Dispute settlement
Philippines - Taxes sur les spiritueux distillés
Le 15 août 2011 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial qui avait examiné les plaintes de l’Union européenne et des États-Unis dans l’affaire “Philippines — Taxes sur les spiritueux distillés” (DS396 et DS403).
Filipinas - Impuestos sobre los aguardientes
El 15 de agosto de 2011 la OMC publicó el informe del Grupo Especial que había examinado las reclamaciones presentadas por la Unión Europea y los Estados Unidos en relación con el asunto “Filipinas — Impuestos sobre los aguardientes” (DS396 y DS403).
Ukraine - Definitive Safeguard Measures on Certain Passenger Cars
On 30 October 2013 Japan requested consultations with Ukraine regarding the definitive safeguard measures imposed by Ukraine on imports of certain passenger cars and the investigation that led to the imposition of those measures. Japan claims that the measures are inconsistent with: - Articles 2.1 3.1 4.1(a) 4.1(b) 4.2(a) 4.2(b) 4.2(c) 5.1 7.1 7.4 8.1 11.1(a) 12.1 12.2 and 12.3 of the Agreement on Safeguards; and - Articles II:1(b) and XIX:1(a) of the GATT 1994.
Guatemala - Anti-Dumping Investigation Regarding Portland Cement from Mexico
On 15 October 1996 Mexico requested consultations with Guatemala in respect of an anti-dumping investigation commenced by Guatemala with regard to imports of portland cement from Mexico. Mexico alleged that this investigation was in violation of Guatemala’s obligations under Articles 2 3 5 and 7.1 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement.
Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre el biodiésel procedente de la Argentina
El 06 de octubre de 2016 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Unión Europea - Medidas antidumping sobre el biodiésel procedente de la Argentina”.
Estados Unidos - Directiva sobre fianzas aduaneras para determinadas mercancías sujetas a derechos antidumping y compensatorios
El 16 de julio de 2008 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público su informe relativo a los informes de los Grupos Especiales encargados de los asuntos “Estados Unidos — Medidas relativas a los camarones procedentes de Tailandia” (DS343) y “Estados Unidos — Directiva sobre fianzas aduaneras para determinadas mercancías sujetas a derechos antidumping y compensatorios” (DS345). Estos Grupos Especiales examinaron reclamaciones presentadas por Tailandia y la India respectivamente.
Argentina - Measures Affecting Imports of Footwear, Textiles, Apparel and Other Items
On 4 October 1996 the US requested consultations with Argentina concerning the imposition of specific duties on these items in excess of the bound rate and other measures by Argentina. The US contended that these measures violate Articles II VII VIII and X of GATT 1994 Article 2 of the TBT Agreement Article 1 to 8 of the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of GATT 1994 and Article 7 of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.
Australie - Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage
Le 28 juin 2014 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial dans les affaires introduites par le Honduras la République dominicaine Cuba et l’Indonésie “Australie — Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage” (DS435 DS441 DS458 et DS467)
China - Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de partes de automóviles
El 18 de julio de 2008 la OMC hizo públicos los informes del Grupo Especial que había examinado las reclamaciones de las Comunidades Europeas los Estados Unidos y el Canadá en el asunto “China — Medidas que afectan a las importaciones de partes de automóviles” (DS339 DS340 y DS342).
United States - Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China
On 25 May 2012 China requested consultations with the United States concerning the imposition of countervailing duty measures by the United States on certain products from China. China challenges various aspects of certain identified countervailing duty investigations including their opening conduct and the preliminary and final determinations that led to the imposition of countervailing duties. China also challenges the “rebuttable presumption” allegedly established and applied by the US Department of Commerce that majority government ownership is sufficient to treat an enterprise as a “public body”.
United States - Safeguard Measure on Imports of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products
On 2 September 2021 the WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by China in “United States — Safeguard Measure on Imports of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products” (DS562).
Estados Unidos - Determinados métodos y su aplicación a procedimientos antidumping que atañen a China - Recurso 1
El 1º de noviembred de 2019 un Árbitro de la OMC emitió su decisión sobre el nivel de contramedidas que China puede solicitar con respecto a los Estados Unidos en el asunto “Estados Unidos - Determinados métodos y su aplicación a procedimientos antidumping que atañen a China” (DS471).
