one of the fintech respondents [*22 Fintech] observes “It is easy to say that technology is the answer here and while innovation will help banks distribute trade finance assets to smaller investors and better understand the risks associated with MSMEs there is also a greater change needed”. At this early stage of the adoption of such technological innovation there is very little evidence to suggest that it is being utilized by corporates and MSMEs just yet. That said it is difficult to dispute that technological innovation and the various emerging technologies in the industry are a critical piece in the puzzle of overcoming these challenges.
This Report has shown that it is important to distinguish standards according to their function. The conceptual framework adopted in the Report distinguished standards related to network externalities imperfect information and negative production or consumption externalities.
The 2001 WTO accession of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu: Negotiating experience – challenges, opportunities and approaches post-accession
The economy of Chinese Taipei has always been highly dependent on trade. Nevertheless its WTO accession negotiations were demanding – although the results have been significant and beneficial – involving a total of eleven formal meetings and five informal meetings for the working party and approximately 200 bilateral meetings between Chinese Taipei and thirty different WTO members. The gradual opening of Chinese Taipei’s market exposed domestic industries to global competition necessitating a process of adjustment and adaptation that has ultimately led to economic growth. For the more vulnerable industries the challenges of market liberalisation have acted as an incentive to restructure and reinvent in order to improve competitiveness. Chinese Taipei’s accession to the WTO has also been a catalyst for the globalisation and development of these industries and necessitated a process of adjustment and adaptation that has ultimately led to economic growth. The trade policies and regulations of Chinese Taipei underwent a thorough review and revision as a result of the requirements of WTO membership and this legislative overhaul has been highly beneficial in modernising the trade regime.
La importancia del comercio de servicios
En la presente sección examinamos cómo puede el comercio de servicios ayudar a los países a lograr un crecimiento rápido e inclusivo. En la sección C.1 se examina y se intenta cuantificar en qué medida el comercio de servicios beneficia a la economía y promueve el crecimiento. En la sección C.2 se analiza la contribución del comercio de servicios a la mejora de la competitividad de las empresas nacionales no solo en el sector de los servicios sino también en el manufacturero. En la sección C.3 se analiza la forma en que el comercio de servicios promueve la inclusión en diversos aspectos por ejemplo en términos de competencias cuestiones de género y localización de las actividades económicas. En la sección C.4 se exponen las conclusiones.
Executive summary
The first Section of the World Trade Report 2004 discusses recent developments in the structure value and volume of international trade in goods and services and trade prospects for 2004. It also includes analyses of non-reciprocal preferences the international movement of persons supplying services and geographical indications. The second Section of WTR 2004 then examines the subject of policy coherence stressing the importance of complementary national policies to enable trade liberalization to create larger benefits for society. It focuses on four important areas of economic policymaking. They are: i) the macroeconomy; ii) the state of infrastructure and infrastructural services particularly in areas linked closely to trade performance (transport telecommunications financial services and business services); iii) market structure with special emphasis on the level of competition and presence of externalities; and iv) the quality of institutions. The last part of the second Section of the Report then explores the international dimensions of coherence identifying the role of international cooperation in supporting coherent policy formulation at the national level particularly in the field of trade policy.