United States - Measure Affecting Imports of Woven Wool Shirts and Blouses from India
On 30 December 1994 India requested consultations with the United States concerning the transitional safeguard measure imposed by the United States. India claimed that the safeguard measure is inconsistent with Articles 2 6 and 8 of the ATC.
Inde - Protection conferee par un brevet pour les produits pharmaceutiques et les produits chimiques pour l’agriculture
Le 19 décembre 1997 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Inde - Protection conferee par un brevet pour les produits pharmaceutiques et les produits chimiques pour l’agriculture”.
India - Additional and Extra-Additional Duties on Imports from the United States
On 6 March 2007 the United States requested consultations with India with respect to “additional duties” or “extra additional duties” that India applies to imports from the United States which include (but are not limited to) wines and distilled products (HS2204 2205 2206 and 2208.
Estados Unidos - Normas de origen aplicables a los textiles y las prendas de vestir
El 20 de junio de 2003 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Normas de origen aplicables a los textiles y las prendas de vestir”.
India - Measures Affecting the Automotive Sector
On 6 October 1998 the EC requested consultations with India concerning certain measures affecting the automotive sector being applied by India. The EC stated that the measures include the documents entitled “Export and Import Policy 1997-2002” “ITC (HS Classification) Export and Import Policy 1997-2002” (“Classification”) and “Public Notice No. 60 (PN/97-02) of 12 December 1997 Export and Import Policy April 1997-March 2002” and any other legislative or administrative provision implemented or consolidated by these policies as well as MoUs signed by the Indian Government with certain manufacturers of automobiles. The EC contended that: under these measures imports of complete automobiles and of certain parts and components were subject to a system of non-automatic import licenses. in accordance with Public Notice No. 60 import licenses might be granted only to local joint venture manufacturers that had signed an MoU with the Indian Government whereby they undertook inter alia to comply with certain local content and export balancing requirements. The EC alleged violations of Articles III and XI of GATT 1994 and Article 2 of the TRIMs Agreement.
India - Derechos adicionales y derechos adicionales suplementarios sobre las importaciones procedentes de los Estados Unidos
El 09 de junio de 2008 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “India - Derechos adicionales y derechos adicionales suplementarios sobre las importaciones procedentes de los Estados Unidos”.
Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping y compensatorias sobre determinado papel estucado o cuché procedente de Indonesia
El 06 de diciembre de 2017 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medidas antidumping y compensatorias sobre determinado papel estucado o cuché procedente de Indonesia”.
Communautés européennes - Droits antidumping sur les importations de linge de lit en coton en provenance de l’Inde - Recours 1
Le 08 avril 2003 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Droits antidumping sur les importations de linge de lit en coton en provenance de l’Inde - Recours”.