Australie - Subventions accordées aux producteurs et exportateurs de cuir pour automobiles
Le 25 mai 1999 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Australie - Subventions accordées aux producteurs et exportateurs de cuir pour automobiles”.
Ukraine - Mesures antidumping visant le nitrate d’ammonium
Le 20 juillet l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire engagée par la Russie “Ukraine — Mesures antidumping visant le nitrate d’ammonium” (DS493).
European Communities - Export Subsidies on Sugar - Complaint by Australia
On 27 September 2002 Australia and Brazil requested consultations with the European Communities concerning the export subsidies provided by the EC in the framework of its Common Organisation of the Market for the sugar sector. The requests concerned Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the EC’s common organization of the markets in the sugar sector and all other legislation regulations administrative policies and other instruments relating to the EC regime for sugar and sugar containing products including the rules adopted pursuant to the procedure referred to in Article 42(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 and any other provision related thereto. On 14 March 2003 Thailand requested consultations with the European Communities on the same matter.
China - Medidas relacionadas con la exportación de tierras raras, volframio (tungsteno) y molibdeno
El 26 de marzo de 2014 la OMC publicó los informes del Grupo Especial que examinó el asunto China — Medidas relacionadas con la exportación de tierras raras volframio (tungsteno) y molibdeno (WT/DS431/R WT/DS432/R y WT/DS433/R).
Comunidades Europeas - Clasificación aduanera de los trozos de pollo deshuesados congelados
El 12 de septiembre de 2005 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Comunidades Europeas - Clasificación aduanera de los trozos de pollo deshuesados congelados”.
Communautés Européennes - Mesures concernant les viandes et les produits carnés - Plainte initiale du Canada
L’OMC a publié le 12 juillet 1999 le rapport d’arbitrage concernant l’affaire “Communautés Européennes - Mesures concernant les viandes et les produits carnés - Plainte initiale du Canada”.
Russian Federation - Measures on the Importation of Live Pigs, Pork and other Pig Products from the European Union
On 23 February 2017 the WTO Appellate Body issued its report in the case “Russian Federation - Measures on the Importation of Live Pigs Pork and Other Pig Products from the European Union”.
États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916
Le 28 août 2000 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916”.
États-Unis - Mesures de sauvegarde définitives à l’importation de tubes et tuyaux de qualité carbone soudés, de section circulaire, en provenance de Corée
Le 15 février 2002 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Mesures de sauvegarde définitives à l’importation de tubes et tuyaux de qualité carbone soudés de section circulaire en provenance de Corée”.
Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos
El 15 de mayo de 1998 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Prohibición de importar ciertos camarones y sus productos”.
Dominican Republic - Safeguard Measures on Imports of Polypropylene Bags and Tubular fabric
On 15 October 2010 Costa Rica requested consultations with the Dominican Republic concerning the provisional and definitive safeguard measures imposed by the Dominican Republic on imports of polypropylene bags and tubular fabric and the investigation that led to the imposition of those measures. The products at issue are classified under subheadings 5407.20.20 6305.33.10 and 6305.33.90 of the Dominican Republic Tariff.
Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des aéronefs civils gros porteurs
Le 18 mai 2011 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Mesures affectant le commerce des aéronefs civils gros porteurs”.
United States - Tax Treatment for "Foreign Sales Corporations" - Recourse 1
On 18 November 1997 the European Communities requested consultations with the United States in respect of Sections 921-927 of the US Internal Revenue Code and related measures establishing special tax treatment for “Foreign Sales Corporations” (FSC). The European Communities contended that these provisions were inconsistent with the United States' obligations under Articles III:4 and XVI of the GATT 1994 Articles 3.1(a) and (b) of the SCM Agreement and Articles 3 and 8 of the Agreement on Agriculture.
Colombia - Measures Relating to the Importation of Textiles, Apparel and Footwear
On 18 June 2013 Panama requested consultations with Colombia with respect to the imposition by Colombia of a compound tariff affecting the importation of textiles apparel and footwear from Panama. The measure at issue is a compound tariff that Colombia has allegedly imposed by Presidential Decree No. 074 of 23 January 2013 (Decree 074/2013). Panama claims that this measure at issue is contained in: - Decree 074/2013; - Decree 1497/2011 as regards the definition of the products covered by the nomenclature of Chapters 61 62 63 and 64 of the Tariff Schedule; and - Memorandum No. 000165 of 30 April 2013 from the Customs Management Department of the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs on “measures to control compliance with Decree 074 of 2013”.
