Türkiye - the Production, Importation and Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products
Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre el papel supercalandrado procedente del Canadá
États-Unis - Mesures compensatoires visant le papier supercalandré en provenance du Canada
Turquía - Derechos adicionales sobre determinados productos procedentes de los Estados Unidos
Turkey - Additional Duties on Certain Products from the United States
Turquie - Droits additionnels visant certains produits en provenance des États-Unis
The EU Model and Turkey
The customs union between the European Union (EU) and Turkey which entered into force in January 1996 extended and deepened the Association Agreement signed in 1964 and which foreshadows full EU membership for Turkey. In a number of areas the new relationship goes beyond the minimum requirements for a customs union: Turkey is also having to implement a number of measures which are part of the acquis communautaire similar to those applicable within the EU. This paper addresses the question whether this adoption of the EU model is beneficial to Turkey and third countries. The importance of this issue is the spreads of this model through the extension of the EU itself and the building of an increasing web of partnerships between the EU and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe as well as Mediterranean countries. Moreover other regions are looking at the EU model as a way in which to deepen their own preferential trading arrangements.