Development and building trade capacity
World Trade Report 2003
The World Trade Report is a new annual WTO publication focused on trade trends and policy issues. The 2003 edition examines developments in South-South trade trends in commodity markets and the growth of Regional Trade Agreements.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2003
Le rapport sur le commerce mondial 2003 est entièrement centré sur le développement. En expliquant la génèse du problème et en proposant un cadre d'analyse dans lequel traiter la question des rapports entre commerce et développement il vise à aider chacun à débattre en toute connaissance de cause et à mieux évaluer les options qui s'offrent aux gouvernements pour faire face aux défis du moment.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2003
El tema principal del Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2003 es el desarrollo. Al explicar el origen de esta cuestión y ofrecer un marco analítico para abordar la cuestión de la relación entre comercio y desarrollo se pretende que el Informe contribuya a un debate más informado y a una mejor apreciación de las distintas opciones disponibles para abordar los problemas de política.
Mainstreaming Trade to Attain the Sustainable Development Goals
The WTO is central to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which set targets to be achieved by 2030 in areas such as poverty reduction health education and the environment. The SDGs put significant emphasis on the role that trade plays in promoting sustainable development and recognize the contribution that the WTO can make to the 2030 Agenda. By delivering and implementing trade reforms which are pro-growth and pro-development and by continuing to foster stable predictable and equitable trading relations across the world the WTO will play an important role in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals just as it did with the Millennium Development Goals before them. This report identifies steps which would help to ensure that international trade contributes to accelerating progress in achieving the SDGs
Strengthening Africa’s Capacity to Trade
Open global trade has had positive effects for African industrialization and development. Keeping markets open and predictable as well as fostering a more generally favourable business environment will be critical to spur renewed investment in Africa and support the continent’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This report looks at efforts to help African countries build capacity and to take fuller advantage of the benefits that trade brings. It examines various activities and projects the WTO is implementing in the continent including in the areas of trade facilitation compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary regulations and capacity building for trade and production. The report also looks into projects aimed at mainstreaming trade into the national development strategies of African countries. International cooperation a multilaterally coordinated response to the COVID-19 crisis and a reinvigorated multilateral trading system have the potential to lessen the effects of the pandemic and bolster Africa’s economic growth.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2014
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2014 examine comment quatre grandes tendances économiques récentes ont modifié la façon dont les pays en développement peuvent se servir du commerce pour favoriser leur développement. Ces tendances sont l'essor économique des pays en développement l'intégration croissante de la production mondiale à travers les chaînes d'approvisionnement la hausse des prix des produits agricoles et des ressources naturelles et la plus grande interdépendance de l'économie mondiale. Le Rapport examine aussi le rôle de l'OMC.
Trade and Poverty Reduction
Global trade has contributed strongly to reducing poverty but important challenges remain in making trade work for the poorest. This publication presents eight case studies to reveal how trade can help to reduce poverty in developing countries. It focuses on four constraints faced by the extremely poor – namely that they tend to live in rural areas work in the informal sector live in fragile and conflict-affected regions and face gender inequality. The case studies identify ways to overcome these constraints including through the adoption of policies that maximize the contribution of trade to poverty reduction. The studies also highlight the ongoing gaps in data and research that constrain policy-making. The publication is a follow-up to The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty co-published by the WTO and the World Bank in 2015 which examined the challenges the poor face in benefiting from trade opportunities. The country-specific approach of this new publication complements the global perspective of the previous report.
World Trade Report 2013
The world is changing with extraordinary rapidity driven by many influences including shifts in production and consumption patterns continuing technological innovation new ways of doing business and of course policy. The World Trade Report 2013 focuses on how trade is both a cause and an effect of change and looks into the factors shaping the future of world trade. One of the most significant drivers of change is technology. Not only have revolutions in transport and communications transformed our world but new developments such as 3D printing and the continuing spread of information technology will continue to do so. Trade and foreign direct investment together with a greater geographical spread of income growth and opportunity will integrate a growing number of countries into more extensive international exchange. Higher incomes and larger populations will put new strains on both renewable and non-renewable resources calling for careful resource management. Environmental issues will also call for increasing attention.
Training and Technical Assistance
Over 14700 participants from developing countries benefited from WTO training courses and distance learning programmes in 2014. This training has been instrumental in helping government officials gain a greater understanding of the multilateral trading system and in helping developing countries tackle the challenges of being a WTO member enforce their rights and meet their obligations.
