Economic research and trade policy analysis
GATT Disputes: 1948-1995 - Dispute Settlement Procedures (Vol. 2)
GATT disputes: 1948-1995 (Volume 2) compiles documents regarding dispute settlement procedures under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947 and other selected documents. It complements Volume 1 which provides a comprehensive overview of dispute settlement activities under the GATT 1947 and a one-page case summary for each of the 316 disputes brought by GATT contracting parties from 1948 to 1995 when the GATT was superseded by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The two volumes offer insights into the evolution of dispute settlement under the GATT 1947 which served as the foundation for the Dispute Settlement Understanding created by the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.
Supply Chain Perspectives and Issues
Global value chains (GVCs) have become ubiquitous. The literature that attempts to understand and explain GVCs is vast multidisciplinary and no less complex than the phenomenon itself. This volume is an ambitious attempt at a fairly comprehensive review of literature on the subject.
WTO Domestic Regulation and Services Trade
Domestic regulation of services sectors has a significant impact on services trade liberalization which is why General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) disciplines are negotiated in the WTO. With the help of analyses and case-studies from academics regulators and trade experts this book explores the scope and limits of WTO legal principles to promote domestic regulatory reform. Case-studies discuss country-specific challenges and experiences of regulating important service sectors such as finance telecommunications distribution legal education health postal and logistics services as well as the role of regulatory impact assessments. The findings will interest trade officials policy-makers regulators think tanks and businesses concerned with the implications of domestic regulation on access to services markets and with the opportunities for formulating trade disciplines in this area. It is also a useful resource for academics and students researching regulatory approaches and practices in services sectors.
World Trade Report 2006
The annual World Trade Report focuses on trade policy issues - the core topic addressed in 2006 is subsidies. The Report also takes a look at recent trade developments and examines a range of trade topics including trade in textiles and clothing flows of international receipts and payments of royalties and license fees trends in the trade of least-developed countries and the impact of natural disasters and terrorist acts on international trade flows. The World Trade Report is useful for policymakers and for any individuals or groups interested in global trade policy.
Tariff Negotiations and Renegotiations under the GATT and the WTO
The procedures and practices to implement the provisions relating to tariff negotiations and renegotiations have evolved considerably since the GATT was established in 1947. The provisions themselves have undergone some changes in the last fifty-four years. Professor Hoda reviews the evolution of these provisions and of the procedures adopted and practices followed by the contracting parties to GATT 1947 and the Members of the WTO. He goes on to offer some conclusions and recommendations. This book will be of particular interest to negotiators including Geneva based delegations members of government trade ministries economists and all academics who specialise in trade policy.
World Trade Report 2010
The World Trade Report 2010 focuses on trade in natural resources such as fuels forestry mining and fisheries. The Report examines the characteristics of trade in natural resources the policy choices available to governments and the role of international cooperation particularly of the WTO in the proper management of trade in this sector. A key question is to what extent countries gain from open trade in natural resources. Some of the issues examined in the Report include the role of trade in providing access to natural resources the effects of international trade on the sustainability of natural resources the environmental impact of resources trade the so-called natural resources curse and resource price volatility. The Report examines a range of key measures employed in natural resource sectors such as export taxes tariffs and subsidies and provides information on their current use. It analyzes in detail the effects of these policy tools on an economy and on its trading partners. Finally the Report provides an overview of how natural resources fit within the legal framework of the WTO and discusses other international agreements that regulate trade in natural resources. A number of challenges are addressed including the regulation of export policy the treatment of subsidies trade facilitation and the relationship between WTO rules and other international agreements.
World Trade Report 2019
Services have become the most dynamic component of global trade with an increasingly important role in the global economy and in everyday life. Yet the extent of services’ contribution to global trade is not always fully understood. The World Trade Report 2019 attempts to remedy this by examining how trade in services is evolving and why services trade matters.
Trade Multilateralism in the 21st Century
Trade multilateralism in the twenty-first-century century faces a serious test as weakness in the global economy and fast-paced technological changes create a challenging environment for world trade. This book examines how an updated and robust rules-based multilateral framework anchored in the WTO remains indispensable to maximizing the benefits of global economic integration and to reviving world trade. By examining recent accessions to the WTO it reveals how the growing membership of the WTO has helped to support domestic reforms and to strengthen the rules-based framework of the WTO. It argues that the new realities of the twenty-first century require an upgrade to the architecture of the multilateral trading system. By erecting its 'upper floors' on the foundation of existing trade rules the WTO can continue to adapt to a fast-changing environment and to maximize the benefits brought about by its ever-expanding membership.
