Economic research and trade policy analysis
Informe Sobre el Comercio Mundial
La principal publicación de investigación de la OMC en materia de política comercial mundial contiene temas especiales análisis y novedades.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial
Principale publication de recherche de l'OMC sur la politique commerciale mondiale (thèmes de réflexion analyses et faits nouveaux).
World Trade Report
The "World Trade Report" is an annual publication that aims to deepen understanding about trends in trade trade policy issues and the multilateral trading system.
Covid-19 Reports
The WTO reports on COVID-19 and world trade provide detailed information on the impact of the pandemic on global trade
WTO Working Papers
WTO working papers usually represent research in progress. Such research may be conducted in the preparation of WTO Secretariat reports studies or other material for WTO members. The papers are circulated for comment because the WTO considers critical review of professional research to be extremely important.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2018
En el Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2016 se examina la participación de las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en el comercio internacional así como la forma en que la situación comercial internacional está cambiando para las pymes y lo que el sistema multilateral de comercio hace y puede hacer para promover una participación más amplia e inclusiva de las pymes en los mercados mundiales.
World Trade Report 2003
The World Trade Report is a new annual WTO publication focused on trade trends and policy issues. The 2003 edition examines developments in South-South trade trends in commodity markets and the growth of Regional Trade Agreements.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2005
L'attention que l'on porte à l'incidence des normes sur le commerce masque parfois le rôle important qu'elles jouent en contribuant à l'efficience économique et en remédiant aux défaillances du marché. C'est en remplissant ces fonctions qu'elles génèrent des avantages pour la société. Le rapport sur le commerce mondial 2005 vise à préciser les diverses fonctions des normes et leurs conséquences.
World Trade Report 2009
One of the main objectives of this Report is to analyze whether WTO provisions provide a balance between supplying governments with necessary flexibility to face difficult economic situations and adequately defining them in a way that limits their use for protectionist purposes. In analysing this question the Report focuses primarily on contingency measures available to WTO members when importing and exporting goods. These measures include the use of safeguards such as tariffs and quotas in specified circumstances anti-dumping duties on goods that are deemed to be “dumped” and countervailing duties imposed to offset subsidies. The Report also discusses alternative policy options including the renegotiation of tariff commitments the use of export taxes and increases in tariffs up to their legal maximum ceiling or binding. The analysis includes consideration of legal economic and political economy factors that influence the use of these measures and their associated benefits and costs.
GATT Disputes: 1948-1995 - Overview and One-Page Case Summaries (Vol. 1)
GATT disputes: 1948-1995 (Volume 1) provides verified and factual information on disputes brought by contracting parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) from 1948 to 1995 when the GATT was superseded by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The publication provides a comprehensive overview of dispute settlement activities under the GATT 1947 and a one-page case summary for each of the 316 GATT disputes brought by contracting parties during this period. Volume 2 of this publication covers GATT dispute settlement procedures. The two volumes offer insights into the evolution of dispute settlement under the GATT 1947 which served as the foundation for the Dispute Settlement Understanding created by the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2019
Los servicios se han convertido en el componente más dinámico del comercio mundial y desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante en la economía mundial y en la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo no siempre se valora plenamente su grado de contribución al comercio mundial. El Informe sobre el comercio mundial 2019 trata de colmar esta laguna utilizando un nuevo conjunto de datos elaborado por la OMC que tiene en cuenta las distintas formas de suministrar servicios a través de las fronteras. En el Informe se examina la evolución del comercio de servicios en los últimos años y el porqué de su importancia. Asimismo se analizan las principales tendencias que afectan al comercio de servicios en particular los cambios demográficos las tecnologías digitales el aumento de la renta y el cambio climático. También se ofrecen estimaciones sobre la posible evolución del comercio de servicios en los próximos 20 años y las perspectivas de una mayor cooperación internacional en las políticas relativas al comercio de servicios. El Informe muestra que los costos del comercio son más elevados para los servicios que para las mercancías si bien están disminuyendo como consecuencia de las tecnologías digitales. Se espera que esa reducción de los costos del comercio aumente la participación de los servicios en el comercio mundial y contribuya a un crecimiento y un desarrollo más inclusivos. Para que las economías puedan beneficiarse del mayor protagonismo que está adquiriendo el comercio de servicios será necesario intensificar la cooperación internacional.