World Trade Report 2014
The World Trade Report 2014 looks at how four recent major economic trends have changed how developing countries can use trade to facilitate development: the economic rise of developing economies the growing integration of global production through supply chains the higher prices for agricultural goods and natural resources and the increasing interdependence of the world economy. It also looks into what role the WTO can play.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2014
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2014 analiza la forma en que cuatro importantes tendencias económicas recientes han cambiado la manera en que los países en desarrollo pueden utilizar el comercio para impulsar su crecimiento. Esas tendencias son el auge de las economías en desarrollo la integración creciente de la producción mundial a través de las cadenas de suministro el aumento de los precios de los productos agropecuarios y los recursos naturales y la interdependencia creciente de la economía mundial. Además en el informe se expone la función que puede desempeñar la OMC en ese proceso.
Globalization and informal jobs in developing countries
This study focuses on the relationship between trade and the growth of the informal economy in developing countries. Based on existing academic literature complemented with new empirical research by the ILO and the WTO the study discusses how trade reform affects different aspects of the informal economy. It also examines how high rates of informal employment diminish the scope for developing countries to translate trade openness into sustainable long-term growth.
Global Value Chain Development Report 2019
This report takes stock of the evolution of global value chains (GVCs) in light of technological developments such as robotics big data and the Internet of Things. It discusses how these technologies are reshaping GVCs and examines the effect of these changes on labor markets in developed and developing economies and on supply chain management. The report discusses how technological developments are creating new opportunities for the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises in global value chains and reviews issues related to GVC measurement. The report is a follow-up to the first Global Value Chain Development Report which revealed the changing nature of international trade when analyzed in terms of value chains and value-added trade.
Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation
A new report issued by the WTO on 8 May seeks to help least developed countries (LDCs) better understand the trade-related implications of graduation from LDC status. The product of a joint effort between the WTO and the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) “Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation” looks at how graduation may affect LDCs’ participation in world trade including their access to export markets and implications for their WTO commitments.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2013
Le monde change à une incroyable vitesse et ce sous l’influence de nombreux facteurs y compris l’évolution des modes de production et de consommation l’innovation technologique permanente les nouvelles façons de faire du commerce et bien sûr la politique. Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial 2013 montre en quoi le commerce est à la fois une cause et un effet du changement et examine les facteurs qui façonnent l’avenir du commerce mondial.
African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO
Twenty-first century Africa is in a process of economic transformation but challenges remain in areas such as structural reform governance commodity pricing and geopolitics. This book looks into key questions facing the continent such as how Africa can achieve deeper integration into the rules-based multilateral trading system and the global economy. It provides a range of perspectives on the future of the multilateral trading system and Africa's participation in global trade and underlines the supportive roles that can be played by multilateral and regional institutions during such a rapid and uncertain transition. This volume is based on contributions to the Fourth China Round Table on WTO Accessions and the Multilateral Trading System which took place just before the WTO's Tenth Ministerial Conference in Nairobi in December 2015.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2013
El mundo está cambiando con extraordinaria rapidez bajo la influencia de numerosos factores entre otros la evolución de las pautas de producción y consumo la constante innovación tecnológica las nuevas formas de comerciar y evidentemente las políticas. El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2013 se centra en el comercio como causa y efecto del cambio y examina los factores que configuran el futuro del comercio mundial.
Trade Impacts of LDC Graduation
Graduation from the status of least-developed country (LDC) marks an important milestone in the development path of each LDC. At the same time the phasing-out of international support measures associated with LDC status including trade preferences and special treatment in the WTO could present challenges for graduating LDCs in their efforts to continue integration into the global economy. A quarter of LDCs were on track to graduate from LDC status prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. “Trade impacts of LDC graduation: Insights from countryspecific market access analyses” complements the report “Trade impacts of LDC graduation” issued in May 2020 and examines in greater detail the impact of graduation on preferential market access for each of the 12 graduating LDCs. The report looks at the export structure of graduating LDCs the likely increase of tariffs on their exported products and projected changes in trade flows employing a partial equilibrium model. It sheds light on products and destination markets that require specific attention from graduating LDCs as they prepare for graduation.
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty looks at the complex relationships between economic growth poverty reduction and trade and examines the challenges that poor people face in benefiting from trade opportunities. Written jointly by the World Bank Group and the WTO the publication examines how trade could make a greater contribution to ending poverty by increasing efforts to lower trade costs improve the enabling environment implement trade policy in conjunction with other areas of policy better manage risks faced by the poor and improve data used for policy-making.
Connecting to Global Markets
This book brings together contributions from the 14 WTO chair-holders of the first phase of the WTO Chairs Programme (2010-2014). The volume is divided into four sections focusing on export diversification the role of non-tariff measures the rule of law in connecting to global markets and the role of the Aid for Trade initiative in building trade capacity and overcoming supply side constraints.