Anti-dumping, subsidies, safeguards
World Trade Report 2009
One of the main objectives of this Report is to analyze whether WTO provisions provide a balance between supplying governments with necessary flexibility to face difficult economic situations and adequately defining them in a way that limits their use for protectionist purposes. In analysing this question the Report focuses primarily on contingency measures available to WTO members when importing and exporting goods. These measures include the use of safeguards such as tariffs and quotas in specified circumstances anti-dumping duties on goods that are deemed to be “dumped” and countervailing duties imposed to offset subsidies. The Report also discusses alternative policy options including the renegotiation of tariff commitments the use of export taxes and increases in tariffs up to their legal maximum ceiling or binding. The analysis includes consideration of legal economic and political economy factors that influence the use of these measures and their associated benefits and costs.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2009
Le Rapport sur le commerce mondial est une publication annuelle qui vise à permettre de mieux comprendre les tendances du commerce international les questions de politique commerciale et le système commercial multilatéral..
World Tariff Profiles 2014
World Tariff Profiles 2014 provides a unique collection of data on tariffs imposed by WTO members and other countries. It is jointly published by the WTO the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).The first part of the publication provides summary tables showing the average tariffs imposed by individual countries. The second part provides a more detailed table for each country listing the tariffs it imposes on imports (by product group) as well as the tariffs it faces for exports to major trading partners. The profiles show the maximum tariff rates that are legally “bound” in the WTO and the rates that countries actually apply. This edition of World Trade Profiles has anti-dumping measures as its special topic and includes a compilation of frequently asked questions.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2009
El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial es una publicación anual destinada a facilitar una comprensión más profunda de las tendencias del comercio las cuestiones de política comercial y el sistema multilateral de comercio.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2006
Les “subventions” sont le sujet central du rapport 2006 sur le commerce mondial. Les auteurs explorent ce champ d'action pour voir comment on peut définir les subventions ce que la théorie économique peut nous dire d'elles pourquoi les gouvernements y ont recours quels sont les secteurs qui en sont les principaux bénéficiaires et quel rôle l'Accord de l'OMC peut jouer pour les réglementer dans le contexte du commerce international.
Informe Sobre el Comercio Mundial 2006
El tema principal del Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2006 son las “subvenciones”. En el Informe se examina esta esfera de políticas y se estudia la manera en que se definen las subvenciones qué es lo que puede decir la teoría económica acerca de ellas por qué los gobiernos las utilizan cuáles son los principales sectores en que se aplican las subvenciones y la función del Acuerdo sobre la OMC en la regulación de las subvenciones en el contexto del comercio internacional.
World Trade Report 2006
The annual World Trade Report focuses on trade policy issues - the core topic addressed in 2006 is subsidies. The Report also takes a look at recent trade developments and examines a range of trade topics including trade in textiles and clothing flows of international receipts and payments of royalties and license fees trends in the trade of least-developed countries and the impact of natural disasters and terrorist acts on international trade flows. The World Trade Report is useful for policymakers and for any individuals or groups interested in global trade policy.
A Handbook on Anti-Dumping Investigations
A key guide to the intricacies of anti-dumping proceedings
Flow Charts
The following Flow Charts graphically illustrate the different steps involved in calculating the margin of dumping. The Advanced Flow Chart shows the different steps in the form of a decision-tree. All references are to the relevant articles of the AD Agreement.
Algunos objetivos declarados por los gobiernos para la utilización de subvenciones
En esta Sección se examinan los principales objetivos que alegaron los gobiernos para seguir concediendo subvenciones entre otros el desarrollo industrial la innovación y la ayuda a las grandes empresas nacionales la protección del medio ambiente y la redistribución. En la categoría general de “redistribución” se examinan tres objetivos más específicos: la utilización de subvenciones para fines de política regional el apoyo a ramas de producción en decadencia para el ajuste y las obligaciones de servicio universal. Esta selección no pretende ser exhaustiva pero comprende algunos de los objetivos más importantes que tratan de alcanzar los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo y desarrollados.
Some stated objectives of governments for using subsidies
This Section discusses the main objectives governments claim to pursue with subsidies including industrial development innovation and support for national champions environment related objectives and redistribution. Under the broad category “redistribution” three more specific objectives are examined: the use of subsidies for regional policy purposes adjustment support for declining industries and universal service obligations. This selection does not pretend to be exhaustive but it covers some of the most important objectives pursued by governments in developing and developed countries.
Tendances récentes du commerce international
En 2005 l’économie mondiale a progressé de 33 pour cent taux plus faible qu’en 2004 mais quand même légèrement supérieur à la moyenne de la décennie. Dans la plupart des régions la croissance économique est restée vigoureuse bien qu’elle ait été moins forte que l’année précédente. Seule l’Europe a encore enregistré une faible croissance du PIB – inférieure de plus de moitié au taux observé en Amérique du Nord. Au Japon en revanche l’activité économique s’est raffermie. Compte tenu du ralentissement de la croissance économique mondiale en 2005 et de l’évolution du marché pétrolier la croissance du commerce des marchandises – comme celle du PIB – s’est ralentie en termes réels tout en restant supérieure à la moyenne des dix dernières années.
The World Trade Report 2006 was prepared under the general direction of Deputy Director-General Alejandro Jara. Patrick Low Director of the Economic Research and Statistics Division led the team responsible for writing the Report. The principal authors of the Report were Marc Bacchetta Bijit Bora K. Michael Finger Marion Jansen Alexander Keck Clarisse Morgan Roberta Piermartini and Robert Teh. Trade statistics information was provided by the Statistics Group of the Economic Research and Statistics Division coordinated by Guy Karsenty Julia de Verteuil Andreas Maurer and Jürgen Richtering.