Making Globalization Socially Sustainable
Globalization is widely seen as a powerful engine that has the potential to promote growth and development but concerns have been raised about the effects of globalization on jobs and wages. This book co-published by the International Labour Office and the World Trade Organization discusses ways of making globalization socially sustainable.
Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia-Pacific Region
This book explores the complex relationship between international trade and poverty reduction through a combination of research papers and contemporary case studies. Written mainly by developing-country authors in consultation with local businesses and communities the case studies contribute to our understanding of the ways in which low-income communities are dealing with trade as a practical challenge especially in the Asia-Pacific region where approximately two-thirds of the world’s poor live. While making it clear that there is no ‘one size fits all’ formula the research and stories highlight a number of necessary preconditions such as political commitment and cooperation at all levels if trade is to successfully reduce poverty. Openness to trade serious commitment to domestic reform trade-related capacity building a robust and responsible private sector and access to the markets of developed countries are all identified as powerful tools for building trade-related sustainable development.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2003
Le rapport sur le commerce mondial 2003 est entièrement centré sur le développement. En expliquant la génèse du problème et en proposant un cadre d'analyse dans lequel traiter la question des rapports entre commerce et développement il vise à aider chacun à débattre en toute connaissance de cause et à mieux évaluer les options qui s'offrent aux gouvernements pour faire face aux défis du moment.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2003
El tema principal del Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2003 es el desarrollo. Al explicar el origen de esta cuestión y ofrecer un marco analítico para abordar la cuestión de la relación entre comercio y desarrollo se pretende que el Informe contribuya a un debate más informado y a una mejor apreciación de las distintas opciones disponibles para abordar los problemas de política.
World Trade Report 2005
The report focuses on specific trade policy issues of current interest and reviews trends in international trade. The core topic addressed in the 2005 Report is the relationship between standards and trade. The Report also contains 3 shorter essays on the use of quantitative economic analysis in WTO dispute settlement proceedings trade in air transport services and offshoring services.
Women and Trade
Trade can dramatically improve women’s lives creating new jobs enhancing consumer choices and increasing women’s bargaining power in society. It can also lead to job losses and a concentration of work in low-skilled employment. Given the complexity and specificity of the relationship between trade and gender it is essential to assess the potential impact of trade policy on both women and men and to develop appropriate evidence-based policies to ensure that trade helps to enhance opportunities for all. Research on gender equality and trade has been constrained by limited data and a lack of understanding of the connections among the economic roles that women play as workers consumers and decision makers. Building on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of opportunities through which trade can improve the lives of women.
15 Years of the Information Technology Agreement
The Information and Technology Agreement (ITA) was finalized at the first WTO Ministerial Conference in Singapore in 1996 committing its participants to completely eliminate duties on certain information technology products. In its 15 years the ITA has promoted affordable access to a wide range of technologies encouraging closer cooperation between developed and developing countries. As production networks become increasingly global the ITA will continue to facilitate the shift from products made in a specific country to “made in the world”. To mark the 15th anniversary of the ITA this publication charts the political and technical obstacles which were overcome during the creation of the Agreement and the issues which still need to be resolved. It details the establishment of the ITA Committee and how the Agreement is implemented and investigates the impact the ITA has had on trade liberalization and innovation. The publication also examines the effect information technology has had on global production networks and what this means for developing countries and the ITA.
Trade and Food Standards
Co-published by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2009
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial est une publication annuelle qui vise à permettre de mieux comprendre les tendances du commerce international les questions de politique commerciale et le système commercial multilatéral..
