The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) was first established on a trial basis by the GATT CONTRACTING PARTIES in April 1989. The Mechanism became a permanent feature of the World Trade Organization under the Marrakesh Agreement which established the WTO in January 1995.
The Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM) was first established on a trial basis by the GATT contracting parties in April 1989. The Mechanism became a permanent feature of the World Trade Organization under the Marrakesh Agreement which established the WTO in January 1995.
The domestic dynamics of preferential services liberalization: The experience of Australia and Thailand
Both Australia and Thailand have keenly pursued bilateral preferential trading agreements in recent years. These have covered services though to varying degrees. Services domestically important and in some areas sensitive to both economies need to be liberalized as an important means of improving overall productivity and economic performance.
European communities and certain member states - Measures affecting trade in large civil aircraft (Boeing - Airbus) - Recourse 2
On 2 December 2019 the WTO circulated the compliance panel report in the case brought by the European Union in “European Communities and Certain Member States - Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft - Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the EU” (DS316)
Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos planos de acero al carbono laminado en caliente procedentes de la India - Recurso 1
El 15 de noviembre de 2019 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial sobre el cumplimiento encargado de examinar el asunto “Estados Unidos - Medidas compensatorias sobre determinados productos planos de acero al carbono laminado en caliente procedentes de la India (DS436) planteado por la India.
European Union - Cost Adjustment Methodologies and Certain Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports from Russia - (Second complaint)
On 24 July 2020 the WTO circulated the dispute panel report in the case brought by the Russian Federation in “European Union - Cost Adjustment Methodologies and Certain Anti-Dumping Measures on Imports from Russia - Second complaint)” (DS494).
Tailandia - Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas - Recurso 2
El 12 de julio de 2019 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial sobre el cumplimiento relativo al asunto planteado por Filipinas: “Tailandia — Medidas aduaneras y fiscales sobre los cigarrillos procedentes de Filipinas — Segundo recurso de Filipinas al párrafo 5 del artículo 21 del ESD” (DS371).
Thailand - Customs and fiscal measures on cigarettes from the Philippines - Recourse 2
On 12 July 2019 the WTO circulated the panel report in the compliance case initiated by the Philippines in “Thailand — Customs and Fiscal Measures on Cigarettes from the Philippines — Second Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by the Philippines” (DS371).
Australia - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand
On 31 August 2007 New Zealand requested consultations with Australia concerning measures imposed by Australia on the importation of apples from New Zealand. On 27 March 2007 Australia's Director of Animal and Plant Quarantine determined a policy for the importation of apples from New Zealand: “Importation of apples can be permitted subject to the Quarantine Act 1908 and the application of phytosanitary measures as specified in the Final import risk analysis report for apples from New Zealand November 2006”. New Zealand considers that these restrictions are inconsistent with Australia's obligations under the SPS Agreement and in particular Articles 2.1 2.2 2.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6 8 and Annex C. On 13 September 2007 the European Communities requested to join the consultations. On 14 September 2007 the United States requested to join the consultations. Subsequently Australia informed the DSB that it had accepted the requests of the European Communities and the United States to join the consultations. On 6 December 2007 New Zealand requested the establishment of a panel. At its meeting on 17 December 2007 the DSB deferred the establishment of a panel.
États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde à l’importation de viande d’agneau fraîche, réfrigérée ou congelée en provenance de Nouvelle-Zélande
Le 01 mai 2001 l’Organe d’appel a publié son rapport sur l’affaire “États-Unis - Mesure de sauvegarde à l’importation de viande d’agneau fraîche réfrigérée ou congelée en provenance de Nouvelle-Zélande”.
Australie - Mesures antidumping visant le papier pour copie A4
Le 4 décembre 2019 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Australie - Mesures antidumping visant le papier pour copie A4” (DS529) introduite par l’Indonésie.
Australie - Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage
Le 9 juin 2020 l’Organe d’appel a remis ses rapports dans les procédures engagées par le Honduras et la République dominicaine dans l’affaire “Australie — Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage” (DS435 et DS441).
Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of - Measures Concerning the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
On 16 June 2020 the WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by Qatar in “Saudi Arabia — Measures concerning the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” (DS567).
Australia - Anti-Dumping Measures on A4 Copy Paper
On 4 December 2019 the WTO circulated the dispute panel report in the case brought by Indonesia in “Australia - Anti-Dumping Measures On A4 Copy Paper” (DS529).
Arabia Saudita, Reino de la - Medidas relativas a la protección de derechos de propiedad intelectual
El 16 de junio de 2020 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial encargado de la diferencia planteada por Qatar en el asunto “Arabia Saudita — Medidas relativas a la protección de derechos de propiedad intelectual” (DS567).
Estados Unidos - Medidas arancelarias sobre determinados productos procedentes de China
El 15 de septiembre de 2020 la OMC distribuyó el informe del Grupo Especial encargado del asunto planteado por China en la diferencia “Estados Unidos — Medidas arancelarias sobre determinados productos procedentes de China” (DS543).
Comunidades Europeas - Subvenciones a la exportación de azúcar
El 28 de abril de 2005 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Comunidades Europeas - Subvenciones a la exportación de azúcar”.