The World Tariff Profiles is a joint publication of the WTO ITC and UNCTAD devoted to market access for goods. This statistical yearbook contains a comprehensive compilation of the main tariff parameters for each of the 160 WTO members plus other countries and customs territories where data is available. Each country profile presents information on tariffs imposed by each economy on its imports complemented with an analysis of the market access conditions it faces in its major export markets.
Las subvenciones son uno de los numerosos instrumentos de política general sujetos a normas en el sistema multilateral de comercio pero plantean cuestiones más complejas para quienes adoptan las políticas que otros muchos instrumentos sometidos a las normas de la OMC o del GATT. Uno de los motivos de ello es que las subvenciones se pueden definir de diferentes maneras. Otro es que se utilizan para conseguir objetivos muy variados. Incluso cuando no van dirigidas al comercio pueden influir en los flujos comerciales. El presente Informe se centra esencialmente en las subvenciones que conceden una ventaja a determinados productores nacionales por lo que afectan al comercio. La difícil tarea de determinar qué tipos de subvención plantean problemas desde el punto de vista del sistema comercial y qué cabe hacer al respecto ocupa un importante lugar en el programa de trabajo del sistema del GATT y la OMC.
Executive summary
The World Trade Report 2006 begins with a short summary of salient trends in international trade based on the Secretariat’s earlier Report issued in April. We also provide brief analytical commentaries on certain topical trade issues which this year cover recent trends in trade in textiles and clothing an examination of the evolution of international royalty and fee payments developments in the trade of least-developed countries and an analysis of the effects of natural disasters and acts of terrorism on international trade flows. The core topic for analysis in WTR 2006 is subsidies. The Report explores this area of policy in terms of how subsidies are defined what economic theory can tell us about subsidies why governments use subsidies the most prominent sectors in which subsidies are applied and the role of the WTO Agreement in regulating subsidies in the context of international trade.
Acknowledgements are due to all the data providers mostly national administrations or WTO delegations who have made this information available including through notifications presented as special topic. In a number of cases data has been made available on national websites or through regional organizations. Given the vast amount of statistical data and metadata that needed to be processed and because this information is not available in one single organization this publication was only possible as a joint effort of the WTO ITC and UNCTAD. Each of the three organizations has a proven track record and comparative strengths in the field of tariff analysis
Procedural Aspects of an Anti-Dumping Investigation
The following section is a basic overview of how an anti-dumping investigation unfolds in practice. It also describes in summary fashion how anti-dumping measures resulting from such investigations are assessed and reviewed over time. In order to relate the practical aspects of an investigation to specific provisions of the AD Agreement references to the relevant articles of the AD Agreement are given.
Situation du commerce en 2008-2009
Les signes d’une forte dégradation de l’économie mondiale sont devenus manifestes au second semestre de 2008 et dans les premiers mois de 2009 avec la contraction des flux commerciaux et la chute de la production d’abord dans les pays développés puis dans les pays en développement. Bien que le commerce mondial ait augmenté de 2 pour cent en volume en 2008 sa croissance s’est essoufflée au cours des six derniers mois de l’année pour tomber à un niveau nettement inférieur au niveau de 6 pour cent enregistré en 2007. La croissance de la production mondiale mesurée par le produit intérieur brut (PIB) réel a aussi connu un ralentissement notable tombant à 17 pour cent en 2008 alors qu’elle était de 35 pour cent l’année précédente.
Executive summary
The World Trade Report 2009 focuses primarily on certain contingency measures available to WTO members in the import and export of goods. The legal framework for such measures is much less developed in services trade although this is also discussed.
Prefacio del director general
En los últimos meses el comercio ha sufrido su mayor contracción desde el decenio de 1930 como consecuencia del considerable deterioro económico global provocado en primer lugar por el colapso de importantes instituciones financieras. El crecimiento del comercio se expresará este año en cifras fuertemente negativas y es poco probable que antes de 2010 vuelva a registrarse un crecimiento sostenido. Esta adversidad está poniendo a prueba severamente la imaginación política de los gobiernos en todo el planeta y en un mundo interdependiente como el de hoy su voluntad de hacer causa común en la tarea de afrontar desafíos que son de todos. Hoy como nunca son imprescindibles la cooperación internacional efectiva y los mercados abiertos.
Key Definitions and Concepts Applicable to the Investigation
As specialized terminology and concepts will be used and as an anti-dumping investigation is guided by certain principles and main procedural elements these issues will be addressed and explained first before going into the process of the investigation itself.
Les engagements en matière de politique commerciale et les mesures contingentes
Les accords commerciaux définissent les règles régissant la conduite de la politique commerciale. Ces règles doivent établir un équilibre entre les engagements et la flexibilité. Un excès de flexibilité peut affaiblir la valeur des engagements mais un manque de flexibilité peut rendre les règles politiquement inapplicables. Cette tension entre des engagements crédibles et une flexibilité n’est jamais loin de la surface dans les négociations commerciales. Par exemple la question d’un “mécanisme de sauvegarde spéciale” (c’est à dire la question de savoir dans quelle mesure les pays en développement pourraient protéger leurs agriculteurs en cas de poussée des importations) a été cruciale dans les discussions qui ont eu lieu lors de la miniréunion ministérielle de juillet 2008 qui visait à l’adoption des modalités de négociation - ou d’un schéma final - pour l’agriculture et pour l’accès aux marchés pour les produits non agricoles (AMNA).