La chaîne de blocs peut-elle révolutionner le commerce international ?
Le commerce a toujours été façonné par l’innovation technologique. Ces derniers temps une nouvelle technologie la chaîne de blocs a été accueillie par beaucoup comme le prochain grand facteur de changement. La chaîne de blocs peut-elle révolutionner le commerce international ? Cette publication tente de démythifier le phénomène de la chaîne de blocs en fournissant une explication de base de cette technologie. Elle analyse sa pertinence pour le commerce international en examinant comment elle est actuellement utilisée ou peut être utilisée dans les différents domaines couverts par l’OMC. Ce faisant elle donne une idée de la mesure dans laquelle cette technologie pourrait affecter le commerce transfrontières des biens et des services et les droits de propriété intellectuelle. Elle examine le potentiel de la chaîne de blocs de réduire les coûts du commerce et d’améliorer la transparence de la chaîne d’approvisionnement et les possibilités qu’elle offre aux petits producteurs et aux petites entreprises. Enfin elle passe en revue les divers défis qui doivent être relevés pour que cette technologie puisse être utilisée à grande échelle et ait un impact important sur le commerce international.
World Trade Report 2018
Trade has always been shaped by technology but the rapid development of digital technologies in recent times has the potential to transform international trade profoundly in the years to come. The World Trade Report 2018 examines how digital technologies – and in particular the Internet of Things artificial intelligence 3D printing and Blockchain – affect trade costs the nature of what is traded and the composition of trade. It estimates how global trade may be affected by these technologies over the next 15 years.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2017
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2017 examine comment la technologie et le commerce influent sur l'emploi et les salaires. Il analyse les difficultés que rencontrent les travailleurs et les entreprises pour s'adapter à l'évolution du marché du travail et la façon dont les gouvernements peuvent faciliter cet ajustement pour faire en sorte que le commerce et la technologie soient inclusifs.
Trade and Employment
On the basis of an overview of the existing academic economic literature the study provides an impartial view of what can be said and with what degree of confidence on the relationship between trade and employment an often contentious issue of public debate. Its focus is on the connections between trade policies and labour and social policies and it will be useful to all those who are interested in this debate: academics and policy-makers workers and employers trade and labour specialists.
Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms, 5th edition
This is an accessible guide to the vocabulary used in trade negotiations. It explains about 2500 terms and concepts in simple language. Its main emphasis is on the multilateral trading system represented by the agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition it covers many of the trade-related activities outcomes and terms used in other international organizations such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the OECD. The last five years have seen a rapid spread in the formation of free-trade areas in all parts of the world. This dictionary allocates generous space to the vocabulary associated with such agreements. It offers clear explanations for example of the concepts used in the administration of preferential rules of origin. Additional areas covered include emerging trade issues and issues based particularly on developing-country concerns.
World Trade Report 2008
The theme of this year’s Report is “Trade in a Globalizing World”. The Report provides a reminder of what we know about the gains from international trade and highlights the challenges arising from higher levels of integration. It addresses a range of interlinking questions starting with a consideration of what constitutes globalization what drives it what benefits does it bring what challenges does it pose and what role does trade play in this world of ever-growing inter-dependency. The Report asks why some countries have managed to take advantage of falling trade costs and greater policy-driven trading opportunities while others have remained largely outside international commercial relations. It also considers who the winners and losers are from trade and what complementary action is needed from policy-makers to secure the benefits of trade for society at large. In examining these complex and multi-faceted questions the Report reviews both the theoretical gains from trade and empirical evidence that can help to answer these questions.
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty looks at the complex relationships between economic growth poverty reduction and trade and examines the challenges that poor people face in benefiting from trade opportunities. Written jointly by the World Bank Group and the WTO the publication examines how trade could make a greater contribution to ending poverty by increasing efforts to lower trade costs improve the enabling environment implement trade policy in conjunction with other areas of policy better manage risks faced by the poor and improve data used for policy-making.
Multilateralizing Regionalism
Regional trade agreements (RTAs) have proliferated around the world in the past two decades and now nearly all members of the WTO are party to at least one. Besides tariffs and rules of origin regulating trade in goods many RTAs now include provisions on services investments technical barriers to trade and competition rules as well as a host of issues not directly related to trade. The geographic reach of RTAs is expanding with transcontinental agreements spreading forcefully alongside intra-regional agreements. ‘Multilateralizing Regionalism’ was the title of a major conference held from 10–12 September 2007 at the WTO in Geneva. Brought together in this publication the conference papers achieve two things. First they marshall detailed new empirical work on the nature of the ‘Spaghetti Bowl’ and the problems it poses for the multilateral trade system. Second they contribute fresh and creative thinking on how to ‘tame the tangle’ of regional trade agreements.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005
La atención prestada a los efectos de las normas en el comercio ha ocultado a menudo la importante contribución de las normas al aumento de la eficiencia económica y a la superación de las deficiencias del mercado. Es al desempeñar estas funciones cuando crean beneficios para la sociedad. El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005 trata de arrojar luz sobre estas diversas funciones y consecuencias de las normas.