Indonesia - Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry
On 3 October 1996 the EC requested consultations with Indonesia on 4 October 1996 and 29 November 1996 Japan requested consultations with Indonesia and on 8 October 1996 the US requested consultations with Indonesia concerning Indonesia’s National Car Programme. The EC alleged that the exemption from customs duties and luxury taxes on imports of “national vehicles” and components thereof and related measures were in violation of Indonesia’s obligations under Articles I and III of GATT 1994 Article 2 of the TRIMs Agreement and Article 3 of the SCM Agreement. Japan contended that these measures were in violation of Indonesia’s obligations under Articles I:1 III:2 III:4 and X:3(a) of GATT 1994 as well as Articles 2 and 5.4 of the TRIMs Agreement. The US contended that the measures were in violation of Indonesia’s obligations under Article I and III of GATT 1994 Article 2 of the TRIMs Agreement Article 3 6 and 28 of the SCM Agreement and Articles 3 20 and 65 of the TRIPS Agreement.
Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping relativas a las tuberías para perforación petrolera procedentes de México
El 20 de junio de 2005 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping relativas a las tuberías para perforación petrolera procedentes de México”.
Chile - Sistema de bandas de precios y medidas de salvaguardia aplicados a determinados productos agrícolas
El 23 de septiembre de 2002 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Chile - Sistema de bandas de precios y medidas de salvaguardia aplicados a determinados productos agrícolas”.
Mexico - Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services
On 17 August 2000 the US requested consultations with Mexico in respect of Mexico’s commitments and obligations under the GATS with respect to basic and value-added telecommunications services. According to the United States since the entry into force of the GATS Mexico has adopted or maintained anti-competitive and discriminatory regulatory measures tolerated certain privately-established market access barriers and failed to take needed regulatory action in Mexico’s basic and value-added telecommunications sectors.
European Communities - Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products
On 2 November 2009 Canada requested consultations with the European Communities concerning Regulation (EC) No. 1007/2009 of the European Parliament and of the EC Council of 16 September 2009 on trade in seal products and subsequent related measures. According to Canada the regulation in question prohibits the importation and the placing on the EC market of all seal products.
Japan - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples
On 1 March 2002 the United States requested consultations with Japan regarding restrictions allegedly imposed by Japan on imports of apples from the United States. The United States’ complaint arose from the maintenance by Japan of quarantine restrictions on apples imported into Japan which restrictions were said to be necessary to protect against introduction of fire blight. Among the measures the United States complained of were the prohibition of imported apples from orchards in which any fire blight was detected the requirement that export orchards be inspected three times yearly for the presence of fire blight and the disqualification of any orchard from exporting to Japan should fire blight be detected within a 500 meter buffer zone surrounding such orchard. The United States claimed that these measures might be inconsistent with the obligations of Japan under:
Fédération de Russie - Mesures visant l’importation de porcins vivants, de viande de porc et d’autres produits du porc en provenance de l’Union européenne
Le 23 février 2017 l’Organe d’appel de l’OMC a publié son rapport dans l’affaire “Fédération de Russie — Mesures visant l’importation de porcins vivants de viande de porc et d’autres produits du porc en provenance de l’Union européenne” (DS475).
Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos de las CE
El 31 de julio de 2002 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos de las CE”.
United States - Measures Relating to Shrimp from Thailand. Customs Bond Directive for Merchandise Subject to Anti-Dumping/Countervailing Duties
On 24 April 2006 Thailand requested consultations with the United States concerning anti-dumping measures on imports of frozen warmwater shrimp. Thailand requests consultations on the United States’ application in the Preliminary Final and Amended Final Determinations of the practice known as “zeroing” negative dumping margins the effect of which was to artificially create margins of dumping and the consequent imposition of definitive anti-dumping measures on imports of certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Thailand.