Las mujeres y el comercio
El comercio puede mejorar drásticamente la vida de las mujeres mediante la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo el aumento de las posibilidades de elección de los consumidores y el fortalecimiento del poder de negociación de las mujeres en la sociedad. También puede dar lugar a pérdidas de empleo y a una concentración del trabajo en ocupaciones de baja cualificación. Habida cuenta de la complejidad y especificidad de la relación entre comercio y género es esencial evaluar las repercusiones que pueden tener las políticas comerciales tanto en las mujeres como en los hombres y elaborar políticas adecuadas y basadas en datos empíricos para garantizar que el comercio contribuya a crear mejores oportunidades para todos. La investigación sobre la igualdad de género y el comercio se ha visto constreñida por la escasez de datos y por una comprensión deficiente de la relación entre los papeles económicos que desempeñan las mujeres como trabajadoras consumidoras y responsables de la adopción de decisiones. Basado en nuevos análisis y nuevos datos desglosados por sexo el estudio titulado Las mujeres y el comercio: el papel del comercio en la promoción de la igualdad de género tiene por objeto avanzar en el conocimiento de la relación entre comercio e igualdad de género y determinar una serie de oportunidades que puede ofrecer el comercio para mejorar la vida de las mujeres.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2010
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2010 traite du commerce des ressources naturelles comme les combustibles les forêts les produits miniers et les ressources halieutiques. Il examine les caractéristiques du commerce des ressources naturelles les choix qui s'offrent aux gouvernements et comment la coopération internationale notamment dans le cadre de l'OMC peut contribuer à la bonne gestion des échanges dans ce secteur.
A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis
This Guide to Trade Policy Analysis provides the main tools for the analysis of trade policy. Written by experts with practical experience in the field this publication outlines the major concepts of trade policy analysis and contains practical guidance on how to apply them to concrete policy questions.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2009
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial es una publicación anual destinada a facilitar una comprensión más profunda de las tendencias del comercio las cuestiones de política comercial y el sistema multilateral de comercio.
Trade and Poverty Reduction
Global trade has contributed strongly to reducing poverty but important challenges remain in making trade work for the poorest. This publication presents eight case studies to reveal how trade can help to reduce poverty in developing countries. It focuses on four constraints faced by the extremely poor – namely that they tend to live in rural areas work in the informal sector live in fragile and conflict-affected regions and face gender inequality. The case studies identify ways to overcome these constraints including through the adoption of policies that maximize the contribution of trade to poverty reduction. The studies also highlight the ongoing gaps in data and research that constrain policy-making. The publication is a follow-up to The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty co-published by the WTO and the World Bank in 2015 which examined the challenges the poor face in benefiting from trade opportunities. The country-specific approach of this new publication complements the global perspective of the previous report.
Trade Patterns and Global Value Chains in East Asia
The increasing internationalization of supply chains is challenging our interpretation of conventional trade statistics as traditional concepts like country of origin or the distinction between goods and services become blurred. This publication jointly produced by the WTO and the Institute of Developing Economies — Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) focuses on the factors that have helped to shape global production.
World Trade Report 2020
In the digital age a growing number of governments have adopted policies aimed at boosting growth through innovation and technological upgrading. The World Trade Report 2020 looks at these trends and at how trade and the WTO fit with them. A defining feature of government policies adopted in recent years has been their support of the transition towards a digital economy. Trade and trade policies have historically been important engines for innovation. In particular the multilateral trading system has contributed significantly to the global diffusion of innovation and technology by fostering predictable global market conditions and by underpinning the development of global value chains. As data become an essential input in the digital economy firms rely more on intangible assets than on physical ones and digital firms are able to reach global markets faster without the amount of physical investment previously necessary in other sectors. Success in the digital economy will depend on openness access to information and communication technology (ICT) goods and services collaboration on research projects and the diffusion of knowledge and new technology. The World Trade Report 2020 shows that there is a significant role for international cooperation to make the pursuit of digital development and technological innovation more effective while minimizing negative spill-overs from national policies. The WTO agreements reached a quarter of a century ago have proved to be remarkably forwardlooking in providing a framework that has favoured the development of ICT-enabled economies across all levels of development. Further international cooperation at the WTO and elsewhere would enable continued innovation and reduce trade tensions to help international markets function more predictably.
World Trade Report 2004
The World Trade Report is an annual WTO publication focused on trade trends and policy issues. The 2004 edition reviews recent trade developments and examines issues including coherence in trade and macroeconomic policies geographical indications and the liberalization of trade in services through the temporary movement of natural persons.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2006
Les “subventions” sont le sujet central du rapport 2006 sur le commerce mondial. Les auteurs explorent ce champ d'action pour voir comment on peut définir les subventions ce que la théorie économique peut nous dire d'elles pourquoi les gouvernements y ont recours quels sont les secteurs qui en sont les principaux bénéficiaires et quel rôle l'Accord de l'OMC peut jouer pour les réglementer dans le contexte du commerce international.
Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2019
Les services sont devenus la composante la plus dynamique du commerce mondial et jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’économie mondiale et dans la vie quotidienne. Pourtant l’importance de la contribution des services au commerce mondial n’est pas toujours bien comprise. Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2019 tente d’y remédier en utilisant un nouvel ensemble de données élaboré par l’OMC qui prend en compte les différentes façons dont les services sont fournis à travers les frontières. Le Rapport examine la manière dont le commerce des services a évolué ces dernières années et se penche sur la question de savoir pourquoi le commerce des services compte. Les grandes tendances qui influent sur le commerce des services y compris l’évolution démographique les technologies numériques la hausse des revenus et le changement climatique sont examinées. Le Rapport donne aussi des estimations concernant l’évolution possible du commerce des services au cours des 20 prochaines années et les perspectives en matière de renforcement de la coopération internationale dans le domaine des politiques relatives au commerce des services. Le Rapport constate que les coûts du commerce des services sont plus élevés que ceux du commerce des marchandises mais qu’ils diminuent en grande partie sous l’effet des technologies numériques. Il montre en quoi la baisse des coûts du commerce devrait accroître la part des services dans le commerce mondial et en quoi cela pourrait contribuer à une croissance et un développement plus inclusifs. Pour que les économies puissent tirer parti du rôle croissant joué par le commerce des services la coopération internationale devra s’intensifier.
World Trade Report 2017
The 2017 World Trade Report examines how technology and trade affect employment and wages. It analyses the challenges for workers and firms in adjusting to changes in labour markets and how governments can facilitate such adjustment to ensure that trade and technology are inclusive.
Trade Finance and SMEs
Trade finance plays a key role in helping developing countries participate in global trade. Easing the supply of credit in regions where trade potential is the greatest could have a big impact in helping small businesses grow and in supporting the development of the poorest countries. This publication takes a detailed look at trade finance and emphasises the importance of multilateral agencies working together.
Trade Adjustment in Asia
Asia’s economic success over the past four decades has been built on a strategy of export promotion coupled with trade opening. Poverty rates throughout the region have fallen dramatically especially in countries that have succeeded in integrating into regional or global value chains. However this economic success has been accompanied by structural changes such as the need for workers to change roles sectors and sometimes regions. Faced with increased foreign competition firms have been forced to reorganize and quickly adopt new technologies. Despite the importance of this adjustment process relatively little empirical evidence exists. This volume aims to close this gap by providing new insights into how Asia’s labor markets and firms have adjusted to trade opening. Written by leading trade economists with expertise in the region the publication shows that trade opening has led to a more efficient allocation of capital and labor but this has been accompanied by significant adjustment costs. The book sheds light on the effects of trade on workers and firms with the aim of improving understanding of the adjustment process and contributing to the debate on how to make globalization work for all.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2008
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial es una publicación anual cuyo objetivo es profundizar en la comprensión de las tendencias del comercio las cuestiones de política comercial y el sistema multilateral de comercio.
Governments, Non-State Actors and Trade Policy-Making
One of the most pressing issues confronting the multilateral trade system is the challenge posed by the rapid proliferation of preferential trade agreements. Plenty has been written about why governments might choose to negotiate preferentially or multilaterally but until now it has been written almost exclusively from the perspective of governments. We know very little about how non-state actors view this issue of ‘forum choice' nor how they position themselves to influence choices by governments about whether to emphasize PTAs or the WTO. This book addresses that issue squarely through case studies of trade policy-making and forum choice in eight developing countries: Chile Colombia Mexico South Africa Kenya Jordan Indonesia and Thailand. The case studies are based on original research by the authors including interviews with state and non-state actors involved in the trade policy-making process in the eight countries of this study.
Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2020
À l’ère numérique les états sont de plus en plus nombreux à adopter des politiques visant à stimuler la croissance par l’innovation et la modernisation technologique. Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2020 présente ces tendances et examine comment le commerce et l’OMC s’y adaptent. Le soutien à la transition vers une économie numérique a caractérisé les politiques publiques adoptées ces dernières années. Le commerce et les politiques commerciales ont toujours été des moteurs importants pour l’innovation. En particulier le système commercial multilatéral a largement contribué à la diffusion planétaire de l’innovation et des technologies en favorisant la prévisibilité des conditions du marché mondial et en soutenant le développement des chaînes de valeur mondiales. À mesure que les données deviennent un intrant essentiel dans l’économie numérique les entreprises s’appuient davantage sur des actifs incorporels que sur des actifs physiques et les entreprises numériques peuvent accéder plus rapidement aux marchés mondiaux sans devoir consentir aux importants investissements matériels qui étaient auparavant nécessaires dans d’autres secteurs. Dans le contexte de l’économie numérique le succès dépendra de l’ouverture de l’accès aux biens et services liés aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) de la collaboration dans les projets de recherche et de la diffusion des connaissances et des nouvelles technologies. Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2020 montre que la coopération internationale a un rôle important à jouer pour rendre plus efficace la poursuite du développement numérique et de l’innovation technologique tout en réduisant au minimum les retombées négatives des politiques nationales. Conclus il y a un quart de siècle les Accords de l’OMC se sont révélés remarquablement avancés en mettant en place un cadre favorable au développement des économies reposant sur les TIC quel que soit leur niveau de développement. La poursuite de la coopération internationale à l’OMC et dans d’autres instances permettrait de poursuivre l’innovation et de réduire les tensions commerciales pour contribuer à rendre plus prévisible le fonctionnement des marchés internationaux.
WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism
Trois questions importantes seront déterminantes pour l'avenir de l'OMC: le règlement des différends les négociations et l'intégration régionale. Le règlement des différends est généralement considéré comme l'un des succès majeurs de l'OMC durant ses dix premières années d'existence. La conclusion des négociations du Cycle de Doha est l'un de ses principaux défis. L'intégration régionale est désormais au premier plan du débat alors que les accords régionaux prolifèrent et que les décideurs et les universitaires prennent la mesure de leur incidence sur le système commercial multilatéral. Ces questions et leur interaction sont traitées par d'éminents spécialistes et professionnels du droit commercial international originaires d'Amérique du Nord d'Europe et de la région Asie Pacifique. En outre des sections spécifiques sont consacrées à la région Asie Pacifique à sa participation au règlement des différends et aux négociations dans le cadre de l'OMC et aux tendances récentes à une plus grande intégration régionale.AE1:AE10
An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model
An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis is a follow up to A Practical Guide to Trade Policy Analysis. The Advanced Guide provides the most recent tools for analysis of trade policy using structural gravity models. Written by experts who have contributed to the development of theoretical and empirical methods in the academic gravity literature and who have rich practical experience in the field this publication explains how to conduct partial equilibrium estimations as well as general equilibrium analysis with structural gravity models and contains practical guidance on how to apply these tools to concrete policy questions.
Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries
This study focuses on the relationship between trade and the growth of the informal economy in developing countries. Based on existing academic literature complemented with new empirical research by the ILO and the WTO the study discusses how trade reform affects different aspects of the informal economy. It also examines how high rates of informal employment diminish the scope for developing countries to translate trade openness into sustainable long-term growth.
Global Value Chain Development Report 2019
This report takes stock of the evolution of global value chains (GVCs) in light of technological developments such as robotics big data and the Internet of Things. It discusses how these technologies are reshaping GVCs and examines the effect of these changes on labor markets in developed and developing economies and on supply chain management. The report discusses how technological developments are creating new opportunities for the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in global value chains and reviews issues related to GVC measurement. The report is a follow-up to the first Global Value Chain Development Report which revealed the changing nature of international trade when analyzed in terms of value chains and value-added trade.
Global Value Chain Development Report
A radical shift is underway in global value chains as they increasingly move beyond traditional manufacturing processes to services and other intangible assets. Digitization is a leading factor in this transformation which is being accelerated by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The Global Value Chain Development Report 2021 the third of a biennial series explores this shift Beyond Production. This report shows how the rise of services value chains offers a new path to development and how protectionism and geopolitical tensions environmental risks and pandemics are undermining the stability of global value chains and forcing their reorganization geographically.
WTO Agreements & Public Health
This joint study by the World Health Organization and the World Trade Organization Secretariat on the relationship between trade rules and public health. The study explains how WTO Agreements relate to different aspects of health policies. It is meant to give a better insight into key issues for those who develop communicate or debate policy issues related to trade and health. The study covers areas such as drugs and intellectual property rights food safety tobacco and many other issues which have been subject to passionate debate. In this joint effort the first of its kind WHO and the WTO Secretariat endeavour to set out the facts.