Global Value Chains in a Changing World
A collection of papers by some of the world’s leading specialists on global value chains (GVCs). It examines how GVCs have evolved and the challenges they face in a rapidly changing world. The approach is multidisciplinary with contributions from economists political scientists supply chain management specialists practitioners and policymakers.
Making Globalization More Inclusive
Policies aimed at helping workers adjust to the impact of trade or technological changes can provide a helping hand to the workforce and increase the benefits of open trade and new technologies. This publication contributes to the discussion on how governments can help make international trade more inclusive and ensure that the benefits of open trade are spread more widely.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2020
En la era digital son cada vez más los gobiernos que han adoptado políticas encaminadas a impulsar el crecimiento por medio de la innovación y la modernización tecnológica. En el Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2020 se examinan esas tendencias y el papel que desempeñan el comercio y la OMC en este contexto. Un rasgo definitorio de las políticas gubernamentales adoptadas en los últimos años ha sido su apoyo a la transición a la economía digital. Tradicionalmente el comercio y las políticas comerciales han sido importantes motores de innovación. En particular el sistema multilateral de comercio ha contribuido considerablemente a la innovación y la difusión de tecnología a nivel mundial al fomentar unas condiciones del mercado mundial previsibles y al sustentar el desarrollo de las cadenas de valor mundiales. Habida cuenta de que los datos se han convertido en un insumo esencial de la economía digital las empresas dependen más de los activos intangibles que de los físicos y las empresas digitales pueden llegar más deprisa a los mercados mundiales sin la cantidad de inversión física que se necesitaba antes en otros sectores. En el contexto de la economía digital el éxito dependerá de la apertura el acceso a los bienes y servicios de tecnología de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) la colaboración en los proyectos de investigación y la difusión de los conocimientos y las nuevas tecnologías. En el Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2020 se muestra que la cooperación internacional contribuye de manera significativa a fomentar el desarrollo digital y la innovación tecnológica con mayor eficacia minimizando al mismo tiempo los efectos indirectos negativos de las políticas nacionales. Los Acuerdos de la OMC alcanzados hace un cuarto de siglo han demostrado tener una notable visión de futuro al proporcionar un marco que ha favorecido el establecimiento de economías basadas en las TIC en todos los niveles de desarrollo. Una mayor cooperación internacional en la OMC y en otros foros permitiría seguir innovando y reducir las tensiones comerciales para ayudar a los mercados internacionales a funcionar de manera más previsible.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2004 comienza con una breve discusión sobre cómo se emplea el concepto de coherencia en el análisis de políticas interdependientes en una amplia gama de asuntos y actividades económicas.
Blockchain and DLT in Trade
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitalization in all sectors including international trade which remains hindered by inefficient paper-intensive processes. Of particular interest for trade digitalization are projects leveraging distributed ledger technology (DLT) – commonly referred to as Blockchain. The tamper-proof and decentralized nature of DLT makes it useful for breaking the silos that constrain international trade. Many projects that were at an exploratory stage when the first “Blockchain and DLT in Trade” publication was launched in November 2019 have matured and reached the production stage. This publication looks at the current situation. The publication updates the original “periodic table” of DLT projects in trade launched in November 2019 by the International Chamber of Commerce the WTO and Trade Finance Global a trade finance platform at the WTO Global Trade and Blockchain Forum. The periodic table provides a means of differentiating between the countless initiatives projects consortia and companies operating in the broad space that can be described by “DLT in trade”. While no simplified diagram of the landscape can encapsulate the minutiae of each project the table provides a starting point for understanding and analyzing the industry. This publication maps 44 projects related to trade finance insurance know your customer shipping/logistics and supply chain digitalization of trade documents and trade processes as well as other projects such as marketplaces and assesses their level of maturity. A new section on standardization initiatives provides an overview of projects that work towards creating digital standards relevant for trade to drive digital interoperability. The report also showcases the results of a supplementary survey analyzing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the projects featured.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2008
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial est une publication annuelle qui vise à permettre de mieux comprendre les tendances du commerce international les questions de politique commerciale et le système commercial multilatéral.