Communautés européennes - Subventions à l’exportation de sucre
Le 15 octobre 2004 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Communautés européennes - Subventions à l’exportation de sucre”.
Australia - Subvenciones concedidas a los productores y exportadores de cuero para automóviles
El 25 de mayo de 1999 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Australia - Subvenciones concedidas a los productores y exportadores de cuero para automóviles”.
Russie - Mesures concernant le trafic en transit
Le 5 avril 2019 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial chargé d’examiner l’affaire introduite par l’Ukraine “Russie - Mesures concernant le trafic en transit” (DS512).
Australia - Subvenciones concedidas a los productores y exportadores de cuero para automóviles - Recurso 1
El 21 de enero de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Australia - Subvenciones concedidas a los productores y exportadores de cuero para automóviles - Recurso”.
Comunidades Europeas - Subvenciones a la exportación de azúcar
El 28 de abril de 2005 el Órgano de Apelación hizo público el informe sobre el caso “Comunidades Europeas - Subvenciones a la exportación de azúcar”.
Australie - Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce, les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage
Le 28 juin 2014 l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial dans les affaires introduites par le Honduras la République dominicaine Cuba et l’Indonésie “Australie — Certaines mesures concernant les marques de fabrique ou de commerce les indications géographiques et autres prescriptions en matière d’emballage neutre applicables aux produits du tabac et à leur emballage” (DS435 DS441 DS458 et DS467)
Australie - Subventions accordées aux producteurs et exportateurs de cuir pour automobiles
Le 25 mai 1999 l’OMC a publié le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire “Australie - Subventions accordées aux producteurs et exportateurs de cuir pour automobiles”.
Ukraine - Mesures antidumping visant le nitrate d’ammonium
Le 20 juillet l’OMC a distribué le rapport du Groupe spécial dans l’affaire engagée par la Russie “Ukraine — Mesures antidumping visant le nitrate d’ammonium” (DS493).
European Communities - Export Subsidies on Sugar - Complaint by Australia
On 27 September 2002 Australia and Brazil requested consultations with the European Communities concerning the export subsidies provided by the EC in the framework of its Common Organisation of the Market for the sugar sector. The requests concerned Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 of 19 June 2001 on the EC’s common organization of the markets in the sugar sector and all other legislation regulations administrative policies and other instruments relating to the EC regime for sugar and sugar containing products including the rules adopted pursuant to the procedure referred to in Article 42(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1260/2001 and any other provision related thereto. On 14 March 2003 Thailand requested consultations with the European Communities on the same matter.
Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco, refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia
El 21 de diciembre de 2000 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Estados Unidos - Medida de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelandia”.
Comunidades Europeas - Protección de las marcas de fábrica o de comercio y las indicaciones geográficas en el caso de los productos agrícolas y los productos alimenticios
El 15 de marzo de 2005 la OMC hizo público el informe del Grupo especial sobre el caso “Comunidades Europeas - Protección de las marcas de fábrica o de comercio y las indicaciones geográficas en el caso de los productos agrícolas y los productos alimenticios”.
Australia - Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather
On 4 May 1998 the United States requested consultations with Australia in respect of prohibited subsidies allegedly provided to Australian producers and exporters of automotive leather including subsidies provided to Howe and Company Proprietary Ltd. (or any of its affiliated and/or parent companies) which allegedly involve preferential government loans of about $A25 million and non-commercial terms and grants of about $A30 million. The United States contended that these measures violate the obligations of Australia under Article 3 of the SCM Agreement.
Australia - Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand
On 31 August 2007 New Zealand requested consultations with Australia concerning measures imposed by Australia on the importation of apples from New Zealand. On 27 March 2007 Australia's Director of Animal and Plant Quarantine determined a policy for the importation of apples from New Zealand: “Importation of apples can be permitted subject to the Quarantine Act 1908 and the application of phytosanitary measures as specified in the Final import risk analysis report for apples from New Zealand November 2006”. New Zealand considers that these restrictions are inconsistent with Australia's obligations under the SPS Agreement and in particular Articles 2.1 2.2 2.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6 8 and Annex C. On 13 September 2007 the European Communities requested to join the consultations. On 14 September 2007 the United States requested to join the consultations. Subsequently Australia informed the DSB that it had accepted the requests of the European Communities and the United States to join the consultations. On 6 December 2007 New Zealand requested the establishment of a panel. At its meeting on 17 December 2007 the DSB deferred the establishment of a panel.
United States - Tariff Measures on Certain Goods from China
On 15 September 2020 the WTO circulated the dispute panel report in the case brought by China in “United States — Tariff Measures on Certain Goods from China” (DS543)..
Australia - Subsidies Provided to Producers and Exporters of Automotive Leather - Recourse 1
On 4 May 1998 the United States requested consultations with Australia in respect of prohibited subsidies allegedly provided to Australian producers and exporters of automotive leather including subsidies provided to Howe and Company Proprietary Ltd. (or any of its affiliated and/or parent companies) which allegedly involve preferential government loans of about $A25 million and non‑commercial terms and grants of about $A30 million. The United States contended that these measures violate the obligations of Australia under Article 3 of the SCM Agreement.