Informe Sobre el Comercio Mundial 2006
El tema principal del Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2006 son las “subvenciones”. En el Informe se examina esta esfera de políticas y se estudia la manera en que se definen las subvenciones qué es lo que puede decir la teoría económica acerca de ellas por qué los gobiernos las utilizan cuáles son los principales sectores en que se aplican las subvenciones y la función del Acuerdo sobre la OMC en la regulación de las subvenciones en el contexto del comercio internacional.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2010
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2010 se centra en el comercio de recursos naturales como los combustibles y los productos forestales mineros y pesqueros. En él se examinan las características del comercio de recursos naturales las políticas por las que pueden optar los gobiernos y el papel de la cooperación internacional en particular de la OMC en la buena gestión del comercio en este sector.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2018
Le monde change à une incroyable vitesse et ce sous l’influence de nombreux facteurs y compris l’évolution des modes de production et de consommation l’innovation technologique permanente les nouvelles façons de faire du commerce et bien sûr la politique. Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2013 montre en quoi le commerce est à la fois une cause et un effet du changement et examine les facteurs qui façonnent l’avenir du commerce mondial.
Investing in Skills for Inclusive Trade
“Investing in Skills for Inclusive Trade” co-published by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Labour Office (ILO) focuses on the linkages between trade and skills and between trade and skills development policies. The publication argues that in the fast-changing context of globalization where technology and trade relations evolve rapidly the responsiveness of skills supply to demand is particularly important. Given the role of skills in productivity and in trade performance as well as in access to employment and in wage distribution a strong emphasis on skills development is vital for both firms and workers. Drawing on the findings from relevant literature and from the ILO's Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) programme this publication shows that appropriate skills development policies are key to helping firms participate in trade and also to helping workers find good jobs.
¿Pueden las cadenas de bloques revolucionar el comercio internacional?
El progreso tecnológico siempre ha condicionado el comercio. En los últimos años muchos observadores han saludado la aparición de una nueva tecnología las cadenas de bloques como el nuevo factor que transformará de manera radical el panorama comercial. ¿Pueden las cadenas de bloques revolucionar el comercio internacional? El objetivo de la presente publicación es desmitificar el fenómeno de las cadenas de bloques aportando una explicación básica de esta tecnología. En el documento se analiza la importancia que tiene esta tecnología para el comercio internacional indicando cómo se utiliza en la actualidad y cómo podría llegar a utilizarse en diversas esferas abarcadas por las normas de la OMC. Del análisis se desprende en qué medida podría la adopción de esta tecnología afectar al comercio transfronterizo de mercancías y servicios y a los derechos de propiedad intelectual. El documento examina las posibilidades que ofrecen las cadenas de bloques para reducir los costes del comercio y mejorar la transparencia en las cadenas de suministro así como las oportunidades que brinda a los pequeños productores y las pequeñas empresas. Por último el documento repasa los distintos retos que es necesario superar para que la tecnología pueda utilizarse a gran escala e incidir de manera significativa en el comercio internacional.
Dictionary of Trade Policy Terms, 6th Edition
The dictionary is an accessible guide to the vocabulary used in trade negotiations. It explains about 3000 terms and concepts in simple language. Its main emphasis is on the multilateral trading system represented by the agreements under the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition it covers many of the trade-related activities outcomes and terms used in other international organizations such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the OECD. The last decade has seen considerable attention devoted to trade and investment facilitation sustainability and the formation of free-trade areas in all parts of the world. This dictionary allocates generous space to the vocabulary associated with such developments. Additional areas covered include emerging trade issues and issues based particularly on developing-country concerns.
Can blockchain revolutionize international trade?
Trade has always been shaped by technological innovation. In recent times a new technology Blockchain has been greeted by many as the next big game-changer. Can Blockchain revolutionize international trade? This publication seeks to demystify the Blockchain phenomenon by providing a basic explanation of the technology. It analyses the relevance of this technology for international trade by reviewing how it is currently used or can be used in the various areas covered by WTO rules. In doing so it provides an insight into the extent to which this technology could affect cross-border trade in goods and services and intellectual property rights. It discusses the potential of Blockchain for reducing trade costs and enhancing supply chain transparency as well as the opportunities it provides for small-scale producers and companies. Finally it reviews various challenges that must be addressed before the technology can be used on a wide scale and have a significant impact on international trade.