Informe Sobre el Comercio Mundial 2017
En el Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2017 se examina cómo afectan la tecnología y el comercio al empleo y los salarios. Se analizan las dificultades a que se enfrentan los trabajadores y las empresas para ajustarse a los cambios en los mercados de trabajo y la manera en que los Gobiernos pueden facilitar ese ajuste para que el comercio y la tecnología sean inclusivos.
Connecting to Global Markets
This book brings together contributions from the 14 WTO chair-holders of the first phase of the WTO Chairs Programme (2010-2014). The volume is divided into four sections focusing on export diversification the role of non-tariff measures the rule of law in connecting to global markets and the role of the Aid for Trade initiative in building trade capacity and overcoming supply side constraints.
Accelerating Trade Digitalization to Support MSME Financing
For many micro small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) around the world today access to financing can mean the difference between prosperity and bankruptcy. Working to identify understand and ultimately overcome the challenges that MSMEs face in their quest for acquiring financing will help to ensure that the next great technological idea does not cease to exist before it has a chance to change the world. This publication seeks to identify some of the most pressing of these challenges understand them and explore the potential application of digital technologies to mitigating their impact. To that end the authors conducted interviews and surveys with experts in the field of MSME financing including in some cases trade financing to shed light on these issues and explore the ways in which technology can be used. This publication begins by examining some of the challenges that have been identified as impacting MSME financing as well as the role that the COVID-19 pandemic has had in moulding the landscape. Next it moves on to examining key digital technologies their potential benefit to the industry – in particular to MSME financing – a selection of case studies and of companies utilizing these technologies the adoption challenges they face and recommendations for overcoming these challenges. The technologies in question include cloud computing optical character recognition the Internet of Things big data analytics artificial intelligence quantum computing distributed ledger technology and application programming interfaces.
Les femmes et le commerce
Le commerce peut améliorer considérablement la vie des femmes en créant de nouveaux emplois en améliorant les choix en matière de consommation et en renforçant le pouvoir de négociation des femmes dans la société. Il peut également donner lieu à des suppressions d’emploi et à une concentration des travailleurs dans des emplois peu qualifiés. Étant donné la complexité et la spécificité de la relation entre le commerce et les questions de genre il est essentiel d’évaluer l’incidence potentielle de la politique commerciale tant sur les femmes que sur les hommes et de concevoir des politiques adaptées et fondées sur des données probantes pour garantir que le commerce contribue à renforcer les possibilités de tout un chacun. Les travaux de recherche sur l’égalité hommes-femmes et le commerce ont été restreints par des données limitées et un manque de compréhension des liens entre les rôles économiques que les femmes jouent dans le travail la consommation et la prise de décisions. Sur la base de nouvelles analyses et de données ventilées par sexe Les femmes et le commerce : Le rôle du commerce dans la promotion de l’égalité hommes-femmes vise à faire mieux comprendre la relation entre le commerce et l’égalité hommes-femmes et à identifier les possibilités que le commerce peut offrir pour améliorer la vie des femmes.
World Trade Report 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic and the prospect of increasingly frequent and more intense natural and man-made disasters raise important questions about the resilience of the global economy to such shocks. The World Trade Report 2021 explores the basic binary assumption driving much of the current debate about economic resilience namely the inherent trade-off between global trade interdependence and national economic security and suggests that this can be a false dilemma. Due to its interconnected nature international trade can increase an economy’s exposure to risks and contribute to the transmission of shockwaves. At the same time it can bolster economic resilience particularly when backed by domestic policies and effective global cooperation. As a driver of economic growth trade can generate the resources and knowledge needed to prepare for crises. It can also help countries recover by facilitating the provision of goods and services needed to cope with a crisis. Policies aimed at increasing economic resilience by re-shoring production and unwinding trade integration ultimately reduce economic resilience. Conversely trade diversification can contribute to economic resilience by allowing countries to be less dependent on a limited number of importers exporters and sectors. The World Trade Report 2021 shows that a more open inclusive and predictable trade environment is needed to promote diversification and contribute to economic resilience. The WTO already plays a key role in making economies more resilient by promoting lower trade barriers and greater transparency in trade policies. Further international cooperation at the WTO can strengthen the mutual supportiveness of trade openness and economic resilience so that the world is better prepared to deal with future crises.
