United States
United States - Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products from China
On 25 May 2012 China requested consultations with the United States concerning the imposition of countervailing duty measures by the United States on certain products from China. China challenges various aspects of certain identified countervailing duty investigations including their opening conduct and the preliminary and final determinations that led to the imposition of countervailing duties. China also challenges the “rebuttable presumption” allegedly established and applied by the US Department of Commerce that majority government ownership is sufficient to treat an enterprise as a “public body”.
États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916
Le 28 août 2000 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Loi antidumping de 1916”.
United States - Laws, Regulations and Methodology for Calculating Dumping Margins ("Zeroing")
On 12 June 2003 the European Communities requested consultations with the United States concerning a methodology used by the US among others in the calculation of dumping margins known as “zeroing”. The “zeroing” methodology generally speaking involves treating specific price comparisons which do not show dumping as zero values in the calculation of a weighted average dumping margin. The request concerned specific provisions of the US Tariff Act of 1930 and the Department of Commerce implementing regulation as well as US Department of Commerce methodology and its determinations in specific cases involving products imported from the European Communities.
Indonesia - Salvaguardia sobre determinados productos de hierro o acero
El 18 de agosto de 2017 un Grupo Especial de la OMC hizo público un informe relativo a los asuntos planteados por Viet Nam y el Taipe Chino en la diferencia “Indonesia — Salvaguardia sobre determinados productos de hierro o acero” (DS490 y 496).
Australia - Certain Measures Concerning Trademarks, Geographical Indications and Other Plain Packaging Requirements Applicable to Tobacco Products and Packaging
On 9 June 2020 the Appellate Body issued its reports in the cases brought by Honduras and the Dominican Republic in “Australia — Certain Measures Concerning Trademarks Geographical Indications and Other Plain Packaging Requirements Applicable to Tobacco Products and Packaging” (DS435 and DS441).
Communautés Européennes - Mesures concernant les viandes et les produits carnés - Plainte initiale des États-Unis
L’OMC a publié le 12 juillet 1999 le rapport d’arbitrage concernant l’affaire “Communautés Européennes - Mesures concernant les viandes et les produits carnés - Plainte initiale des États-Unis”.
Argentine - Mesures affectant les importations de chaussures, textiles, vêtements et autres articles
Le 25 novembre 1997 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Argentine - Mesures affectant les importations de chaussures textiles vêtements et autres articles”.
European Communities - Customs Classification of Certain Computer Equipment
Complaints by the United States. These are in respect of the alleged reclassification by the European Communities for tariff purposes of certain Local Area Network (LAN) adapter equipment and personal computers with multimedia capability. The US alleged that these measures violate Article II of GATT 1994.
Estados Unidos - Determinación definitiva de la existencia de dumping respecto de la madera blanda procedentedel Canadá
El 13 de abril de 2004 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Determinación definitiva de la existencia de dumping respecto de la madera blanda procedentedel Canadá”.
Estados Unidos - Artículo 110(5) de la Ley de Derecho de Autor de los Estados Unidos
El 15 de junio de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Artículo 110(5) de la Ley derecho de Autor de los Estados Unidos”.
Canada - Mesures visant l’importation de lait et l’exportation de produits laitiers
Le 17 mai 1999 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Canada - Mesures visant l’importation de lait et l’exportation de produits laitiers”.
États-Unis - Article 211 de la Loi générale de 1998 portant ouverture de crédits
Le 02 janvier 2002 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Article 211 de la Loi générale de 1998 portant ouverture de crédits”.
Estados Unidos - Ley Antidumping de 1916
El 31 de marzo de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Ley Antidumping de 1916”.
India - Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules
On 6 February 2013 the United States requested consultations with India concerning certain measures of India relating to domestic content requirements under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (“NSM”) for solar cells and solar modules.
United States - Measures Relating to Zeroing and Sunset Reviews
On 24 November 2004 Japan requested consultations with the United States concerning (1) the USDOC’s “zeroing” practice in anti-dumping investigations administrative reviews sunset reviews and also in assessing the final anti-dumping duty liability on entries upon liquidation; (2) the USDOC’s “irrefutable presumption” in sunset reviews; and (3) the waiver provisions of US law which in sunset reviews oblige the USDOC in certain situations to find a likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping without performing a substantive review.
États-Unis - Détermination finale de l’existence d’un dumping concernant certains bois d’œuvre résineux en provenance du Canada
Le 13 avril 2004 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “États-Unis - Détermination finale de l’existence d’un dumping concernant certains bois d’œuvre résineux en provenance du Canada”.
Canada - Measures Affecting the Importation of Milk and the Exportation of Dairy Products - Recourse 1
On 8 October 1997 the United States requested consultations with Canada in respect of export subsidies allegedly granted by Canada on dairy products and the administration by Canada of the tariff-rate quota on milk. The United States contended that these export subsidies by Canada distort markets for dairy products and adversely affect US sales of dairy products. The United States alleged violations of Articles II X and X1 of the GATT 1994 Articles 3 4 8 9 and 10 of the Agreement on Agriculture Article 3 of the SCM Agreement and Articles 1 2 and 3 of the Import Licensing Agreement.
Estados Unidos - Trato fiscal aplicado a las “empresas de ventas en el extranjero”
El 24 de febrero de 2000 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Trato fiscal aplicado a las “empresas de ventas en el extranjero””.
Comunidades Europeas - Régimen de la importación, venta y distribución de bananos
El 09 de septiembre de 1997 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Communidades Europeas - Régimen de la importación venta y distribución de bananos”.
México - Investigación antidumping sobre el jarabe de maíz con alta concentración de fructosa procedente de los Estados Unidos - Recurso 1
El 22 de junio de 2001 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “México - Investigación antidumping sobre el jarabe de maíz con alta concentración de fructosa procedente de los Estados Unidos - Recurso”.