Japan - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples - Recourse 1
On 1 March 2002 the United States requested consultations with Japan regarding restrictions allegedly imposed by Japan on imports of apples from the United States. The United States’ complaint arose from the maintenance by Japan of quarantine restrictions on apples imported into Japan which restrictions were said to be necessary to protect against introduction of fire blight. Among the measures the United States complained of were the prohibition of imported apples from orchards in which any fire blight was detected the requirement that export orchards be inspected three times yearly for the presence of fire blight and the disqualification of any orchard from exporting to Japan should fire blight be detected within a 500 meter buffer zone surrounding such orchard. The United States claimed that these measures might be inconsistent with the obligations of Japan under:
Chili - Système des fourchettes de prix et mesures de sauvegarde appliquées à certains produits agricoles - Recours 1
Le 8 décembre 2006 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial de la mise en conformité dans l’affaire portée par l’Argentine devant l’OMC “Chili — Système des fourchettes de prix et mesures de sauvegarde appliqués à certains produits agricoles” (DS207).
United States - Anti-Dumping Measures on Certain Shrimp from Viet Nam - 2014
On 16 February 2012 Viet Nam requested consultations with the United States concerning a number of anti-dumping measures on certain frozen warmwater shrimp from Viet Nam. In addition to two administrative reviews and the five year “sunset review” the request for consultations concerns several US laws regulations administrative proceedings and practices including zeroing.
Estados Unidos - Aplicación de medidas antidumping a las chapas de acero inoxidable en rollos y las hojas y tiras de acero inoxidable procedentes de Corea
El 22 de diciembre de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Aplicación de medidas antidumping a las chapas de acero inoxidable en rollos y las hojas y tiras de acero inoxidable procedentes de Corea”.
Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco, refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia
El 21 de diciembre de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia”.
Union européenne - Mesures communautaires concernant les viandes et les produits carnés (hormones)
Le 16 janvier 1998 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “European Communities - Measures concerning meat and meat products (hormones)”.
Communautés européennes - Subventions à l’exportation de sucre
Le 15 octobre 2004 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Subventions à l’exportation de sucre”.
Colombia - Indicative Prices and Restrictions on Ports of Entry
On 12 July 2007 Panama requested consultations with Colombia on (i) indicative prices applicable to specific goods and (ii) restrictions on ports of entry for certain goods.
Canadá - Medidas que afectan a la importación de leche y a las exportaciones de productos lácteos - Recurso 1
El 11 de julio de 2001 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Canadá - Medidas que afectan a la importación de leche y a las exportaciones de productos lácteos - Recurso”.
Union européenne - Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téréphtalate en provenance du Pakistan
Le 6 juillet 2017 un groupe spécial de l’OMC a publié un rapport dans l’affaire “Union européenne — Mesures compensatoires visant certains types de polyéthylène téraphtalate en provenance du Pakistan” (DS486).
Indonesia - Medidas relativas a la importación de carne de pollo y productos de pollo
El 10 de noviembrede 2020 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial sobre el cumplimiento encargado de la diferencia planteada por el Brasil “Indonesia — Medidas relativas a la importación de carne de pollo y productos de pollo” (DS484).
États-Unis - Mesures concernant l’importation, la commercialisation et la vente de thon et de produits du thon
Le 25 avril 2017 un arbitre de l’OMC a rendu une décision sur le niveau de rétorsion que le Mexique peut demander dans son différend avec les États-Unis au sujet des prescriptions en matière d’étiquetage “Dolphin Safe” imposées par ces derniers pour les produits du thon (DS381).
États-Unis - Mesures antidumping visant certaines crevettes en provenance du Viet Nam
Le 11 juillet 2011 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial qui avait examiné la plainte du Viet Nam dans le différend “États-Unis — Mesures antidumping visant certaines crevettes en provenance du Viet Nam” (DS404).
Canada - Mesures visant l’exportation des aéronefs civils
Le 02 août 1999 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Canada - Mesures visant l’exportation des aéronefs civils”.
Corea - Medida de salvaguardia definitiva impuesta a las importaciones de determinados productos lácteos
El 14 de diciembre de 1999 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Corea - Medida de salvaguardia definitiva impuesta a las importaciones determinados productos lácteos”.