Competition policy and intellectual property in today's global economy
The fast-evolving relationship between the promotion of welfare-enhancing competition and the balanced protection of intellectual property (IP) rights has attracted the attention of policymakers analysts and scholars. This interest is inevitable in an environment that lays ever greater emphasis on the management of knowledge and innovation and on mechanisms to ensure that the public derives the expected social and economic benefits from this innovation and the spread of knowledge. This book looks at the positive linkage between IP and competition in jurisdictions around the world surveying developments and policy issues from an international and comparative perspective. It includes analysis of key doctrinal and policy issues by leading academics and practitioners from around the globe and a cutting-edge survey of related developments across both developed and developing economies. It also situates current policy developments at the national level in the context of multilateral developments at WIPO WTO and elsewhere.
Diccionario de Términos de Política Comercial
Este diccionario es una guía accesible al vocabulario empleado en las negociaciones comerciales. En él se explican unos 3.000 términos y conceptos en un lenguaje sencillo. Se dedica especial atención al sistema multilateral de comercio representado por los acuerdos de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). El diccionario abarca además muchas de las actividades resultados y términos relacionados con el comercio utilizados en otras organizaciones internacionales tales como la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) la Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual (OMPI) la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) el Foro de Cooperación Económica de Asia y el Pacífico (APEC) y la La Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). En el pasado decenio se ha prestado considerable atención a la facilitación del comercio y las inversiones la sostenibilidad y la formación de zonas de libre comercio en todas las partes del mundo. El diccionario dedica un amplio espacio al vocabulario relacionado con esa evolución. Ofrece por ejemplo explicaciones claras de los conceptos utilizados en la administración de las normas de origen preferenciales. Más recientemente la facilitación del comercio ha sido objeto de gran atención. Otras de las esferas abarcadas son los nuevos temas comerciales y las cuestiones relacionadas en particular con las preocupaciones de los países en desarrollo. Durante muchos años Walter Goode fue funcionario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Comercio Internacional de Australia. En el ejercicio de sus funciones adquirió una amplia experiencia en la formulación de la política comercial internacional y la celebración de negociaciones comerciales bilaterales y multilaterales. En particular participó en negociaciones y reuniones en el APEC el GATT la OMC la UNCTAD y la OCDE. Ha ocupado puestos relacionados con el comercio en Ginebra Beijing Shanghái y Tokio. Impartió numerosos cursos de formación sobre política comercial en particular bajo los auspicios del APEC. En la actualidad está jubilado. Entre sus publicaciones figuran: Australian Traded Services Uruguay Round Outcomes: Services y Negotiating Free-Trade Agreements: A Guide.
Dictionnaire des termes de politique commerciale
Le présent ouvrage est un guide accessible du vocabulaire utilisé dans les négociations commerciales. Il explique dans un langage simple près de 3000 termes et concepts en mettant l’accent sur le système commercial multilatéral représenté par les accords signés dans le cadre de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). Il couvre également bon nombre d’activités de résultats et de termes relatifs au commerce qui sont propres à d’autres organisations internationales telles que la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) l’Organisation mondiale de la propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) et l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économique (OCDE). Au cours de la dernière décennie une attention marquée a été accordée à la facilitation des échanges et de l’investissement à la durabilité et à la formation de zones de libre-échange dans toutes les parties du monde. Le présent dictionnaire fait une large place au vocabulaire associé à cette situation nouvelle. Il explique clairement par exemple les concepts utilisés dans l’administration des règles d’origine préférentielles. Plus récemment la facilitation des échanges a fait l’objet d’une attention redoublée. D’autres domaines sont couverts notamment les nouvelles questions commerciales et les problèmes posés en particulier par les préoccupations des pays en développement. Walter Goode a été pendant de longues années fonctionnaire au Département des affaires étrangères et du commerce de l’Australie. En cette qualité il a acquis une grande expérience dans la formulation de la politique commerciale internationale et la conduite des négociations commerciales bilatérales et multilatérales. Il a participé en particulier à des négociations et des réunions de l’APEC du GATT de l’OMC de la CNUCED et de l’OCDE. Il a été affecté à des postes en relation avec le commerce à Genève Beijing Shanghai et Tokyo et a organisé de nombreux cours de politique commerciale en particulier sous les auspices de l’APEC. Il est maintenant à la retraite. Il a publié entre autres ouvrages Australian Traded Services Uruguay Round Outcomes: Services et Negotiating FreeTrade Agreements: A Guide.
WTO/WCO Study Report on Disruptive Technologies
So-called disruptive technologies such as blockchain the Internet of Things artificial intelligence and machine learning have the potential to transform border management and the conduct of international trade. This publication explores how these advanced technologies can be used to improve the efficiency of Customs processes and to ease the flow of goods across borders.
The Crisis in Ukraine
This note examines the implications of the crisis in Ukraine for global trade and development. It highlights the importance of the supplies of food energy and certain industrial inputs from Russia and Ukraine and explores how the war is causing severe risks to food and energy security as well as exacerbating supply chain difficulties. Simulations from the WTO Global Trade Model indicate that global GDP and trade growth could be reduced by up to 1.3 and 2.2 percentage points respectively with effects concentrated in Europe and Africa. This note further shows that if the war were to cause a disintegration of the global economy into separate blocs the income losses would be severe especially for emerging and developing economies. This highlights the importance of the rules-based multilateral trading system not least because the WTO provides functions that can help to cushion the impact of the crisis.
Trade in Knowledge
Technological change has transformed the ways knowledge is developed and shared internationally. Accordingly in the quarter-century since the WTO was established and since its Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights came into force both the knowledge dimension of trade and the functioning of the IP system have been radically transformed. The need to understand and respond to this change has placed knowledge at the centre of policy debates about economic and social development. Recognizing the need for modern analytical tools to support policymakers and analysts this publication draws together contributions from a diverse range of scholars and analysts. Together they offer a fresh understanding of what it means to trade in knowledge in today’s technological and commercial environment. The publication offers insights into the prospects for knowledge-based development and ideas for updated systems of governance that promote the creation and sharing of the benefits of knowledge.
Le financement du commerce en Afrique de l'Ouest
Le 12 octobre 2022 la Directrice générale de l’OMC Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala et le Directeur général de la Société financière internationale (SFI) Makhtar Diop ont lancé une publication conjointe sur le financement du commerce en Afrique de l’Ouest (Trade Finance in West Africa) à Washington DC. S’appuyant sur les résultats d’une enquête menée auprès des banques des quatre plus grandes économies de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO) — Côte d’Ivoire Ghana Nigéria et Sénégal — la publication évalue l’insuffisance du financement du commerce dans ces pays. Elle souligne également les moyens de supprimer les obstacles aux facilités de crédit et de libérer le potentiel commercial de la région.
Trade finance in West Africa
A joint publication on “Trade Finance in West Africa” was launched by Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and International Finance Corporation (IFC) Managing Director Makhtar Diop on 12 October in Washington DC. Using the results of a survey of banks in the four largest economies of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) — Côte d’Ivoire Ghana Nigeria and Senegal — the publication assesses the shortfall in trade finance in these countries. It also outlines ways of removing obstacles to credit facilities and of unleashing the trade potential of the region.
Rapport d’étude de l’OMD/OMC sur les technologies de rupture
Les technologies dites “de rupture” comme la chaîne de blocs l'Internet des objets l'intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage automatique sont susceptibles de transformer la gestion des frontières et la conduite du commerce international. Cette publication se penche sur la façon dont ces technologies de pointe peuvent être utilisées pour améliorer l'efficacité des processus douaniers et faciliter la circulation des marchandises à travers les frontières.
Informe de estudio de la OMA y la OMC sobre las tecnologías disruptivas
Las denominadas tecnologías disruptivas como la cadena de bloques la Internet de las cosas la inteligencia artificial y el aprendizaje automático pueden transformar la gestión de las fronteras y el desarrollo del comercio internacional. En esta publicación se examina cómo pueden utilizarse esas tecnologías avanzadas para mejorar la eficiencia de los trámites aduaneros y facilitar la circulación de mercancías a través de las fronteras.
World Trade Statistical Review 2022
“World Trade Statistical Review” looks into the latest trends in global trade with in-depth analysis of what is being traded and who the key players are. Analytical chapters are complemented by over 65 tables providing a detailed breakdown of the goods and services being traded and the leading exporters/importers.
One year of war in Ukraine
This note examines how the war in Ukraine has affected global trade. It looks at how exports from Russia and Ukraine have evolved over the past year. It then analyses how countries highly dependent on Russian or Ukrainian exports of agricultural and primary goods have responded to the crisis and how prices and trade in goods greatly affected by the war have developed. These impacts reveal the repercussions of the war for developing economies and demonstrate the resilience of the multilateral trading system. This note highlights that a widespread push to reconsolidate global supply chains based on geopolitical considerations would come at a high cost. Reduced growth prospects could be particularly large for many developing countries especially least-developed countries. Their opportunity costs of foregoing further multilateral liberalization and moving to geopolitical rivalry instead could amount to 11.3 per cent of real GDP – placing further strain on the fragile situation triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Harnessing Services Trade for Sustainable Growth
The services sector has been the main source of economic growth in recent decades. Logistics finance and information technologies are essential to the functioning of modern economies while business services healthcare and entertainment are among the world’s fastest growing sectors. This publication – co-published by the WTO and the World Bank – underlines the contribution that trade and investment in services can make to economic growth and development. It highlights in particular the importance of re-energizing international cooperation on services trade and encourages reflection on how best to mobilize assistance for developing and least-developed economies in implementing services sector reforms so that they can reap the gains from expanded trade and investment in services.
Examen statistique du commerce mondial 2022
«L’Examen statistique du commerce mondial» étudie les évolutions récentes du commerce mondial et examine en profondeur les échanges et qui sont les acteurs importants. Les chapitres analytiques sont complétés par plus de 65 tableaux qui détaillent les marchandises et services échangés et les principaux exportateurs et importateurs.
Examen estadístico del comercio mundial 2022
El Examen estadístico del comercio mundial pasa revista a las tendencias más recientes del comercio mundial y analiza en profundidad qué se comercia y quiénes son los actores clave. Los capítulos analíticos se complementan con más de 65 cuadros en que se desglosan de forma detallada las mercancías y los servicios objeto de comercio y los principales exportadores e importadores.
Global Trade Outlook and Statistics
The WTO’s “Global Trade Outlook and Statistics” analyses recent global trade developments up to the fourth quarter of 2022 and presents the organization’s forecasts for world trade in 2023 and 2024. Breakdowns of merchandise and commercial services trade by sector and region are provided together with details on leading traders. The report is timed to coincide with the release of the WTO’s latest quarterly and annual trade statistics which can be downloaded from the WTO’s online database at
Perspectivas del comercio mundial y estadísticas
Las "Perspectivas del comercio mundial y estadísticas" de la OMC analizan la evolución reciente del comercio mundial hasta el cuarto trimestre de 2022 y presentan las previsiones de la Organización sobre el comercio mundial en 2023 y 2024. Se proporcionan desgloses del comercio de mercancías y servicios comerciales por sectores y regiones así como información detallada sobre los principales interlocutores comerciales. La publicación del informe coincide con la de las últimas estadísticas comerciales trimestrales y anuales de la OMC que pueden descargarse de la base de datos en línea de la OMC en la dirección siguiente:
Perspectives du commerce mondial et statistiques
Les "Perspectives du commerce mondial et statistiques" de l'OMC analyse l'évolution récente du commerce mondial jusqu'au quatrième trimestre de 2022 et présente les prévisions de l'OMC concernant le commerce mondial pour 2023 et 2024. Il contient des ventilations du commerce des marchandises et du commerce des services commerciaux par secteur et par région ainsi que des renseignements détaillés concernant les principaux pays commerçants. La publication du rapport coïncide avec celle des dernières statistiques commerciales trimestrielles et annuelles de l'OMC qui peuvent être téléchargées à partir de la base de données en ligne de l'Organisation à l'adresse suivante:
Subvenciones, comercio y cooperación internacional
Tratar las subvenciones del comercio mundial de manera constructiva es un elemento central del objetivo de los líderes del G20 de reformar y reforzar el sistema multilateral de comercio. La utilización cada vez mayor de subvenciones causantes de distorsión altera los flujos comerciales y de inversión menoscaba el valor de las consolidaciones arancelarias y otros compromisos de acceso a los mercados y erosiona el apoyo público al libre comercio. Según se señala en esta publicación es necesario que los Gobiernos cooperen más en materia de subvenciones. En ella se pretende poner de relieve las posibles ventajas de una colaboración más estrecha y examinar algunas esferas en las que podría forjarse dicha colaboración de manera constructiva.
Terapia para el comercio
La pandemia de COVID-19 ha expuesto las ventajas e inconvenientes que supone el comercio internacional de bienes y servicios médicos. El comercio abierto puede aumentar el acceso a los servicios y bienes médicos –y los insumos esenciales necesarios para fabricarlos– mejorar la calidad y la variedad y reducir los costos. Sin embargo una concentración excesiva de la producción la adopción de políticas comerciales restrictivas las perturbaciones de la cadena de suministro y las diferencias en materia de reglamentación pueden poner en peligro la capacidad de los sistemas de salud pública para responder a las pandemias y a otras crisis sanitarias. Trade Therapy: Deepening Cooperation to Strengthen Pandemic Defenses un trabajo coordinado por Nadia Rocha y Michele Ruta del Banco Mundial y Marc Bacchetta y Joscelyn Magdeleine de la Organización Mundial del Comercio ofrece nuevos datos sobre el comercio de bienes y servicios médicos y las cadenas de valor de los productos médicos analiza la evolución del panorama de las políticas antes y durante la pandemia y propone un plan de acción para mejorar las políticas comerciales e intensifi car la cooperación para hacer frente a futuras pandemias. Ante la persistencia de la pandemia de COVID-19 las medidas de política se centran en la respuesta que incluye medidas encaminadas a eliminar los estrangulamientos y proporcionar ayuda pública para promover un acceso equitativo a las vacunas. Según va remitiendo la emergencia el centro de atención debería desplazarse a la prevención y la preparación. Debe darse prioridad a la adopción de medidas para colmar las lagunas de información sobre la base de la labor del Grupo de Trabajo Multilateral de Líderes contra la COVID-19 el Acelerador ACT y la apertura de los mercados por ejemplo mediante la negociación de reducciones arancelarias para los bienes médicos y el mayor acceso a los mercados para los servicios. También son importantes las medidas destinadas a aumentar la efi ciencia de los mercados entre ellas la armonización de las normas a través del reconocimiento mutuo o la equivalencia normativa y la elaboración de normas internacionales aplicables a los bienes insumos y procesos de producción médicos de carácter esencial. Un acuerdo sobre un conjunto de normas para situaciones de crisis que pueda utilizarse en caso de emergencia y que incluya límites claros y convenidos sobre la fl exibilidad de la política de exportación así como normas compartidas sobre fl exibilidades en materia de propiedad intelectual proporcionaría una base normativa más sólida para hacer frente a los desafíos futuros.
Thérapie par le commerce
La pandémie de COVID-19 (coronavirus) a mis en lumière les avantages et les inconvénients du commerce international des produits et services médicaux. Un commerce ouvert peut favoriser l’accès mondial aux produits et services médicaux – ainsi qu’aux intrants essentiels nécessaires à leur production – améliorer la qualité et la variété de ces produits et services et réduire les coûts. Toutefois une concentration excessive de la production des politiques commerciales restrictives des perturbations des chaînes d’approvisionnement et des divergences réglementaires peuvent compromettre la capacité des systèmes de santé publique à se préparer et à répondre aux pandémies et autres crises sanitaires. La publication Thérapie par le commerce : Approfondir la coopération pour renforcer les moyens de lutter contre les pandémies coordonnée par Nadia Rocha et Michele Ruta à la Banque mondiale et par Marc Bacchetta et Joscelyn Magdeleine à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce contient de nouvelles données sur le commerce des produits et services médicaux et les chaînes de valeur de produits médicaux examine l’évolution du panorama des politiques avant et pendant la pandémie et propose un plan d’action visant à améliorer les politiques commerciales et à approfondir la coopération internationale pour faire face aux futures pandémies. Alors que la pandémie de COVID-19 perdure l’action politique se concentre sur la réponse qui inclut des mesures visant à promouvoir l’équité vaccinale grâce aux aides publiques et à supprimer les obstacles en la matière. Une fois l’urgence passée l’accent devrait être mis sur la prévention et la préparation. La priorité devrait être d’adopter des mesures pour combler les lacunes d’information s’appuyant sur les travaux de l’Équipe spéciale multilatérale des dirigeants chargée des vaccins des traitements et des produits de diagnostic contre la COVID-19 et de l’Accélérateur ACT et d’encourager l’ouverture des marchés notamment par la négociation de réductions de droits de douane pour les produits médicaux et l’amélioration de l’accès aux marchés pour les services. Il convient également de prendre des mesures pour accroître l’efficacité des marchés notamment l’harmonisation des réglementations grâce à la reconnaissance mutuelle ou l’équivalence des normes et l’établissement de normes internationales applicables aux produits et intrants médicaux essentiels et aux processus de production. Un accord sur un ensemble de règles de crise à appliquer en cas d’urgence qui comprendrait des limites claires et convenues concernant la flexibilité de la politique d’exportation ainsi que des règles communes sur les flexibilités relatives à la propriété intellectuelle constituerait une base politique plus solide pour relever les défis futurs.
Subventions, commerce et coopération internationale
Il est essentiel de traiter de manière constructive les subventions dans le commerce mondial pour atteindre l'objectif des dirigeants du G-20 qui consiste à réformer et à renforcer le système commercial multilatéral. Le recours croissant à des subventions ayant un effet de distorsion modifie les courants d'échanges et d'investissements affaiblit la valeur des consolidations tarifaires et des autres engagements en matière d'accès aux marchés et ébranle le soutien du public en faveur du libre-échange. Cette publication indique en conclusion que les gouvernements doivent coopérer davantage en ce qui concerne les subventions. Elle vise à mettre en évidence les avantages que pourrait présenter une coopération plus étroite et examine certains domaines dans lesquels cette coopération pourrait être poursuivie de manière constructive.